Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• [IN PROGRESS] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Who else has high hopes about tomorrow's patch notes

...that we're hopefully getting a proper magicka set to replace the Mother's Sorrow crap? No way I'm buying the new DLC otherwise
  • madrab73
    They need to include details of fixes for disconnects, short numerous load screens, unusually long load screens, screen freeze crashes, skill delay etc before a new meta magic set
  • Kwik1
    They don't need to do anything, but the two are not often linked in any way.

    Most MMO's have multiple groups working on different things. One group might be dedicated to fixing disconnects and latency issues, while another group will be focused on item sets or new items.

    I have yet to see any gaming company have everyone working on everything.

    Also, disconnects and latency issues are going to be much more complex then item sets.

    I have had 1 disconnect in 2 months and I can count on 1 hand the amount of times latency has skyrocketed,

    Of course those are for PvE, as for as PvP goes they can keep all the lag, so tired of my PvE gear being changed because of PvP reasons...
  • madrab73
    New players probably won't notice, those playing end game content do. You can do 119k DPS with existing magic sets, performance more of an issue.
  • scorpius2k1

    This sounds the same as last year, and the year before...and so on.

    I was hopeful at one point too OP, but those days are LONG gone and I think I speak for a lot of players in saying that. It would take one heck of a change in the right direction for ESO to sway everyone in believing things were actually being fixed. Keeping us "in the loop" about performance fixes and what not is a step in the right direction, but it has fallen quite short when it comes to what they say they're going to versus what actually happens. Personally, it all just feels like another empty promise that will never be completely delivered. To fix ESO properly, the game needs an entire re-write much like Square Enix did with FFIV but I think ESO seems to be in between a rock and a hard place with "fix" vs "rewrite". I think in the longrun actually fixing the game (core, performance, playability, monetization) to work properly and have better balance all around wouId boost ESO into a top MMO, as it rightly should be. ESO has a TON of potential but 6+ years in and we are still talking about things that should have been solved within the first few years. It's truly disappointing that things were not better managed and prioritized in the beginning as it would have avoided a lot of these issues entirely. Is the company actually trying to fix the game, sure, but at what cost and how deep are they really willing to go with all of it?

    I think the game we have now speaks for itself. Time will tell all I guess.
    🌎 PC/NA
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    ⚔️ Stamplar | Magplar | Stamcro | Magsorc | Magcro Healer
  • Kwik1
    I returned 2 months ago.

    I have a max crafter and have been doing all the trials I missed while gone with my tank on vet so I have no idea what DPS is hitting but tanking them has been a blast.

    I do turn down the magic particles effects but I do that in all MMO's just so it is easier to see so maybe that helps.

    Even with all that though my high latency issues that happened a couple times were always while in Rawlkha while doing crafting writs and the 1 disconnect happened while doing Vet Tempest.

    Trials have been good for me so far...
  • Drdeath20
    Game performance 1st, followed by fixing of weaker/less desirable class skills and last new stuff
  • bharathitman
    Why do you think Mother's Sorrow needs to be replaced? It's a perfect example of a base game set still being relevant 6 years down the line. It's buy-able from guild stores and it teaches new players how to farm or how to make gold if they want to buy it from the guild stores. Combine this with Julianos or New Moon (can be crafted) and you a have perfectly respectable magicka DD set which is accessible regardless of the DLCs that you own or your skill level to farm trials
  • Lord-Otto
    The game can't be fixed in one patch. Whatever they try to fix tomorrow, there will still be a huge pile of problems left. This pile doesn't come out of nowhere, though. ZOS have been layering it higher and higher over the years by sheer neglicence.
  • scorpius2k1
    Lord-Otto wrote: »
    The game can't be fixed in one patch. Whatever they try to fix tomorrow, there will still be a huge pile of problems left. This pile doesn't come out of nowhere, though. ZOS have been layering it higher and higher over the years by sheer neglicence.

    I'm glad you see it too. That's exactly the point of my post above. ESO is in way too deep and the cost would be too high to just re-write the game's core systems and re-release it so the band-aid fixes are always going to be present. If they didn't have such a horrible way with how things are prioritized (especially in the case of when ESO was first released), I don't think it would be the mess it is now. I think it boils down to they just didn't have the resources at launch (employees, investment, etc) and as you said are now left picking up the monstrous piles of issues left behind over 6+ years of time. Without hiring a much larger team I just don't think the current one can keep up with correcting past issues while at the same time developing new content which will no doubt add to said pile of issues. They really need a new strategy and a large boost in the amount of people working on this game. I think the game has outgrown the developer so something really needs to happen but as it costs a lot of money to do so I doubt anything will change in that department.

    ESO surely makes a pile of cash for the company as-is, so the motivation to actually fix things are likely in the same piles as all the existing and future issues that will continue to grow. Unless it's a major issue, it takes months and sometimes years to fix something even basic in this game. Until the cash flow slows due to negligence, things will stay as they always have been. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. It's as simple as that.

    Edited by scorpius2k1 on July 12, 2020 4:52PM
    🌎 PC/NA
    🐧 Linux (Arch)
    🧑‍💻 ESO Addon Dev
    ⚔️ Stamplar | Magplar | Stamcro | Magsorc | Magcro Healer
  • Hurbster
    I for one, am glad a base game overland set is still highly relevant for the modern game.
    So they raised the floor and lowered the ceiling. Except the ceiling has spikes in it now and the floor is also lava.
  • Lord-Otto
    A first step would be to actually listen to feedback and don't be this slow. PTS is a joke with maybe two (at best) real changes out of four weeks. And even then, they just carry through. Vampire spammable, the cost increase, they were told it's off and yet they followed through. Last class balance was nine months ago. NINE MONTHS! Dragon screams are still bugged, mages guild passive has been bugged for years, and so on. Doing a wild swing every six months and spending the time in-between on reskinning mounts and pets just won't cut it.
  • SshadowSscale
    I have hopes that my magblade won't be in the trash can in pvp after this patch.... But realisticly speaking I am exspecting nerfs since that is all that magblades are allowed to ever get😭
  • xXMeowMeowXx
    No, No, No....🙀

    Patch notes are usually inherently evil with some sadness chunks floating around.

  • karekiz
    ...that we're hopefully getting a proper magicka set to replace the Mother's Sorrow crap? No way I'm buying the new DLC otherwise

    Due to how powerful Crit damage is the only set to beat Mothers sorrow is literally Mothers sorrow 2.
  • MincVinyl
    Honestly the dev team could stop releasing new sets and just add a new mythic/monster/weapon sets for the next year and Id be fine. They really need to cut down on the work they are causing themselves to just be able to fix the game.

    If anything over half the sets in the game were balanced/made around old mechanics and meta from 4-5 years ago....most of those could just be changed or modified.
  • technohic
    Wont see that in an incremental
  • majulook
    Nothing in the way of performance improvements with July 13 patch.
    They could have probably addressed some performance issues with this patch. But a two player mount for update 27 was what they decided to spend resources and time on.
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
  • Dracane
    I am unusually optimistic. Last update was the first good one we had in years without really any nerfs to classes directly.
    What they teased so far sounded good and promising.

    Regarding your wish; dream on. :)
    Edited by Dracane on July 12, 2020 5:38PM
    Auri-El is my lord,
    Trinimac is my shield,
    Magnus is my mind.

    My debut album on YouTube:
  • etchedpixels
    promise that will never be completely delivered. To fix ESO properly, the game needs an entire re-write much like Square Enix did with FFIV but I think ESO seems to be in between a rock and a hard place with "fix" vs "rewrite".

    Judging by Skyrim they'll never get fixed. God knows how many 'special extra pro bonus super re-release pack' editions in and you still have to download a huge great bug-fix mod to play it without glitches and mammoths from the sky 8)

    Having worked on maintaining large complex software systems in the past I'd agree with your sentiment though. The fact they have downtimes for maintenance and rolling out updates speaks to the fact that the game was not built the way such things would be rolled out today where rolling updates and minor version skew support is built into the very design and is then leveraged so that updates are pushed to subsets of users and detailed analytics done on failure, misbehaviour patterns, and for large user sets even statistical debugging is routine. It's not something you can just "fix".

    Too many toons not enough time
  • SickleCider
    Why do you think Mother's Sorrow needs to be replaced? It's a perfect example of a base game set still being relevant 6 years down the line. It's buy-able from guild stores and it teaches new players how to farm or how to make gold if they want to buy it from the guild stores. Combine this with Julianos or New Moon (can be crafted) and you a have perfectly respectable magicka DD set which is accessible regardless of the DLCs that you own or your skill level to farm trials

    This, also I'd hate to see anything happen to Mother's Sorrow, and you know if the idea is to dethrone MS they wouldn't be able to resist touching it. It's a staple piece in my build. It's maybe not as exciting as a proc set or something, but it gets the job done respectably. Plus we just got Thrassian Stranglers (I am by no means complaining about them, I adore them).
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • Rianai
    Dracane wrote: »
    I am unusually optimistic. Last update was the first good one we had in years without really any nerfs to classes directly.

    You mean the patch that nerfed everyone but magsorcs? Yea right, that has improved class balance so much ...
  • bharathitman
    Why do you think Mother's Sorrow needs to be replaced? It's a perfect example of a base game set still being relevant 6 years down the line. It's buy-able from guild stores and it teaches new players how to farm or how to make gold if they want to buy it from the guild stores. Combine this with Julianos or New Moon (can be crafted) and you a have perfectly respectable magicka DD set which is accessible regardless of the DLCs that you own or your skill level to farm trials

    This, also I'd hate to see anything happen to Mother's Sorrow, and you know if the idea is to dethrone MS they wouldn't be able to resist touching it. It's a staple piece in my build. It's maybe not as exciting as a proc set or something, but it gets the job done respectably. Plus we just got Thrassian Stranglers (I am by no means complaining about them, I adore them).

    Mother's sorrow is only desirable in PvE because of how OP crits are in the Shadow Mundus meta. Nerf this, or nerf critical damage in general then sets like MS will see less use. Mother's sorrow is not intrinsically OP by itself, a combination of other factors make it good
  • MrBrownstone
    Why do you think Mother's Sorrow needs to be replaced? It's a perfect example of a base game set still being relevant 6 years down the line. It's buy-able from guild stores and it teaches new players how to farm or how to make gold if they want to buy it from the guild stores. Combine this with Julianos or New Moon (can be crafted) and you a have perfectly respectable magicka DD set which is accessible regardless of the DLCs that you own or your skill level to farm trials

    You asked why do i think it should be replaced then you listed the reasons. It's supposed to be a beginner/midtier set not bis.

    I just want something like magicka Tzogvin, i don't want Mother's Sorrow to become useless. I hate my time spent on backbar while using this set, it makes me uncomfortable while i can relax on characters using Tzogvin, Yokeda and Lokkestiiz. I want more options.

    Oh and btw magicka Tzogvin wouldn't perform better than Mother's Sorrow at all since it provides less crit but not losing all my crit on backbar and being able to ditch Channeled Acceleration would be very appreciated.
  • Mankeyyyyy
    You think the game will get better? Heh
  • Dracane
    Rianai wrote: »
    Dracane wrote: »
    I am unusually optimistic. Last update was the first good one we had in years without really any nerfs to classes directly.

    You mean the patch that nerfed everyone but magsorcs? Yea right, that has improved class balance so much ...

    No, the patch that had no direct class nerfs, as I clearly stated and that did not contain any class nerfs other than changes that affect everyone. The times where Sorcerers can rely purely on papershields are long over as well.

    It brought good balance. From what I have seen, many seem to agree with the impression that this patch feels more balanced than any recent ones and that there are more build options than ever before. It can not be argued that it's the best patch we had in a very long time.
    Edited by Dracane on July 13, 2020 2:22AM
    Auri-El is my lord,
    Trinimac is my shield,
    Magnus is my mind.

    My debut album on YouTube:
  • Dreyloch
    I'm wondering about how actually functional or totally broken these 2 person mounts will be. The one new set shown on twitch was more for vamp toons. IMO, the skills are cool and I like what they did for vamp there. But the higher stage debuffs are just unplayable. I can't see how anyone would be able to do stage 4 on the regular.

    I'm sure there will be nerfs. So hoping for anything with the history of this game is futile.
    "The fear of Death, is often worse than death itself"
  • Moonsorrow
    Dracane wrote: »
    Rianai wrote: »
    Dracane wrote: »
    I am unusually optimistic. Last update was the first good one we had in years without really any nerfs to classes directly.

    You mean the patch that nerfed everyone but magsorcs? Yea right, that has improved class balance so much ...

    No, the patch that had no direct class nerfs, as I clearly stated and that did not contain any class nerfs other than changes that affect everyone. The times where Sorcerers can rely purely on papershields are long over as well.

    It brought good balance. From what I have seen, many seem to agree with the impression that this patch feels more balanced than any recent ones and that there are more build options than ever before. It can not be argued that it's the best patch we had in a very long time.

    We right now got a good balance on classes and build options..?

    Papershields? omegalul. It is nice to forget the facts about big shields that are comparable to big burst heals that you HoT yourself underneath them, while actual burst heals are nerfed for everyone so those who can use big shields benefit from this. Everyone knows this and can admit, except those who wanna stay on this messed up situation.

    Best patch we had in a very long time, yet it actually only a good patch for Magsorcs, Stamblades (for good ones avoiding dmg and hitting hard) Stamdens (because of Shimmering giving protection against the FoTM magsorc, and for Stamcro, because of % mitigation and free Major Protection.

    Still i see many who previously played Stamcro or Stamden went to their Magsorcs or Stamblades, since those 2 shine the best.. and in no-cp the Draugrkin Stamsorcs of course.

    With the rest classes can make zergling hordes, all on Malacath, Overwhelming, Grothdarr and Stam zerglings all on Venomous, just spamming Poison Injection and Snipe and so on.. All who spends time enough on Cyrodiil know the real situation.

    Exciting times on "this best patch in ages" at Cyrodiil and bgs.

    Edited by Moonsorrow on July 13, 2020 8:11AM
  • Nemesis7884
    I am more interested when they will actually do the announced class identity rework - if ever. Since they just said they wont have time for it for now...
  • Tammany
    Cant wait to see hot/shield stacking nerfs in pvp to get rid of million cyrodill ballgroups.
  • merevie
    Wait -there were mammoths from the sky!?!
    & why would you bug fix that :)
    Edited by merevie on July 13, 2020 8:15AM
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