howdy folks,
i am encountering an issue with my Necromancer. well, two issues. both with Magicka as well as Stamina Necromancers..
Blastbones don't work properly. every now-and-then the skill just decides to "
black out". and i mean that literally. as you can see from the picture below the icon goes black and the skill won't fire until i swap bars, sometimes even after that. no idea why is this happening, but it's really frustrating. one of my most damaging abilities is not working properly. it doesn't happen during a dummy parse but happens quite often during actual combat. i can live with the fact that the skeleton is *** and many times just stands there, not sure what target to run to, until it explodes doing no damage, but this... it can't be my addons, as i've tried to delete them all and it was still happening..
btw, i am on PC EU, but i use the Xbox controller..
the Siphon skill (
the one that deals damage, not the healing one) is not much better, to be honest. many times i know there are dead bodies around, i can see them, but the skill itself can't. i press the button again and again and it won't do anything. again, tried it without any addons, same result. and i don't use many addons, just the basic ones, like skyshards, lorebooks, minimap, quality of life stuff. nothing major, like the whole UI overhaul..
is it me? am i doing something wrong? or is it the game/class that is bugged? is there a way to get rid of it somehow? make it work as intended?
any and all advice will be much appreciated..
Edited by mzprx on July 11, 2020 12:12AM