I understand players want Aesthetic options, but putting 4 reskins of a bat pet we got for free just seems like bloat and a way to slow down Gem gain.
Add on the fact as you can't even "decon for Gems" any pets you don't want and it's even more frustrating to see your hard earned cash combusting in front of your eyes as Pacrooti sarcastically says "Nice, time for another go around".
When you add all the weapon skins and non combat pets in a crown crate season it's more and more likely your first "15 crate pack" is used just to obtain all the stuff you Don't want just so you can use another 15 crates to get Gems to buy the things you Do want... (unless it's a 400 gem mount or the unbuyable Radiant Apex).
This is Casino roulette levels of the House gaming the system so the house wins