So, uh... As it stands, the whole healing status of Vampires doesn't really seem to make much sense. Vampires are known for resilience and regeneration, so taking that away seems like an odd choice. As you become a more powerful Vampire, wouldn't it make sense that your resilience and regenerative abilities would go up as well?
Just as a conversation starter, i think they should do the opposite. Instead of removing the health recovery, why not boost it?
Think of it like this:
Rank Zero - 100% healing from normal sources, normal health recovery.
Rank One - 80% healing received, +20% health recovery, +10% heals from necromancy, +5% blood-based healing
Rank Two - 65% healing received, +35% health recovery, +15% Necro heals, +10% blood heals
Rank Three - 50% healing received, +45% health recovery, +20% Necro heals, +15% blood heals
Rank Four - 35% healing received, +55% health recovery, +25% Necro heals, +20% blood heals
Don't worry about the numbers, i'm not a numbers guy, so i leave that to the people who are good with balancing that out.
The basic idea is that you're regen is the main healing, as vampires would have. Burst heals would be more from heals based around damage and bleed effects. Normal or "Divinity based" healing would be considerably less useful while Necro heals would gain a decent boost, since, you know... you're undead. Also, it would be nice if the feeding mechanic gave a temporary boost to the regen, given that you've just done the thing that gives you your amazing regenerative abilities.
Needless to say, this is just a proposed idea and the numbers are just placeholders for the idea itself. These numbers would likely be Wolverine level regen, and that just wouldn't fly with the min-max crowd or game balance but over-all, what do you think of the idea versus what we currently have now?
What would you suggest, keeping in mind canon and lore against game balance and potential abuse?