I feel so personally attacked right now
I wish the scrolls weren't bound. I don't have anyone I want to "marry" in the game, but I have a friend who would love to in-game marry her IRL husband, because they both play, and I would love to gift them with my (PC and EU) scrolls I received from purchasing the imperial upgrade. I was actually planning to give them to her as a cute anniversary present for them, which is something that I feel like could be nice for lots of people-- and something that the Crown Store could actually promote in that way!-- but then I realized they were bound.
I feel so personally attacked right nowShh Darien honey, don't listen to the haters
I feel so personally attacked right nowShh Darien honey, don't listen to the haters
His marriage quest will probably be a tournament where you have to defeat all other fangirls to have him all to yourself.
No, seriously: I'm not hating, don't worry. I just really don't understand the popularity of some NPCs. Raz and Darien are typical "player" types to me, which I find really unlikeable (that much that I even can't roleplay a char who likes them).
Raz doesn't seem like a.. what, a 'true' player to me..? Just my opinion.. I think he could settle down if he found the right person...
I have characters in love with several different NPCs, and even one or two player characters! but I'm sure it'd be a hassle to make a ton of marriageable NPCs.. but! still! I'd love to be able to marry at least a couple of my characters if possible!
Raz doesn't seem like a.. what, a 'true' player to me..? Just my opinion.. I think he could settle down if he found the right person...
I wouldn't be too sure about that. Have you finished his quest in Northern Elsweyr (Merryvale Farms)? And read the description of this pet?
I have characters in love with several different NPCs, and even one or two player characters! but I'm sure it'd be a hassle to make a ton of marriageable NPCs.. but! still! I'd love to be able to marry at least a couple of my characters if possible!
I think it would be a nice feature. Not sure if there would be anyone available for my quirky chars, though. Let's be honest: They're all a bit weird
Ah... fair point..
I hope they find true love! With luck on our side, maybe all of our characters will end up happy one day.
You can marry as many people as you like. The xp bonus in a group where everyone is a spouse if someone else is fun, but you have to limit your xp bonus partners to 2 because of the rings. It would work better if you didn't have to sacrifice a gear slot and simply just be grouped with a spouse, but of course, that could be exploited. Imagine a trial group where everyone is married to everyone for example.
I hope they find true love! With luck on our side, maybe all of our characters will end up happy one day.
ThanksWhich reminds me: We had talked about the background story of my main a few days ago. I posted a third part now, because I had the need to clarify what actually happened back then when he was banished. It's here:
Oh, and what I wanted to ask: Have you posted your stories somewhere?
Poor sister.. eek!
And, ah... I might have a few things posted on another site, I'd have to look.
So, I was going to write a short scene in Solitude's tavern for Lucas.. I went back and started thinking of a lover for him again.
- I remembered I had Eveli Sharp-Arrow as an option (Hope I spelled that name right)
- There's also a random character I created, don't remember why, and she's the younger sister of the real estate agent you meet from the Housing Brochure; you know, the free inn rooms?
But I'm still thinking. It could be an NPC, or a character I make. So basically, if I can't find an NPC I like to pair with him, I'll likely try and make my own.
(But I did decide that Lucas would reside in Solitude; the inn room, specifically, since I can't buy the Manor.. plus that seems like too much for him. He's now a Thane of Solitude!)
So, I was going to write a short scene in Solitude's tavern for Lucas.. I went back and started thinking of a lover for him again.
- I remembered I had Eveli Sharp-Arrow as an option (Hope I spelled that name right)
- There's also a random character I created, don't remember why, and she's the younger sister of the real estate agent you meet from the Housing Brochure; you know, the free inn rooms?
But I'm still thinking. It could be an NPC, or a character I make. So basically, if I can't find an NPC I like to pair with him, I'll likely try and make my own.
(But I did decide that Lucas would reside in Solitude; the inn room, specifically, since I can't buy the Manor.. plus that seems like too much for him. He's now a Thane of Solitude!)
Eveli sounds okay, I think. Or have you checked Gabrielle Benele? She's actually from the Mages Guild in Glenumbra, but she moved to Solitude to work with the Antiquarian Circle. Not sure if that would fit, but there are also some other ladies in the Circle building. Also one Imperial, I think. Although she might not be the nicest person around...
I also... made a new magicka sorceress, in her place.. A high elf woman, a sorceress, who I'm going to make a vampire .. Part of her story is that Fennorian (hopefully I spelled that right) saves her when she suddenly gets sick, and she gets whisked away to safety in the Ravenwatch home. she ends up with Fenn, as well. (After all, I think he's kind of cute, so I figured I should make a character for him. ^-^ )
speaking of the Circle, that Altmer woman on the first floor has a wheelchair... I think that's the first time one has been seen in Elder Scrolls, and that's pretty cool!
I also... made a new magicka sorceress, in her place.. A high elf woman, a sorceress, who I'm going to make a vampire .. Part of her story is that Fennorian (hopefully I spelled that right) saves her when she suddenly gets sick, and she gets whisked away to safety in the Ravenwatch home. she ends up with Fenn, as well. (After all, I think he's kind of cute, so I figured I should make a character for him. ^-^ )
I completely understandIt would be a waste not to make anything of him.
I also have been writing more today. I've got vacation (staying at home though), but the weather is so bad, thunderstorms and heavy rain all day, so I'm staying inside all the time. So I thought I could at least sketch out my main's story a bit... And it became more than I had expected...
https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/6867429/#Comment_6867429speaking of the Circle, that Altmer woman on the first floor has a wheelchair... I think that's the first time one has been seen in Elder Scrolls, and that's pretty cool!
I totally agreeI'm not really sure if it would be functional, because the wheels look so huge, but I really like that they had the idea to include it.
That's awesome! The writing, not the heavy storms..
She wrote to Fenn when he went to W. Skyrim, and I'm thinking maybe the letters could have gotten intercepted, if I want to add some drama to the story... she could be been used as leverage to make Lucas or Fenn meet with an enemy they wouldn't have otherwise...? If that makes any sense.
(Gwendis and Fennorian weren't there canonically, I believe..)
She wrote to Fenn when he went to W. Skyrim, and I'm thinking maybe the letters could have gotten intercepted, if I want to add some drama to the story... she could be been used as leverage to make Lucas or Fenn meet with an enemy they wouldn't have otherwise...? If that makes any sense.
Sounds fine to me. The more drama the better, but that's just my opinion(Gwendis and Fennorian weren't there canonically, I believe..)
Fenn definitively wasn't. Concerning Gwendis I'm not really sure. It has been a while.
And, yes, sounds like a good startMade me wonder if/how you could mend such a big neck wound with non-modern means. Then again, magic fixes everything, I guess. ...my thoughts sometimes tend to digress.
he was indeed too pale to be normal.
"If you try to bite me, I will be sick on you." she threatened, though she honestly didn't feel like she'd be able to bring herself to do such a gross act.
"If you try to bite me, I will be sick on you." she threatened, though she honestly didn't feel like she'd be able to bring herself to do such a gross act.
She's an unusual Altmer lady, daring to use such vulgar words. Such as "sick". I mean, many Altmers don't even like to think (let alone talk) about anything involving or related to bodily functions of whatever kind. (Wasn't there a lady who was disgusted by the word "sewers" in Shimmerene?).
Really, I love it so far!
Ah, that's because I'm actually not sure where her brother was raised.. but I thought she likely would've been raised.. maybe in Rivenspire itself?
@kadochka Don't worry, no one was hurt. We needed a new window though.
What amuses me so much about that "too pale to be normal"-thing... It just reminds me so much of that adorable encounter I once had. I used to visit a historical cemetery in my hometown quite often, which was more or less a big park with many old mausoleums and statues (I later even studied history with a special focus on remembrance culture). I loved going for walks there, sometimes taking photos, sometimes sitting down somewhere to draw a bit. So, that autumn evening it was already getting a bit dark, and it was foggy, I passed by a woman with her maybe 6-year-old daughter. She stared at me, began to smile, pulled on her mother's arm and cheerfully exclaimed: "Mommy, mommy, look! A vampire!"I was so proud
(I was 19 or 20 back then, if I remember right).
Didn't only have positive reactions, though. Once saw an old couple on that same cemetery, carrying a tourist guide book, and obviously being a bit lost. I wanted to be friendly, approached them, and asked "Excuce me. Are you looking for a grave?" They somehow got that differently than it was meantBut now I'm really digressing.
Ah, that's because I'm actually not sure where her brother was raised.. but I thought she likely would've been raised.. maybe in Rivenspire itself?
That would make sense. Also, I think, the Altmer on Summerset (the main island, I mean) are especially oversensitive. Already on Auridon, they're much more... normal.
Hah! I'm pretty pale, and my family makes jokes about me being a vampire, but I've never had strangers call me out on it.
And 'are you looking for a grave' would be a pretty frightening question to be asked..
I just realized perhaps, instead of her being attacked in the camp, outside Shornhelm, maybe she could've live in Crestshade? It's right outside Ravenwatch Castle, and although there's no player-ownable homes there, it would give her a place to stay in the story.
I just realized perhaps, instead of her being attacked in the camp, outside Shornhelm, maybe she could've live in Crestshade? It's right outside Ravenwatch Castle, and although there's no player-ownable homes there, it would give her a place to stay in the story.
I can't really remember how secluded the Ravenwatch vampires live. Would the inhabitants of Crestshade spot them outside from time to time? If so, she would remember Fenn by sight, I think?
But Fenn specifically.. Even though he wasn't added until later, I still think he's the type to stay indoors rather than explore outside
"Gods... They've all become animals." He noted, passing by a civilian's corpse, shredded and bloody from an attack. With a wary glance further into town, he saw two love fiends actively feasting an another lost citizen.