Sylvermynx wrote: »@Morgha_Kul - if you have tickets left over, or can get them without a lot of effort in a mega-bad pvp situation, the motif pages you want are available for 5 tickets each from the Impresario (I *think* - I don't like either style, so.... *shrug*)
Taleof2Cities wrote: »
Correct, the Impresario has the 2nd Legion and Legion Zero pages for 5 tickets each.
Only the ones sold at the Impresario are account bound. Style pages dropped in the reward boxes should start showing up for sale at a guild trader near you.
Morgha_Kul wrote: »First, I find that I can't walk to Western Skyrim.
Morgha_Kul wrote: »So... I've not played for a while (real life intrudes, you know), so I only just got back in to check out the new zone. Western Skyrim! I was excited, and looking forward to walking across Skyrim. Then I see in the Launcher that the Second Legion armour style is available! Awesome, I've ALWAYS loved that chain hauberk.
So, I logged in... and boy am I disappointed.
First, I find that I can't walk to Western Skyrim. It's yet another isolated little chunk off by itself, disconnected from the rest of the world. Just like Murkmire. Just like Southern Elsewyr. I hate that. Lord of the Rings Online did this more recently too, and it's so immersion breaking. So, I can't walk there. Can't boat there either, not from Winterhold. No boats to West Skyrim from East Skyrim. I don't like to wayshrine, it breaks my immersion... so there's no way there for me. Just like Murkmire. Just like Elsewyr.
Oh well, says I, I'll console myself by spending the crowns to get the Second Legion motif. What's this? It's not on the store? I ask in chat and I'm told it's a PvP only reward? Now I'm angry. I DON'T PVP. EVER. Not only is it badly balanced, it's a horrorshow of lag, bad attitudes and misery. Nope, I'm not doing PvP, so there's ANOTHER thing I can't get in this game.
So, disappointed, frustrated and angry, I logged out.
Zenimax, this is NOT the reaction you want from ANY player coming back to the game, especially a veteran who has spent a LOT of time and money here. I implore you, let us get back to the quality I remember. Let us have zones that connect to other zones. Let us have access to all the rewards and especially motifs, don't restrict anything to JUST PvP. And... fix the balance. Fix the lag and system issues. It's all been well discussed on the forums. We're here to help you identify problems, to help you provide the things we would like to see. Don't be shy. TALK to us, and help us to help you and the game to be the best ever.
Morgha_Kul wrote: »I'm told it's a PvP only reward? Now I'm angry. I DON'T PVP. EVER. Not only is it badly balanced, it's a horrorshow of lag, bad attitudes and misery. Nope, I'm not doing PvP, so there's ANOTHER thing I can't get in this game.
Morgha_Kul wrote: »So... I've not played for a while (real life intrudes, you know), so I only just got back in to check out the new zone. Western Skyrim! I was excited, and looking forward to walking across Skyrim. Then I see in the Launcher that the Second Legion armour style is available! Awesome, I've ALWAYS loved that chain hauberk.
So, I logged in... and boy am I disappointed.
First, I find that I can't walk to Western Skyrim. It's yet another isolated little chunk off by itself, disconnected from the rest of the world. Just like Murkmire. Just like Southern Elsewyr. I hate that. Lord of the Rings Online did this more recently too, and it's so immersion breaking. So, I can't walk there. Can't boat there either, not from Winterhold. No boats to West Skyrim from East Skyrim. I don't like to wayshrine, it breaks my immersion... so there's no way there for me. Just like Murkmire. Just like Elsewyr.
Oh well, says I, I'll console myself by spending the crowns to get the Second Legion motif. What's this? It's not on the store? I ask in chat and I'm told it's a PvP only reward? Now I'm angry. I DON'T PVP. EVER. Not only is it badly balanced, it's a horrorshow of lag, bad attitudes and misery. Nope, I'm not doing PvP, so there's ANOTHER thing I can't get in this game.
So, disappointed, frustrated and angry, I logged out.
Zenimax, this is NOT the reaction you want from ANY player coming back to the game, especially a veteran who has spent a LOT of time and money here. I implore you, let us get back to the quality I remember. Let us have zones that connect to other zones. Let us have access to all the rewards and especially motifs, don't restrict anything to JUST PvP. And... fix the balance. Fix the lag and system issues. It's all been well discussed on the forums. We're here to help you identify problems, to help you provide the things we would like to see. Don't be shy. TALK to us, and help us to help you and the game to be the best ever.
Anotherone773 wrote: »I want to be able to go everywhere in this game, using the mode of transport i want to use. I want items in the game, the way i want to acquire them. This game should be tailored to me because i play it.
Morgha_Kul wrote: »Well, the bit I wanted was the Second Legion jack, and it was available for event tickets from the Impresario. Of course, you need to PvP to GET the tickets... but then, I can use tickets I got from earlier events...
So, I got the jack I wanted! I'm grateful to you all for letting me know I could get it this way.
Still disappointed that I can't walk to Western Skyrim, but it is what it is. I already did the prelude... what path are you referring to?
When the game launched, I could walk continuously from place to place. Naturally, I had to go by boat from Bleak Rock, but once I was on the mainland, I walked to Stonefalls. I walked from there to Deshaan. I walked from there to Shadowfen. I walked from there ALL the way through the Rift to Eastmarch. I could theoretically even walk straight through Cyrodiil to get to the other side of the continent. Now, though, all the newer areas are disconnected, and it's not possible to just walk from place to place. It disappoints me because the game wasn't originally made that way. It suggests to me a lack of concern for something important to the game (imo): IMMERSION. I don't want it all my way, I just expect the standards they set at the beginning.
I also think all items should be available to everyone of all playstyles. PvP in particular is a very divisive game mode. There are MANY who don't play PvP for any number of reasons, and items currently restricted to PvP need to be made available for PvE. That said, I feel just fine allowing for PvE gear being made available for PvP play. Let everyone have access to everything.
I agree with you.
I also liked that you could walk from one zone to another, if you wanted.
It was never as good as WoW, in that regard, as there were still load screens, but it was better than lots of little, disjointed, maps, like we seem to have, now.
Morgha_Kul wrote: »Still disappointed that I can't walk to Western Skyrim, but it is what it is. I already did the prelude... what path are you referring to?