You forget about damage mitigation where dodge allows you to ignore 100% damage of most skills, it grants you roots immunity, allows you reposition and use LoS more easly. There are already ways of reducing cost of dodge, use them. Roll dodge doesn't need any buffs. It got already heavily buffed with soul assault overnerf.
Have you guys just slapped on a 1h and shield alone and just tried to held block? We see someone try and laugh as they just still drop and just delay a few seconds. The ones that still have some killing power look to just block quickly and get back to movement and heals.
LuxiasCaelum13 wrote: »It's not hard at all to see players blocking for 5-6 seconds straight, negating everything you throw at them while keeping their offensive. That can't be said about roll spammers.
LuxiasCaelum13 wrote: »Templars have great heals and insane recovery capacity, StamDKs have their innate bulk and shield affinity, and StamDens have amazing offheals, great burst and projectile inmunity.
LuxiasCaelum13 wrote: »Also you make it look like if i said "permablock" or something like that, which is not true. I stated the issues related to blocking, but i didn't state that. Yes, there are still some permablockers out there, but that wasn't what i was talking about. Just like how people don't keep rolling for 10 seconds straight, people don't usually block for 20 seconds, but that's something so obvious i don't think there is a need to say it.
LuxiasCaelum13 wrote: »When i see people with 1h and shield is for the reasons i mentioned before, i'm not making things up.
Blocking is a constant specially in certain classes, to be more precise, and based on my experience, Templars (both), StamDKs and StamDens. And it's not just a coincidence. 1h and shield synergizes really well with those classes, making them the best candidates for tanking strats. It's not hard at all to see players blocking for 5-6 seconds straight, negating everything you throw at them while keeping their offensive. That can't be said about roll spammers.
Templars have great heals and insane recovery capacity, StamDKs have their innate bulk and shield affinity, and StamDens have amazing offheals, great burst and projectile inmunity. And i don't know what your experience is, but i didn't write that because nothing, i did it because it's something i see every day. Maybe blocking is not neccesarily the "new tank meta", but it has definetely been part of the problem, and it keeps being it.Have you guys just slapped on a 1h and shield alone and just tried to held block? We see someone try and laugh as they just still drop and just delay a few seconds. The ones that still have some killing power look to just block quickly and get back to movement and heals.
Also you make it look like if i said "permablock" or something like that, which is not true. I stated the issues related to blocking, but i didn't state that. Yes, there are still some permablockers out there, but that wasn't what i was talking about. Just like how people don't keep rolling for 10 seconds straight, people don't usually block for 20 seconds, but that's something so obvious i don't think there is a need to say it.
LuxiasCaelum13 wrote: »Blocking in the other hand mitigates both direct and aoe damage, and it doesn't consume a GCD (which roll dodge does, btw), allowing block-casting. This, and the marginal difference of stamina costs is the main reason why now everyone in pvp seems to have shield in their backbar.
Compare roll dodge and block, block is an easier more forgiving mechanic, far cheaper, mitigates AOEs, allows for block casting and equipping the matched weapon type (s+b or ice destro) gives a massive boost to cost reduction and damage blocked so why if one option is the far easier and superior pick is roll dodge penalised with such a severe fatigue? Either roll dodge combined with bow needs a similar cost reduction and improvement to roll damage immunity length or block needs to have a more severe penalty for simply just holding block like an increase in block base cost that increases the longer block is held for and have a cooldown for the length block was held. The argument “block stops regen” is not enough considering proc resource return still works and sword and board ult allows for blocking heavy attacks to take place. Again compare say 5 seconds of holding block on a tank compared to 3 dodge rolls on a roley poley build, the resource cost to mitigation just doesn’t compare.
VoluptaBox wrote: »LuxiasCaelum13 wrote: »It's not hard at all to see players blocking for 5-6 seconds straight, negating everything you throw at them while keeping their offensive. That can't be said about roll spammers.
How do people block and keep on the offensive at the same time? That's a skill I ought to master myself.LuxiasCaelum13 wrote: »Templars have great heals and insane recovery capacity, StamDKs have their innate bulk and shield affinity, and StamDens have amazing offheals, great burst and projectile inmunity.
What is innately tanky about StamDKs? I frankly do not see it.LuxiasCaelum13 wrote: »Also you make it look like if i said "permablock" or something like that, which is not true. I stated the issues related to blocking, but i didn't state that. Yes, there are still some permablockers out there, but that wasn't what i was talking about. Just like how people don't keep rolling for 10 seconds straight, people don't usually block for 20 seconds, but that's something so obvious i don't think there is a need to say it.
And here's the gist of the issue, you're trying to compare apples to oranges. Why should 10 seconds of block be equivalent, in cost and effectiveness, to 10 seconds of roll dodging? It makes no sense whatsoever.
They both have their uses, benefits and opportunity costs. Good players take advantage of both in equal measure. And by equal measure I don't mean that 50% of the time is spent dodging and 50% is spent blocking, just to be clear. To sum it up, roll dodging does not feel over costed for what it does (nor blocking under costed).
SavageChain wrote: »LuxiasCaelum13 wrote: »Blocking in the other hand mitigates both direct and aoe damage, and it doesn't consume a GCD (which roll dodge does, btw), allowing block-casting. This, and the marginal difference of stamina costs is the main reason why now everyone in pvp seems to have shield in their backbar.
Roll dodge doesnt consume a GCD either. The GCD only applies to skills. You can use a light attack, skill and rolldodge right after each other and cancel the skill animation with the roll. As soon as you are out of the roll you can cast the next skill. During the time you het hit by aoes, but some aoes also ignore blocking. Both have their advantages and different uses, but blocking is not inherently miles better. Especially this patch, rolling is a very strong tactic in PvP, since damage avoidance and hit-and-run playstyles are favoured in this low-healing state of the game. Rolly-polly builds are the winners of this patch, since they have to heal less, that is why stamblades and stamsorcs are played more and more this patch.
LuxiasCaelum13 wrote: »When i see people with 1h and shield is for the reasons i mentioned before, i'm not making things up.
Blocking is a constant specially in certain classes, to be more precise, and based on my experience, Templars (both), StamDKs and StamDens. And it's not just a coincidence. 1h and shield synergizes really well with those classes, making them the best candidates for tanking strats. It's not hard at all to see players blocking for 5-6 seconds straight, negating everything you throw at them while keeping their offensive. That can't be said about roll spammers.
Templars have great heals and insane recovery capacity, StamDKs have their innate bulk and shield affinity, and StamDens have amazing offheals, great burst and projectile inmunity. And i don't know what your experience is, but i didn't write that because nothing, i did it because it's something i see every day. Maybe blocking is not neccesarily the "new tank meta", but it has definetely been part of the problem, and it keeps being it.Have you guys just slapped on a 1h and shield alone and just tried to held block? We see someone try and laugh as they just still drop and just delay a few seconds. The ones that still have some killing power look to just block quickly and get back to movement and heals.
Also you make it look like if i said "permablock" or something like that, which is not true. I stated the issues related to blocking, but i didn't state that. Yes, there are still some permablockers out there, but that wasn't what i was talking about. Just like how people don't keep rolling for 10 seconds straight, people don't usually block for 20 seconds, but that's something so obvious i don't think there is a need to say it.
So basically you see it on classes that don't have streak or cloak to just escape all damage. Go figure. Gee; I wonder why it's a popular option there.
When will people in this community learn that the meta shifts in response to the changes that the devs push, that you can't get the full picture without actually looking at why the meta is the way it is in the first place, and that constantly nerfing things isn't going to fix things.
SnB and block are both as common as they are because they're the most consistent form of damage mitigation and defense in the game right now. Between lag, healing nerfs, the failed Murkmire dodge rework that broke more than it fixed, the multiple shield reworks that broke shields on everything except magsorc, and just general horrible balancing, SnB and block are just the most consistent form of damage mitigation and defense, that's consistently good in all scenarios.
Nerfing them is not going to fix the problem, it's just going to cause the meta to shift to the next most consistent thing, and you all will be whining about that, except now that next most consistent thing is going to be a bit less consistent than SnB and block both were, and so the process will repeat itself, with the remaining options becoming more and more garbage.
Want to introduce more diversity in builds? Want to address how strong SnB and block both are, without just pushing everyone onto the next supposedly-most-OP thing? Fix the lag. Fix dodge. Properly balance damage, healing, mitigation and damage shields. Undo the horrible balancing that has taken so many fun, unique and strong tools away from classes. Asking for this to be nerfed will get you nowhere, you'll be coming right back to the forums, asking for the next thing to be nerfed.
VoluptaBox wrote: »LuxiasCaelum13 wrote: »It's not hard at all to see players blocking for 5-6 seconds straight, negating everything you throw at them while keeping their offensive. That can't be said about roll spammers.
How do people block and keep on the offensive at the same time? That's a skill I ought to master myself.LuxiasCaelum13 wrote: »Templars have great heals and insane recovery capacity, StamDKs have their innate bulk and shield affinity, and StamDens have amazing offheals, great burst and projectile inmunity.
What is innately tanky about StamDKs? I frankly do not see it.LuxiasCaelum13 wrote: »Also you make it look like if i said "permablock" or something like that, which is not true. I stated the issues related to blocking, but i didn't state that. Yes, there are still some permablockers out there, but that wasn't what i was talking about. Just like how people don't keep rolling for 10 seconds straight, people don't usually block for 20 seconds, but that's something so obvious i don't think there is a need to say it.
And here's the gist of the issue, you're trying to compare apples to oranges. Why should 10 seconds of block be equivalent, in cost and effectiveness, to 10 seconds of roll dodging? It makes no sense whatsoever.
They both have their uses, benefits and opportunity costs. Good players take advantage of both in equal measure. And by equal measure I don't mean that 50% of the time is spent dodging and 50% is spent blocking, just to be clear. To sum it up, roll dodging does not feel over costed for what it does (nor blocking under costed).
So basically you see it on classes that don't have streak or cloak to just escape all damage. Go figure. Gee; I wonder why it's a popular option there.
Compare roll dodge and block, block is an easier more forgiving mechanic, far cheaper, mitigates AOEs, allows for block casting and equipping the matched weapon type (s+b or ice destro) gives a massive boost to cost reduction and damage blocked so why if one option is the far easier and superior pick is roll dodge penalised with such a severe fatigue? Either roll dodge combined with bow needs a similar cost reduction and improvement to roll damage immunity length or block needs to have a more severe penalty for simply just holding block like an increase in block base cost that increases the longer block is held for and have a cooldown for the length block was held. The argument “block stops regen” is not enough considering proc resource return still works and sword and board ult allows for blocking heavy attacks to take place. Again compare say 5 seconds of holding block on a tank compared to 3 dodge rolls on a roley poley build, the resource cost to mitigation just doesn’t compare.
LuxiasCaelum13 wrote: »VoluptaBox wrote: »LuxiasCaelum13 wrote: »It's not hard at all to see players blocking for 5-6 seconds straight, negating everything you throw at them while keeping their offensive. That can't be said about roll spammers.
How do people block and keep on the offensive at the same time? That's a skill I ought to master myself.LuxiasCaelum13 wrote: »Templars have great heals and insane recovery capacity, StamDKs have their innate bulk and shield affinity, and StamDens have amazing offheals, great burst and projectile inmunity.
What is innately tanky about StamDKs? I frankly do not see it.LuxiasCaelum13 wrote: »Also you make it look like if i said "permablock" or something like that, which is not true. I stated the issues related to blocking, but i didn't state that. Yes, there are still some permablockers out there, but that wasn't what i was talking about. Just like how people don't keep rolling for 10 seconds straight, people don't usually block for 20 seconds, but that's something so obvious i don't think there is a need to say it.
And here's the gist of the issue, you're trying to compare apples to oranges. Why should 10 seconds of block be equivalent, in cost and effectiveness, to 10 seconds of roll dodging? It makes no sense whatsoever.
They both have their uses, benefits and opportunity costs. Good players take advantage of both in equal measure. And by equal measure I don't mean that 50% of the time is spent dodging and 50% is spent blocking, just to be clear. To sum it up, roll dodging does not feel over costed for what it does (nor blocking under costed).
You don't understand because you don't want to.
-The first one is called block casting and bash weave. Blocking doesn't prevent you from casting skills.
-About the second one: read, and if you have a dragonkight, check the passives.
-About the third one yes, they are comparable, as they both are defensive mechanics. It's like comparing blocking and dodging in Dark Souls. Both serve the same purpose, that being to reduce/avoid damage and improving survivability. Both have their own pros and cons, and in order to make the game balanced we should check each one and them tip the scales to not make one of them outclass the other. And honestly, at this point i really feel like blocking outperforms against rolling.
"They both have their uses, benefits and opportunity costs. Good players take advantage of both in equal measure." This is something i truly agree with you, but when i see every threat being nullified by the same mechanic maybe they are not that balanced.
LuxiasCaelum13 wrote: »Blocking, as many people said, mitigates a % of the incoming damage, while roll dodging avoids all the damage. However, there are many differences, and i feel like if everyone is ignoring them on purpose. .