Thinking of something as a grind to acquire it as soon as possible is going about it wrong. You should just play the game as normal, harvest as normal, and loot it along the way. It's the journey, not the destination.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
kaisernick wrote: »Remnant of the False Tower found via Ore Node, Ore Survey Node, Jewelry Survey.
Seriously is that it. why on earth do you think its a good idea, its not fun it isnt enjoyable it mind numbing running around looking for ore to harvest, after finally getting it the time it took has burned me out and i dont even want to play the dam game anymore.
you need to put more leads other than one way, otherwise the entire system isnt fun its mind numbingly grindy and if i wanted that id go back to wow.
kaisernick wrote: »Remnant of the False Tower found via Ore Node, Ore Survey Node, Jewelry Survey.
Seriously is that it. why on earth do you think its a good idea, its not fun it isnt enjoyable it mind numbing running around looking for ore to harvest, after finally getting it the time it took has burned me out and i dont even want to play the dam game anymore.
you need to put more leads other than one way, otherwise the entire system isnt fun its mind numbingly grindy and if i wanted that id go back to wow.
So why do you think it’s a bad idea? You can get leads from a lot of different places, crafting nodes is just one of the many. I think it’s a smart way to get people interested in the antiquity system no matter what play style they prefer.
People complaining that leads drop in pledges? Saw that. From fishing? Been there too. From IC? Ofc. From overland bosses? Yes. Now ores. Next thread will be: why leads drop from overland chests, just give them all to me now, I need to complete all system has to offer in 1 week, and complain further, that I have nothing to do.
again i said they need to put lead in MORE places other than one way,SpiderKnight wrote: »I just hate that you have to scry and then dig for them, why can't I just login and have an NPC (preferably Stuga) walk up with a silver platter and and say "Do you know how long I've been waiting to give this to you?" That way I don't have to actually play the game like it was made to be played.
In-fact, why not just give us everything at login? Why should we waste time playing in an mmo?/s...obviously.
If they need an expiration date, the countdown shouldn't begin until the skills are fully leveled. Forcing folks to grind to 10 or risk losing highly desireable items, is removing the fun from what should be an enjoyable activity. Once the skills are leveled, 30 days won't be such a hardship but while leveling it's definitely a fun drainer.
If they need an expiration date, the countdown shouldn't begin until the skills are fully leveled. Forcing folks to grind to 10 or risk losing highly desireable items, is removing the fun from what should be an enjoyable activity. Once the skills are leveled, 30 days won't be such a hardship but while leveling it's definitely a fun drainer.
I'm casually leveling the skill line and I've been able to dig up everything before the timer got to 20 days, with the exception of one of the parts for the music box.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
I delved into antiques a bit until I got mid way and could excavate costume and furniture items and I was underwhelmed by them. I understand you need to be max rank to get the good 💩 but I haven't had the drive to play for about a week now. idk if there is a chart-guide-thing as to where specific leads drop bc I just want to go to the select pieces I actually want instead of running around aimlessly hoping I find something of value. Scrying and Excavating are fun, I guess, but it's surreal seeing mini games that bare a striking resemblance to games I saw my grandmother play on her old Dial-up Box Computer in like, the 90's...
It's not as if people just complain bc they enjoy it, they are most likely torn between their real life expectations and what is supposed to be a form of entertainment and escape to help you relax in your leisure time but instead it brings frustration to the point of mental exhaustion.
On the flip side we have people who complain they're not being challenged enough bc they have no real life expectations so they quite literally have all the time in the world. It's just amusing to me to see the Career's argue in favor of the grind bc they've already come out the other side and don't want to feel they wasted their time while that's exactly the reason we don't even want to begin the 💩.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
It's an excellent idea. Leads drop from everything and every zone.
Perfect design. A true stroke of genius.
of course i do but normally i am doing other things such a questing in the area, something which i have already done in rivenspire multiple times and right now so will everyone else as well which means you are not only fighting rng you now have to fight a dosen or more others for those nodes.Wait... you mean you don't compulsively harvest every crafting node you run across while doing stuff?
WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! All those nodes are so lonely!
kaisernick wrote: »of course i do but normally i am doing other things such a questing in the area, something which i have already done in rivenspire multiple times and right now so will everyone else as well which means you are not only fighting rng you now have to fight a dosen or more others for those nodes.
I've been doing a few greens and blues on my main character. She has plenty of skill points so there will be no problem there. I'm taking my time and still should be able to do just about anything before it expires. If not I don't really care.
When I read about the Antiquity system I decided to take out a character that has done very little in the game. I am going to use that character to go through all the content in the same order my main did everything. I might skip a few of the side quests in a zone but then again I might do them. Anyway I figure I will find leads on this character as I go along and let my main hunt them down. I haven't looked at any guides or anything so I don't know where anything drops. I decided when I am done with doing stuff on this new character I will look at a list and see what I might have missed. Then decide if I want to go back and try to grab it again.
Been wanting to do the stories again for a while so this is the perfect time.
Imaginary list? What are you talking about? Text file is not imaginary. Of course I have a list with all wanted furnishings and which characters will use them in their houses, and in what quantities too. That is called "Housing Plan".Taleof2Cities wrote: »“But I needz the rewards from the new content RIGHT NOW to check it off my imaginary list.”
There are 3 - 5 antiquities per zone (not counting treasures, style pages and antique maps). It is not much.YandereGirlfriend wrote: »RNG would be even more infuriating though if we listened to the OP and put all types of leads available from any drop source. Consider: if you have a 15% chance from a World Boss and a 1% chance from a node source, this is actually a much greater RNG chance than if everything were thrown into a single global Antiquities lead loot table.
ImmortalCX wrote: »Op needs an antiquities hireling that mails him new leads every day.
^This!^Next thread will be: why leads drop from overland chests, just give them all to me now, I need to complete all system has to offer in 1 week, and complain further, that I have nothing to do.
Heh, I totally could see this coming... as a crown store purchase.ImmortalCX wrote: »Op needs an antiquities hireling that mails him new leads every day.
Everest_Lionheart wrote: »
I think the 30 day expiration is probably the turn off.
Yeah, I'm scared about that 30 day expiration. I have one character that I made right after Greymoor dropped specifically to grind dailies, and I'm really starting to get bored with it.Everest_Lionheart wrote: »
I think the 30 day expiration is probably the turn off.
I feel the need to level up my skills so I can find them before zos nerf the drop rates. It's almost like it was designed to burn players out. I'd be enjoying it a lot more were I able to feel I could go at my own pace.
I'm only lvl 6 and I already have had enough scrying to last me until my 130th birthday.