Luke_Flamesword wrote: »22 runs is not enough to make a statistic. You can after 222 runs and then maybe it will be show some trends.
Today I went to nMA first time after Greymoor patch. I wanted Bow and I get it in first tryThat's it for me for legendary Maelstorm Bow. It was just too easy
Seriously, it was too easy. It shouldn't be that way.
Luke_Flamesword wrote: »
Seriously, it was too easy. It shouldn't be that way.
furiouslog wrote: »Luke_Flamesword wrote: »22 runs is not enough to make a statistic. You can after 222 runs and then maybe it will be show some trends.
Today I went to nMA first time after Greymoor patch. I wanted Bow and I get it in first tryThat's it for me for legendary Maelstorm Bow. It was just too easy
Seriously, it was too easy. It shouldn't be that way.
Statistics can be calculated from any representative sample. It's definitely true that a larger sample gives a more accurate picture of trends, but in this case a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test shows that the weapon-based distribution more closely represents my actual results with a confidence of 93%, so I think I'm probably right, absent any additional information.
SidraWillowsky wrote: »furiouslog wrote: »Luke_Flamesword wrote: »22 runs is not enough to make a statistic. You can after 222 runs and then maybe it will be show some trends.
Today I went to nMA first time after Greymoor patch. I wanted Bow and I get it in first tryThat's it for me for legendary Maelstorm Bow. It was just too easy
Seriously, it was too easy. It shouldn't be that way.
Statistics can be calculated from any representative sample. It's definitely true that a larger sample gives a more accurate picture of trends, but in this case a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test shows that the weapon-based distribution more closely represents my actual results with a confidence of 93%, so I think I'm probably right, absent any additional information.
You could also run a Chi-square using your observed counts vs. expected counts. I backed into your counts using your N and probabilities and tried it-
Take the observed count vs. expected count, square the difference, divide by the expected value, then sum all to get your Chi-square stat. Degrees of freedom is (# rows-1)x(# columns - 1), so 5 here. Comparing to a Chi-square distribution, your p-value is less than .001. So the counts that you got are very different from those that would be expected if the drop rates were the same.
I suggest that before patch MA and DSA were to hard to obtain and now, after patch - arena stuff is to easy to obtain. There is to much difference between normal and veteran difficulty - especially on boring, super slow and too easy DSA. I think that there should be some middle ground.It was on normal, how hard should that be?
Or what do you suggest?
gatekeeper13 wrote: »Nothing random with ESO RNG system.
Burning Spellweave Inferno Staff. Probably the lowest drop rate I ever seen in an item. And what a coincidence? It's one of the most sought after staves.
Bradyfjord wrote: »From what I remember about statistics, you need a sample size in the thirties to have the minimum amount of information to start making inferences from.
@furiouslog You've rolled a d20 22 times and then you're shocked that you didn't roll a 20 and that you got 10 three times.
It happens.
Move on.
The drop rate is tied to a single weapon, as suggested above, per the last official statement (Feb. 2017):
furiouslog wrote: »The drop rate is tied to a single weapon, as suggested above, per the last official statement (Feb. 2017):
I saw that too, but it was unclear what the second part of the statement meant: "Now, it is based on the individual item type (Dagger, One Handed Sword, etc), and all damage weapons within the item type have an equal probability to drop." Does "damage weapons" refer to traits? Sets? No idea.
Honestly, all I'm trying to do is figure out how exactly how long I'll have to grind this boring content until I get what I want so I can determine if it's worth it or not. Right now, it's looking like it's not worth it.
I didn't mind running nCR hundreds of times because I can chat with my pals while I am doing it, and it's interactive, which is actually fun for me. It's a social activity. nMA is a non-immersive and un-challenging solo grind fest that offers no value apart from gaining (what appears to be) a 1 in 13 shot at a desired piece of gear. It's like playing a single level of Doom over and over and over again. It's literally a waste of my time. At this rate, I'll also be deconning about 140 Cruel Flurry weapons along the way, so I guess I need to take the benefit of the extra blue mats into account.
I've never farmed this item and I have 3.
TheGreatBlackBear wrote: »Bruh. They made maelstrom weapons to appease [snip] you and you're still complaining? What would you like instead. A free weapon for logging in?
[edited fro baiting]
furiouslog wrote: »
furiouslog wrote: »snip
kathandira wrote: »furiouslog wrote: »snip
I have amazing RNG.
Literally got all weapons in a matter of 2 days. Only 2 duplicates.
kathandira wrote: »furiouslog wrote: »snip
I have amazing RNG.
Literally got all weapons in a matter of 2 days. Only 2 duplicates.
Which god do you sacrifice your goats to?
furiouslog wrote: »TheGreatBlackBear wrote: »Bruh. They made maelstrom weapons to appease casuals like you and you're still complaining? What would you like instead. A free weapon for logging in?
I'm not a casual. I have been playing since beta (with a break), and I have 12 alts, cleared all vet trials, all vet dungeons (most of them on HM), and gotten about 29K of achievement points on my main. Not really casual. My complaint is that the number of times I need to run nMA to achieve my goal requires an unbearably boring time sink that is way too long given other stuff I could be doing with my limited game time. Is that not a legitimate complaint?
Stealthk80 wrote: »So I too have kept a log of my runs post patch 26 on xbox in vMA
I got a slashing rampage set last night on my 28th run. That was the first I've had, still no inferno.
I run a mag sorc in there - takes roughly 45 to 55 mins, normally about 47 mins if flawless.
here's my drops from 28 runs
7 resto staff
4 ice staff
3 lightning staff
4 t. Volley
3 cruel flurry (axe/dagger, sword/axe, dagger/dagger)
3 2h axe
1 maul
1 2h sword
1 rampaging slashes
0 inferno
furiouslog wrote: »
I'm saying your samples size is much too small to come to any reliable conclusion.