ZaroktheImmortal wrote: »Maybe so they can put a small area in between in the future? I don't know
I like that you've given Blacklight some room to breathe. I'd like to visit the seat of Redoran power someday, but it would have been hard to justify a DLC for that little sliver of land.
Maybe if they sneak it in along with a dungeon DLC. Just a little sliver of land to go with the two dungeons...
Part of the issue is having to release zones that are separated from each other, even when next to each other. So, the geography has to be altered even if it breaks lore.
Daggerfall was the last game that had a fairly accurate Tamriel layout. Problem was most of the distances between things was so boring and vast, fast travel was a given.
Part of the issue is having to release zones that are separated from each other, even when next to each other. So, the geography has to be altered even if it breaks lore.
Daggerfall was the last game that had a fairly accurate Tamriel layout. Problem was most of the distances between things was so boring and vast, fast travel was a given.
Back in my day, we spent 45 minutes crossing the Plains of Karana and we liked it!
Back in my day, we spent 45 minutes crossing the Plains of Karana and we liked it!
XiokroDarc wrote: »Every since launch I've always hated the original borders (the new zones are fairly ok) but Craglorn, Cyrodiil, and the northeastern coast of skyrim always made me mad just by looking at it. So I decided to see if it was possible to try and make new zones work by changing the map with little change to surrounding zones. I also added that once body of water into black marsh. The map is far from perfect, but it's meant to show how youd be able to fix the map (sort of) by fixing zones like craglorn and cyrodiil
Aaah so many of those make no sense. It's based on the routes actually in-game, but I wish they'd update them so you could navigate a route that makes more sense.I'm a map junkie! I know this isn't the OP's topic but this one outlining the trade and shipping routes is my favorite. I forgot where I got this from (on my imgur).
XiokroDarc wrote: »Red - An update like Northern Craglorn (was a free addition to the original Craglorn zone including skyreach dragonstar arena etc) Maybe make Torval or Corinthe into an arena itself.
Can you also include the Niben Bay?
I didn't know Black Marsh had an inner sea.
MerguezMan wrote: »This version is still incorrect. You should push more west. Like this Enodoc's version in this topic:
(good luck, you're not the first one asking for map fixing)
I just don't get why ZOS didn't fill in the gap between Northern & Southern Elsweyr
Just lock him/her in a room like the Tsaesci in Rimmen ...redgreensunset wrote: »
If I were to hazard a guess it's because one of the two cities located there is the main seat of the Mane and that's just more complication than ZOS wants to deal with *points to the Reaper's March storyline*
Just lock him/her in a room like the Tsaesci in Rimmen ...
But I agree that area will probably never be filled. I don't see them going back to provinces they've already featured prominently, so no more Morrowind, Elsweyr, or Skyrim for the foreseeable future. They'll also probably avoid Hammerfell if it really is where TESVI takes place.
So my Septims for next year's chapter are on Cyrodiil or Black Marsh, most likely the former given we've had Murkmire not too long ago. Hopefully Colovia, I'd like some nice, temperate forests.
Craglorn was released in two parts yeah, but so was Elsweyr. My point is I don't think they'll go back to provinces they've already done in previous chapters before exhausting other options. Their philosophy seems to be to add something new, which is also obviously better for marketing than "let's go to Elsweyr - again!".XiokroDarc wrote: »
They have done updates to zones in the past, Craglorn used to be just the southern part until they added the northern part. So it is very well possible for them to add an update to the zone and add a small story/arena to it
Craglorn was released in two parts yeah, but so was Elsweyr. My point is I don't think they'll go back to provinces they've already done in previous chapters before exhausting other options. Their philosophy seems to be to add something new, which is also obviously better for marketing than "let's go to Elsweyr - again!".
I mean, I'd really love for them to finally add the Sheogorad region to Vvardenfell, but it just doesn't seem to fit into their current release model.