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Is tanking easy?

  • FrancisCrawford
    Kalantris wrote: »
    2. You are responsible for roughly 50-60% of your team's damage output by buffs (Yolna, Alkosh, Tremor, crusher) and positioning (chaining mobs in, positioning trash during boss fights etc.)
    3. Tanking is extremely redundant, because regardless how hard you try you'll never be more effective than a 3xdps + heal squad, especially on all non-dlc content.

    Those things can't both be true.
  • amm7sb14_ESO
    Tanking isn't any more difficult than DPS or healing, but there's a sense of pressure in knowing that if you go down, the entire group is now endangered.

    If a DPS goes down? No big deal. Just rez them.

    If a healer goes down? The tank can usually heal themselves through while the group picks up the healer.

    If a tank goes down? All aggro is lost, boss is going after someone else, and it's likely at least one, if not more, will die as well.

    However, performing the role of a tank isn't overly complicated. Make sure you have high resistances, can hold aggro, and do a little buffing / debuffing and CC'ing to go with it.

    Tanking is my favorite role to play, and my main. I have a Necro vampire tank, and a Warden tank. I like tanking because 1. you're ALWAYS in the middle of the action and 2. I feel you have a little more wiggle room for character individualization than with a DPS. The "meta" seems a little less strict, and even unnecessary, as long as you can get your health and resistance up, hold aggro, and contribute some buffs / debuffs. Both of my tanks are big time "off-meta" and can clear vet content.
  • akdave0
    Tanking and healing are not difficult, they become quite difficult when you start doing Vet content.
  • FrancisCrawford
    SamboJ wrote: »
    The easiest way to learn is with a new character because you'll only be progressing through beginner dungeons.

    I'm going to pick on that part of your post, because it makes little sense unless you assume people will queue for Random Dungeons.

    And I think queueing for Random Dungeons is in many cases a horrible mistake. Rather, one should queue for specific dungeons (one or several as the case may be), that one one feels optimistic about handling with the build and prior knowledge one is queueing with.

    On what planet do you live? Of course people will queue random on a new character, for both dungeons and BGs, because even if they suck they're getting an XP boost from it. ZOS has provided an explicit incentive to, arguing against it is just tilting at windmills.

    Especially if one has some Grand Experience Scrolls kicking around, there are many alternatives for leveling up. For example, I have 18 max level characters, I've never set foot in BGs, I've never run Skyreach, and I've only done randoms on a few of those characters.

    Public dungeons (which give a skill point AND a skyshard), a few delves (especially for Bolgrul quests) for extra skyshards, a few digressions for dolmens or WB when you're picking up open-world skyshards ... and boom, you're at 50 in hurry.
  • JJMaxx1980
    As someone who has all three roles, I will say that tanking is the most difficult and also requires the most work. Obviously the harder the content the more difficult tanking is. If you start out doing normal dungeons, you’ll be fine because even the DPS can tank a few hits from normal bosses.

    It’s much more difficult if you’re playing on console, because we have no AOE taunts and if you need to snipe a specific enemy out of crowd using your ranged taunt, you’re gonna have a hard time. Tanks have to keep taunt at all times, grab any new enemies that pop up and keep them taunted. All the while blocking, debuffing and popping your survival abilities.

    If a DPS dies, they get rezzed no worries.
    If a healer dies, they get rezzed no worries.
    If the tank dies, everything you’ve been holding now runs to kill the rest of the group, usually preventing them from rezzing.

    It’s a thankless role, but can be rewarding if you challenge yourself. It’s not for everyone.
  • kathandira
    I have a Nord Dragonknight, I want to tank, but I’m embarrassingly concerned with the other players kicking me out of the dungeon for messing up. I may just be worried about it. I haven’t tanked in ESO before, or much at all in any video game. Is tanking easy, or is it harder than DPS?

    Like most things in games. Once you learn the mechanics, it becomes much easier.

    All in all, Tanking is quite easy in this game.
    PS4-NA. Breton Templar Healer, Bosmer Stamplar, Breton Magplar, Orsimer StamDK, Dunmer MagDK, Khajiit StamNB, Dunmer MagNB, Argonian Warden Tank, Altmer Magsorc
  • CMDR_Un1k0rn
    Easy to learn, difficult to master.

    Expect to have many sets. DPS can happily run the same gear for everything, but tanks? Not so simple. Especially in Trials where you'll be working with one or two other tanks a lot. Your sets need to synergise, not clash. Only one person will be wearing that ebon set, for example.

    As @JJMaxx1980 said. Tanking is honestly the most difficult role. Why then is it the only role I play in PvE? I just have the right mindset, I suppose. Thing is I myself am terrible at DPS, and not great at healing.

    As a tank one of the biggest things to remember is that not only can your group not clear without you, you cannot clear without them. And if you die, they will all die.

    A good tank is the foundation of a good raid Trial team as it is the tank who makes sure all the mobs and bosses are handled in the right place. Healers and DPS fall in after them.

    You'll also become a valued player as a result as while DPS are ten for a penny, tanks are a relative rarity. That's why I have not had to wait longer than a couple minutes for a group in random dungeons and pledges for a year now. I started tanking about a year ago.

    Also, as a tank you'll get to use a sword and giant shield. What's not to like?
    In-game username: Un1korn | Happy member of the PCNA UESP guild (Resident Daggerfall Covenant enjoyer) | Main & basically only character: Crucian Vulpin, Imperial Dragonknight of the Daggerfall Covenant, and Undaunted Bulwark (I tank) | Mountain bike enjoyer and vulpine appreciator | If you know me from PCEU: No | To ZOS: THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME BRING MY HORSE INTO BATTLE!
  • Beffagorn
    Tanking dungeons, even vet HM dlc dungeons isn't difficult. Once you know the encounter and what to dodge instead of blocking everything is trivialized. The difficult part is finding dps that actually deal damage instead of hitting the mobs with wet noodles and a healer to keep said dps alive.

    Tanking trials is a bit more difficult but the concept is still the same. HM trials are difficult, but it's more of a group effort thing rather than a tank difficulty thing.
  • Elrond87
    wish dps players were as conscientious as you when i tank in gf the majority are not great
    20 characters
  • ketsparrowhawk
    Is this a Dave Chappelle reference?
  • etchedpixels
    I basically played the game as a solo game until recently. So far I've done random four dungeons two of them as sort of tank with other wombles guild members who knew what they were doing (unlike me) and knew I was a noob. That worked fine because nobody was under any illusion that despite being CP300+ (although a more solo than tank build) I had any idea what I was doing. (one of the dds I think wisely even switched to their heavy armour just in case)

    I didn't pull the final boss anything like enough on Blessed Crucible but at least nobody died, and I nearly got myself killed pulling the incendiary beetles beautifully but taking me too far from the healer 8). I'm still learning - I need a different skill bar setup (inner fire etc) and need to go skysharding and turn a load of alits into handbags to get my sword/board up to 50 rather than 2 handed I normally use (my normal solo play style is 'mad nord'...)

    Doing it with a group who know you are a noob definitely takes the pressure off.

    Too many toons not enough time
  • buttaface
    Didn't read thread. Tanking for most of ESO you will experience up into mid game is relatively easy. Do not let a forum bias towards the 5% of ESO that is endgame competitive trials dissuade you. As for the 5%, even -that- is not hard once you learn the scripts, or as they are wrongly called "mechanics" in this game. In other words, in whatever role in ESO, difficulty is a rote learning process of "scripts/mechanics" not true tactical skill.

    1. In ESO, your effectiveness as a tank comes mostly from adjusting to the content, i.e. you don't -need- max health and resists in most content, and should build to contribute damage because odds are at least -one- dps if not both of them will be doing subpar dps. We know this because if you were already in a large guild with a discord full of people ready to train new tanks, this thread wouldn't exist. So, for most of ESO, your goal is tank is to do your jobs of aggro management, debuffing/buffing, add management... while punching in some extra dps to the team. At this stage, you will be looking for mid 20s health and ~low 20s resists.

    2. Stepping up a notch, when you will not need to contribute dps, and this is a MINORITY of the time for most newer players, you want a combination of fast ult and/or full team buffs/debuffs from your gear. Look for 30k health and at least mid 20s resists.

    3. At the tiny portion of endgame you may not be playing for awhile, -then- your raid leaders and other tanks will TELL YOU EXACTLY what to wear, use, practice and shoot for. Simple.

    There are all kinds of fun hybrid tank builds out there that can pull up to 20k+ dps, look in that direction to start learning to tank and ignore POVs that tanking at all levels of this game are "one side fits all." Start hybrid and learn the basics of blocking, taunting, debuffing, add mgmt on the normal dungeons.
  • Emmagoldman
    You wont get kicked, just stay in your lane. Start off with easier content to learn the mechanics. Tanking does require a deeper understanding of mechanics. While there are set ups that make you much stronger, if you run sets that buff up your group, over self care, it will require more skill. Give it a go
  • amm7sb14_ESO
    buttaface wrote: »
    Didn't read thread. Tanking for most of ESO you will experience up into mid game is relatively easy. Do not let a forum bias towards the 5% of ESO that is endgame competitive trials dissuade you. As for the 5%, even -that- is not hard once you learn the scripts, or as they are wrongly called "mechanics" in this game. In other words, in whatever role in ESO, difficulty is a rote learning process of "scripts/mechanics" not true tactical skill.

    1. In ESO, your effectiveness as a tank comes mostly from adjusting to the content, i.e. you don't -need- max health and resists in most content, and should build to contribute damage because odds are at least -one- dps if not both of them will be doing subpar dps. We know this because if you were already in a large guild with a discord full of people ready to train new tanks, this thread wouldn't exist. So, for most of ESO, your goal is tank is to do your jobs of aggro management, debuffing/buffing, add management... while punching in some extra dps to the team. At this stage, you will be looking for mid 20s health and ~low 20s resists.

    2. Stepping up a notch, when you will not need to contribute dps, and this is a MINORITY of the time for most newer players, you want a combination of fast ult and/or full team buffs/debuffs from your gear. Look for 30k health and at least mid 20s resists.

    3. At the tiny portion of endgame you may not be playing for awhile, -then- your raid leaders and other tanks will TELL YOU EXACTLY what to wear, use, practice and shoot for. Simple.

    There are all kinds of fun hybrid tank builds out there that can pull up to 20k+ dps, look in that direction to start learning to tank and ignore POVs that tanking at all levels of this game are "one side fits all." Start hybrid and learn the basics of blocking, taunting, debuffing, add mgmt on the normal dungeons.

    Side conversation, but in all honesty I have a problem with being told exactly what to wear and how to run my character. At that point, you play the character, because it's obviously not mine anymore.

    Not a shot at you. Not a shot at any person. Just a gripe I have with MMO's in general.

    I'll wear what works for me, and I will adjust and make it work for the group content. But I won't be told how to build my own character.
  • Ermiq
    Tank HAS to know EVERY mechanic in a dungeon/trial/arena. That's what makes tanking kind of hard.
    The tanking process itself is not hard at all, it's actually pretty easy and boring most of the time (assuming you have a good balanced gear and skills setup).
    But if you don't know what you have to do, it all becomes a nightmare.
    One of the two of us definitely has gone mad. It only remains to define whether this one is the whole world or just me.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    Sick&tired of being kicked off from your house when you complete a dungeon? ComingBackHome addon is what you need!
    Me is russian little bad in english :b
  • amm7sb14_ESO
    Ermiq wrote: »
    Tank HAS to know EVERY mechanic in a dungeon/trial/arena. That's what makes tanking kind of hard.
    The tanking process itself is not hard at all, it's actually pretty easy and boring most of the time (assuming you have a good balanced gear and skills setup).
    But if you don't know what you have to do, it all becomes a nightmare.

    100% agreed with this.

    This is a perfect follow up to my above post. In my experiences - mostly while maining tanks - while you certainly need to be built for intention (i.e. high health, high resist, buff / debuff / crowd control), mechanics are THE most important factor to being able to complete content (I am simply talking about *completion*, NOT about speed runs / achievements, score pushing / leaderboards, etc.)

    I have been able to complete vet DLC content with what would be considered "sub-optimal" builds, simply through knowing and understanding the mechanics.

    *** Yes, those "sub-optimal" builds will not be ideal if I am looking to push scoreboards and chase achievements. However, that never has been and (likely) never will be my objective ***

    If your objective is to go in with your guild, have some fun and complete dungeons or trials (including vet DLC), a knowledge and understanding of mechanics is 100% the most important thing you need to know.

    You need to build for intention, but you don't necessarily need to be min / maxed and fully "optimized"

    I have watched these changes happen in the same run before. I am still learning a lot of mechanics as even tho I have been around the game off and on since beta, I am still relatively new to end game trials and dungeon running. A lot of times, when I don't yet understand the mechanics, I struggle and die a lot. As a tank, this sucks for obvious reasons. But as I'm learning those mechanics, even over the course of the run all of a sudden my survivability goes up and up and up. Nothing changed. My gear and items are all still the same. But my understanding of the mechanics has increased, and suddenly that same setup that was dying just minutes earlier is now all of a sudden a hardy rock.

    Understanding mechanics is a tank's top responsibility.
    Edited by amm7sb14_ESO on July 8, 2020 3:52PM
  • Thechuckage
    If you are on PC a great addon is "Tank". Puts a timer in the middle of your crosshairs, when you point them at a mob, it shows how long your taunt will last. When it gets to 2-3 seconds, stab em again. Makes it much easier to keep a running taunt on the bosses.

    As others have said, the basics are fairly easy to get, the complexities are deep. Stab the big guys, let the crunchies(DPS) sort out the small trash.

    Eventually, you'll figure out the perfect time to use your talons, or be range taunting that one add that was about to slap your healer around. The gear and experience will come, dont try to force it.

    You may also come to hate storm atros (because of course the DPS is helping you out by dropping it on your head) and the ********************* maw of infernal daedroths.
  • Achronokey
    I have a Nord Dragonknight, I want to tank, but I’m embarrassingly concerned with the other players kicking me out of the dungeon for messing up. I may just be worried about it. I haven’t tanked in ESO before, or much at all in any video game. Is tanking easy, or is it harder than DPS?

    As a fellow beginner tank i'd say tanking is not hard but its defenetly not easy. Tanking is DIFFERENT here is why:

    1 U dont need to worry about ur dps at all while dd's wants to put as much as possible

    2 U dont need to worry about getting to much dmg, because u are 1 big bloated armored healthpool and healer focused on u

    This is where pluses ends

    3 Ideally u need to hold all trash and adds on urself via taunt, while also tanking boss. This game have some interesting mechanic btw - first person to deal dmg to mob will be attacked by him for 7 seconds like he was taunted. So u just run close to pack of trash and press aoe. But if they not dead by 7 second well... this game does not have aoe taunt.

    4 U need to press ur safe buttons when u face huge dmg, this can be a roll, block or dmg mitigation.

    5 In ESO tanks rarely forced to build only huge Health pool and dmg redaction, u can use some aoe buffs for group or debuff the mobs. Means if u going to do not only Normal/Vet dungeons u have to find maaaaaaany different sets. Because u know, one tank using 2 buffs other using 2 others and blah blah blah.

    Check out some guides out in internet (like from Alcast) make sure to check SEVERAL guides because they have some difference.

    Tank gameplay in dungeons:

    Aoe the trash before some genius dd starts to dmg them before u(thats why im 64 stam for now, also for pvp goals)

    Taunt the boss and turn him away from group, taunt adds with undaunted range taunt or usual melee

    Keep up all useful buffs on uself and ally's, avoid red circles.

    I would also recommend for u to not try res ppl, only if all of them down. Bosses often stun or interupt and while resurrecting u cant re-aply taunt.

    However, if u are getting kicked form groups it means u failing quite hard, start with normal dungeons AFTER reading some guides, watching some videos then move towards vet.
  • Wuulfebear
    Soul Shriven
    I basically played the game as a solo game until recently. So far I've done random four dungeons two of them as sort of tank with other wombles guild members who knew what they were doing (unlike me) and knew I was a noob. That worked fine because nobody was under any illusion that despite being CP300+ (although a more solo than tank build) I had any idea what I was doing. (one of the dds I think wisely even switched to their heavy armour just in case)

    I didn't pull the final boss anything like enough on Blessed Crucible but at least nobody died, and I nearly got myself killed pulling the incendiary beetles beautifully but taking me too far from the healer 8). I'm still learning - I need a different skill bar setup (inner fire etc) and need to go skysharding and turn a load of alits into handbags to get my sword/board up to 50 rather than 2 handed I normally use (my normal solo play style is 'mad nord'...)

    Doing it with a group who know you are a noob definitely takes the pressure off.

    I could have shown a lot of the members of wonbles how to tank. I have 4 tanking characters total. I could have help with what's the better classes for it, etc etc.
    But a few days ago I got booted from that guild due to a mistake I made. I had no clue to a maximum of 3 items removed from the guild bank rule. I put in around 25 or so before-hand and removed 30 items (the guild bank was capped on 600/600 when I did so I was actually making space and these were all crappy low level crafting recipes I took out). I was then demoted by Foxbank for taking out 30 items (no recognition I had put in 25 items FOR members to use - was'nt even acknowledged).
    I was put out about the demotion but to try and rectify the transgression I put in 95 items (spent 70k gold from my own bank to buy recipes from guild traders getting decent recipes to put into the bank - which I did put into the bank) to triple the count of what I took out and what happens? when I want to try and speak to the leader "Westbury" about what had happened and what I'd accidently done because I didn't know the rule on bank withdrawals, I get immediately kicked from the guild by him.
    So, I really couldn't care about the guild... figure out how to tank yourselves because what I experienced was unjustified and actually really poor management.
  • arun_rajputb16_ESO
    Is tanking easy? The very end end game is tough, but the rest is boring. Which is most of the game
  • Kesstryl
    If you want to practice tanking, there are a couple of world bosses which are good.

    The first one is near the docks in Daggerfall. There are almost always people there fighting it, and they will be grateful to have you, as the boss there chases people around most of the time unless taunted.

    The other place is just south of the central dolmen in Deshaan. However, there are usually fewer players there, they mostly attack it after doing the dolmen there.

    There are several bosses in Deeshan that work well for practicing. The two legged animal one is great for practicing blocking. The dremora one tests your survivability as a new tank. I used to be afraid to tank because yeah you are basically the group leader when you take on that role, and it's not for people who like to be lead around, but I started with normal basic dungeons and went to various websites about ESO tanking, and eventually my confidence built up as I learned mechanics around different dungeons and trials. Having a good guild that is patient and willing to train you is also a great benefit. If you really want to tank, go for it, and don't listen to the naysayers. If I could do it, you can do it.
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • kmcaj
    Edited by kmcaj on September 18, 2021 12:50AM
  • BejaProphet
    This is an old thread necro’d. And necro’d so that guild drama could be vented on forum.
  • Wuulfebear
    Soul Shriven
    there's actually a tanking website all tanking styles and gear as well.. it covers all tanking styles and gear as well.. but i dunno the name of it off the top of my head.
    Edited by Wuulfebear on September 18, 2021 6:27AM
  • Wuulfebear
    Soul Shriven
  • DaiKahn
    Wuulfebear wrote: »
    there's actually a tanking website all tanking styles and gear as well.. it covers all tanking styles and gear as well.. but i dunno the name of it off the top of my head.
    The Tank Club ?
    I'm just a man
    Hail Sithis
  • pklemming
    Necro'd thread , then the person resurrecting the thread fails to mention commonly used tanking sites whilst saying how good his tanking is...

    Nefas and JDuB I find valuable resources. Tankclub, as mentioned above, too.

    Start selfish. Tank, taunt and survive. Gradually add in group buffs and utiility, and then add in your own dps on dungeons that allow it.

    Don't start with your 'own' build. Try if possible to use a build from experienced tanks, then adjust as you get used to what you need when playing.

    Most normal content you will learn little. It is really hard to kill a tank even if they screw up.

    Learn how soft taunts work.

    Read or watch videos of vet dlc dungeons before attempting them. A lot are unforgiving of a missed block or dodge roll.

    Run with a guild group, if possible, while learning. Always look for extra things you can do that would improve group play. If you are in a good guild, ask experienced tanks for advice.

    You are going to screw up. You will wipe the group.

    Like everything, practice makes perfect. Use the resources out there, keep on tanking and eventually it becomes second nature.
    Edited by pklemming on September 18, 2021 7:23AM
  • Bealeb319
    Use the group finder just done que for vet. Most groups won't kick you from a normal dungeon just be prepared to heal yourself because your healer will be a dps or tank
  • Stratti
    Don't listen to these people saying don't use the group finder. Start with Normal dungeouns , it is not hard. Your goal is to taunt, stay alive and debuff . It is a lot of fun and there are many great groups on Group finder. If you do not do well, and you get some feedback then take the feedback. Do not be entitled , if you make mistakes people will tell you, this is how you learn
  • JanTanhide
    I have a Nord Dragonknight, I want to tank, but I’m embarrassingly concerned with the other players kicking me out of the dungeon for messing up. I may just be worried about it. I haven’t tanked in ESO before, or much at all in any video game. Is tanking easy, or is it harder than DPS?

    I've been Tanking in ESO a long time and have several Tanks. My favorite is the DK. My suggestion to you to learn how to Tank is to first watch some videos of Tank builds and people Tanking in ESO. This will give you some idea of what is involved.

    After that I highly suggest building your Tank the way you want to play it. I know this sounds a bit strange but I cannot tell you how to Tank. Everyone has different ideas about Skills, gear and rotations and eventually you will figure out what works for you. This may take a LONG time...like a year or more. You will find yourself adjusting your gear and probably skills as you gain experience Tanking and going into different dungeons and Trials.

    One gear setup you use for a specific Trial will be different from other Trials and dungeon to dungeon may also cause you to change gear. Also, if you run random dungeon runs in the Group Finder you may want to use what many call "Selfish gear sets". I won't go into detail what they are but let's just say these sets help keep your Tank alive so you can do your job without relying on others in your group.

    As you progress with your Tank build and what gear and skills you use I highly suggest you solo dungeons. Start with easy beginner dungeons in Normal and then progress eventually to Veteran dungeons (Solo). I don't suggest staying in the dungeon to complete it since a Tank usually has little damage but you can go through many dungeons solo as a Tank and just walk through the mobs until you get to the boss and practice your rotation and see if you can take the damage from the mob and the boss. A good Tank will be able to solo Vet dungeons with ease (non DLC). The DLC dungeons in Vet are a bit tougher but are still a good challenge to learn how to Tank.

    After that or whenever you feel like it take your Tank into some Trials solo. Yes, solo. There are many videos out there of Tank players doing just that. We seem to use Hel Ra Citadel the most for our Tank testing since you will get an enormous mob in the beginning and get mini bosses and a big boss as well if you stay alive long enough.

    I use Hel Ra Citadel and Aetherian Archive the most in Vet to test my Tanks. My Tanks do not die unless I mess up and miss a rotation. If you manage your skills well you will even be able to resurrect a player in a Vet trial or Vet dungeon and not die while doing so on your Tank.

    Tanking is a lot of fun and probably the most fun I have had in the game.

    Search youtube for some solo Tank runs. There are many. Have fun!
This discussion has been closed.