The term Triple Attribute , can not be found in the list of Attributes. Nor can it be found in the category of [Race who has a Greater Maximum Health or Greater Maximum Stamina or Greater Maximum Magicka. Which is basically the ‘Roles’ within ESO]
The reason why is due it’s unique and rare, due to the combination of all three Attributes, in a Balance Effort of 20 Magicka/20 Stamina/24 Health. By going for Triple Attributes, it has nothing do with Main Attributes [Health for Tank, Stamina for Stamina Damage, Magicka for Magicka Damage and Magicka for Healing] In fact, the Triple Attributes are linked to Khajiit race, by matching
+825 Stamina, +825 Magicka, and +825 Health. The outcome of it is basically increased Khajiit’s Stamina Pool, Magicka Pool, and Health Pool.
Let’s bring out the armor layout for a moment. Majority of ESO sets are linked to ‘Roles’ and/or ‘ Proc’ (the additional fifth line). Look below at the Jewelry and 7 piece (three ESO sets) layout.
Shacklebreaker Necklace: Reduce Triple Attributes abilities by 133. Increase Resistance by 1153.
Shacklebreaker Ring (1): Adds 247 Spell Damage. Increase Jewelery enchant effect by 42 %
Shacklebreaker Ring (2): Adds 247 Weapon Damage. Increase Jewelery enchant effect by 42 %
Helm of Hist Bark: Multi-effect Enchantment (434 Max Magicka, 477 Max Health, 434 Max. Stamina); Divine, Increase (Thief) critical chance by 7.5%
Shacklebreaker Cuirass: Multi-effect Enchantment (434 Max Magicka, 477 Max Health, 434 Max. Stamina); Invigorating- increase triple recovery by 11.
Pauldron of Hist Bark: Multi-effect Enchantment (175 Max Magicka, 193 Max Health, 175 Max. Stamina); Impenetrable- Increase Critical Resistance by 172
Shacklebreaker Girdle: Multi-effect Enchantment (175 Max Magicka, 193 Max Health, 175 Max. Stamina); Divine- Increase (Thief) critical chance by 7.5 %
Gauntlets of Vampire’s Kiss: Multi-effect Enchantment (175 Max Magicka, 193 Max Health, 175 Max. Stamina); Invigorating- increase triple recovery by 11
Greaves of Vampire’s Kiss: Multi-effect Enchantment (434 Max Magicka, 477 Max Health, 434 Max. Stamina); Reinforced – Increase Armor value by 16%
Sabatons of Vampire’s Kiss: Multi-effect Enchantment (175 Max Magicka, 193 Max Health, 175 Max. Stamina); Reinforced – Increase Armor value by 16%
2 items: Adds 3-129 Weapon Damage
3 items: Adds 3-129 Spell Damage
4 items: Adds 3-129 Stamina Recovery
4 items: Adds 3-129 Magicka Recovery
5 items: Adds 46-2000 Maximum Stamina
5 items: Adds 46-2000 Maximum Magicka
Vampire’s Kiss
2 items: Adds 3-129 Health Recovery
3 items: Adds 28-1206 Maximum Health
As I stated ^ above… Is there any kind of Proc or I would say ‘Trigger Action’ within this set-up? Hmm. No, there’s no Proc or ‘Trigger Action’. The Combination of Shacklebreaker and Vampire’s Kiss is basically increasing the Stamina pool, Magicka pool, and Health pool. Also the Multi-Effect Glyphs, which is placed in all seven armor items, just further increased all three Attribute pools. All of that above is boosting up Khajiit’s Triple Attributes.
There is two armor pieces that has Invigorating trait, which just basically increased Khajiit’s recovery.
For those who said. "There's too much health unless going for a tank." Let's bring up the Heavy Armor Style. First off, the key important information is Health. It is how much health you have, determines how long you are able to stand in battles. Heavy Armor style offers higher amount of armor, which plays apart in reducing the amount of health being lost in battle. But yet, Heavy Armor offers: Restore Magicka and Stamina, when taking damage. Restore Magicka and Stamina, when using Heavy Attacks.
^ Helm of Hist Bark
Pauldron of Hist Bark
- - - - -
2 items: Adds 34-1487 Armor
Reinforced – Increase Armor value by 16%
Impenetrable- Increase Critical Resistance by 172
Heavy Armor also offers: Increases your Physical and Spell Resistance by 362 for each piece of Heavy Armor equipped.
^ I just increased my defense.
They are known for their high intelligence and agility, making them not only very good thieves and acrobats, but also fearsome warriors. However, they are rarely known to be mages.
Other words... Warriors = Stamina. [Weapon Damage.] Mages = Magicka. [Spell Damage]
Increased Critical Damage and Critical healing by 10%
^Divine- Increase (Thief) critical chance by 7.5 %
2 items: Adds 3-129 Weapon Damage
3 items: Adds 3-129 Spell Damage
^ Shacklebreaker Ring (1): Adds 247 Spell Damage. (Spell Damage Enchantment) Increase Jewelery enchant effect by 42 %
Shacklebreaker Ring (2): Adds 247 Weapon Damage. (Weapon Damage Enchantment) Increase Jewelery enchant effect by 42 %
^ I just increased both of my Spell Damage and Weapon Damage.
If there’s any changes that needs to be made, especially the armor set up. Please post the idea of the change. Don’t get up-tight, if I double check the idea. There’s only one ESO set that will not change….Shacklebreaker. Hist Bark is able to change, due to it’s location within the ESO Multiple Sets. (Monster Set). Even Vampire’s Kiss can be changed as well.
Also, I did not include the weapons. For the reason: The weapons are not from the same set. The weapons are coming from different ESO sets, for the purpose of individual use. For an example: If I wanted to increased the weapon damage, I would switch over to a weapon that offers weapon damage. So bottom line by switching around the weapons, the Character Attributes changes as well, base on what type of weapon being used. First spot (2nd Bar): Two hand weapon (Reverse), Dual Weapon (Steel Tornado), Bow (Lethal Arrow), Destruction Staff (Force Pulse),
First spot plus second spot One hand weapon and Shield (Pierce Armor or Heroic Slash with Shield Assault)
Yes, all of this is written in American English. But not written in a terms of "Character playing a Role"
Roles are nothing but positions. It's the builds that gets you through the battles. I am a Scavanger. I am a Hunter. I am a Warrior. Battle Across Tameriel shall fall.