ImmortalCX wrote: »One possibility here, is that they recognize that an account with many alts, if they all have "good" luck, the player will too easily get everything.
So perhaps they reduce the luck of many characters so that the account doesnt get too much stuff.
Many years ago, I played a lot of Diablo III, over a thousand hours both solo and in small groups with a work colleague. I became convinced that my luck with the good drops was considerably worse than others. I would watch a video of someone running a GRift and the minimap would be so covered with sparklies that you couldn't see it (I would count easily 15+ drops) whereas I would only get one or two at the same level. When running with friends they would constantly get 5x or more the drops I would get.
A while ago I saw a video on youtube (sorry I can't remember where) that discussed this and the idea was the initial seed for the random numbers was based on the username of the player. While I can't vouch for the information, it explained so much what I saw when playing Diablo.
As for Elder Scrolls, I haven't noticed anything like that here. The daily drops don't seem to be too good or bad to be noticeable, and all other drops seem to be in line with my expectations. I am using a different username here though
ImmortalCX wrote: »It could also be account wide luck is metered out. This would be pretty easy for someone with many crafting alts to test.
When you are running dailies, do you more often get good drops early on in the process? The hypothesis is that if an early character gets a really good drop, then later characters wont.
ImmortalCX wrote: »It could also be account wide luck is metered out. This would be pretty easy for someone with many crafting alts to test.
When you are running dailies, do you more often get good drops early on in the process? The hypothesis is that if an early character gets a really good drop, then later characters wont.
I think the problem is we already know that master writ drops are already reliant on the character's knowledge of motifs. So, unless all of your alts know all of the same style motifs, you will never have a fair comparison.
Well considering amount of people farming vma inferno staff and not getting it on their 999373737th run while my melee stam build gets perfected nirnhoned inferno staff on my first ever vma clear I can say RNG is a lie. I did vma 4 times and got 2 inferno staves, 1 precise resto and 1 defending ice staff.
I don't have a magicka character in my account. I need anything melee...
None of you people espousing this conspiracy theory understand what random means, or what negativity bias means.
This whole "RNG isn't really random" idea exists in every game ever that has random loot drops, especially MMO's.
Funny how with all the people who go around datamining these games, searching around in the code, even creating entire functioning copies of the game in the form of private servers for some of them, no one ever finds any code that would create such character RNG bias. It is almost as if the bias really does exist only in your mind! 🤔
[Quoted post has been removed.]
I compared this to Casinos, as an example of RNG not being truly random - despite the claim that it is. I also elaborated about why there would be a reason to do this, and added the notion that it might be unintentional but still real. But I suppose you didn't read that phrase either.
I compared this to Casinos, as an example of RNG not being truly random - despite the claim that it is. I also elaborated about why there would be a reason to do this, and added the notion that it might be unintentional but still real. But I suppose you didn't read that phrase either.
Nope still read it.
The thing you seem to be missing in your casino example is that in those cases someone found the issue in the code.
No one ever finds the issues you are describing in games like ESO. Hundreds of games being combed over by thousands of people for decades and nothing. The occasional bug? Sure. Something that would cause long term RNG skewing across an entire genre of games? Never.
And when people do actually bother recording large sample sizes of data over meaningful amounts of time the result is always the same. It is all random. Or at least as random as a computer can reasonably make it.
So yes, I can be dismissive when people go on about nonsense with nothing but their "feelings" and what they "remember" to back them up, but until you come back with actual data to back your claims up you have nothing.
And something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed just as easily.
And if you consider disagreeing strongly with you and providing reasons why I'd disagree to be "having nothing to add", well then that is your bias as well.
It's probably superstition but I always felt like I was getting more staves on stam characters and more bows etc on mag characters.
It's probably superstition but I always felt like I was getting more staves on stam characters and more bows etc on mag characters.
I will try to explain this with a simple example - 4 bits, how likely is it to get an average result of 2 bits 1 and 2 bits 0?
Well there are 6 ways to place those bits - out of 16 total = 37.5% for the average result.
those 3 set or 3 empty have a probability of 25% each - and all empty or all set is 6.25% each.
So if you choose any side outside of the average your chance to get this is just 25+6.25 = 31,25% - it is your own expectation which lets you feel like this, because what you don't want to get has roughly about twice the chance than what you hope for. But this is just normal randomness, nothing more.
It's probably superstition but I always felt like I was getting more staves on stam characters and more bows etc on mag characters.
I will try to explain this with a simple example - 4 bits, how likely is it to get an average result of 2 bits 1 and 2 bits 0?
Well there are 6 ways to place those bits - out of 16 total = 37.5% for the average result.
those 3 set or 3 empty have a probability of 25% each - and all empty or all set is 6.25% each.
So if you choose any side outside of the average your chance to get this is just 25+6.25 = 31,25% - it is your own expectation which lets you feel like this, because what you don't want to get has roughly about twice the chance than what you hope for. But this is just normal randomness, nothing more.
That example wasn't all that simple to be honest
And no, the expectation thing is not it, because I intentionally go on the opposite spec of what I want and it seems to work.
I do get what you are trying to say though and I suspect it's just RNG and interpreting too much into a small sample size (since I didn't actually need to do a lot of farming for my vMA staves).
this thread is still full of people espousing nonsense
ImmortalCX wrote: »One possibility here, is that they recognize that an account with many alts, if they all have "good" luck, the player will too easily get everything.
So perhaps they reduce the luck of many characters so that the account doesnt get too much stuff.
Dunno really. If there's anything like a luck factor at all, I guess it would be kind of random(?). I only have like 1½ "lucky" ones, out of 18 possible. None other have stood out in any particular way, of course I find an occasional good item etc. on some of the others, but not over and over again. :-)
I know an older woman who's in a guild I'm in also, and we do trials every now and then. And she seems to be stupidly lucky with one of her toons, her "main" I guess. I don't think she has too many characters at all, but she's always (quite literally) having the good/rare gear people want from trials, and have motifs and such all the time. She's frankly not a very good player, but she's always more than very welcome, because of this particular weird luck.
ImmortalCX wrote: »ImmortalCX wrote: »One possibility here, is that they recognize that an account with many alts, if they all have "good" luck, the player will too easily get everything.
So perhaps they reduce the luck of many characters so that the account doesnt get too much stuff.
Dunno really. If there's anything like a luck factor at all, I guess it would be kind of random(?). I only have like 1½ "lucky" ones, out of 18 possible. None other have stood out in any particular way, of course I find an occasional good item etc. on some of the others, but not over and over again. :-)
I know an older woman who's in a guild I'm in also, and we do trials every now and then. And she seems to be stupidly lucky with one of her toons, her "main" I guess. I don't think she has too many characters at all, but she's always (quite literally) having the good/rare gear people want from trials, and have motifs and such all the time. She's frankly not a very good player, but she's always more than very welcome, because of this particular weird luck.
Are trial drops to the whole group and then divvied up, or are you saying that bringing her along helps everyone else's luck?