Goregrinder wrote: »No more sitting in healing for 3 minutes wearing only Med armor, as it should be.
Just not fun anymore, impen is pointless, well fitted is pointless, just proc sets and divines and go around in your grp and whoever get lucky combo off first wins, its a slaughterfest, not fun, too much damage and quite simply boring after 1st week of the patch.
You also primarily (exclusively?) play medium armor Stamina classes with good mobility (and a strong cleanse). Enjoyment - or lack thereof - aside, some classes simply aren't well suited to that style of gameplay.I love this patch. The hit-and-run guerilla playstyle is my favorite. This patch is mostly about good positioning and situational awareness.
But you're also right, getting clapped in one shot by DboS+SubAssault can be pretty irritating haha.
You also primarily (exclusively?) play medium armor Stamina classes with good mobility (and a strong cleanse). Enjoyment - or lack thereof - aside, some classes simply aren't well suited to that style of gameplay.I love this patch. The hit-and-run guerilla playstyle is my favorite. This patch is mostly about good positioning and situational awareness.
But you're also right, getting clapped in one shot by DboS+SubAssault can be pretty irritating haha.
I detest the resurgence of proc sets, especially since it's mostly a Stamina-only thing that results in so much effort-free damage from just a couple instant-cast button presses at range, which can persist through LOS. Where are all the people that were pitching a fit about the DOT changes in Scalebreaker? And what makes the current situation worse, IMO, is that the proc sets are often being combined with the supremely annoying and overpowered Bombard spam.
Even in cases where no one is literally one-shotted, the current level of damage is absurd and available healing isn't strong enough to recover (with perhaps a few exceptions on some builds). One dodge roll is worth so much more than a Resistant Flesh cast...a "burst heal" that frequently does < 4k non-crit (without defile) just isn't worth much when a single Jabs/Sweeps button press results in 7k+ damage, along with a snare. Once you account for the light attack, the 4k+ damage from the preceding "CC ability" (vs Stamplar, anyway), the continuing Jabs/Sweeps spam, poisons or enchants, possible Grothdarr on Magicka Templar, and potential damage from other players, that "burst heal" becomes a fart in a hurricane.
And I'm not blind to the absurdity of Graverobber + 3x Harmony jewelry on my own main class, either. I don't even like that "playstyle," but it seems to be the only way the class can be remotely competitive from an offensive standpoint. For a long time now I've thought that both damage and healing needed to be reduced for no-CP PvP. If Zenimax will work on reducing overall damage, along with perhaps some nerfs to a few specific heals (especially Stam DK self-healing and Mag Sorc Matriarch), we may end up with no-CP being in a decent spot. But for now, I think it's pretty bad overall, especially for bringing in new players; it's hard to learn and get the hang of things when you die pretty much instantly.
I said "mostly" a Stamina-only thing. Any Stamina class can cheese it up with triple proc sets and do some pretty ridiculous DOT damage with very little resource cost, which leads to it being pretty common (and without nerfs, it'll probably become more common over time, as more people get access to the "right" sets). While there are certainly Magicka players running multiple proc sets, it's less prevalent and oftentimes more easily countered.You also primarily (exclusively?) play medium armor Stamina classes with good mobility (and a strong cleanse). Enjoyment - or lack thereof - aside, some classes simply aren't well suited to that style of gameplay.I love this patch. The hit-and-run guerilla playstyle is my favorite. This patch is mostly about good positioning and situational awareness.
But you're also right, getting clapped in one shot by DboS+SubAssault can be pretty irritating haha.
I detest the resurgence of proc sets, especially since it's mostly a Stamina-only thing that results in so much effort-free damage from just a couple instant-cast button presses at range, which can persist through LOS. Where are all the people that were pitching a fit about the DOT changes in Scalebreaker? And what makes the current situation worse, IMO, is that the proc sets are often being combined with the supremely annoying and overpowered Bombard spam.
Even in cases where no one is literally one-shotted, the current level of damage is absurd and available healing isn't strong enough to recover (with perhaps a few exceptions on some builds). One dodge roll is worth so much more than a Resistant Flesh cast...a "burst heal" that frequently does < 4k non-crit (without defile) just isn't worth much when a single Jabs/Sweeps button press results in 7k+ damage, along with a snare. Once you account for the light attack, the 4k+ damage from the preceding "CC ability" (vs Stamplar, anyway), the continuing Jabs/Sweeps spam, poisons or enchants, possible Grothdarr on Magicka Templar, and potential damage from other players, that "burst heal" becomes a fart in a hurricane.
And I'm not blind to the absurdity of Graverobber + 3x Harmony jewelry on my own main class, either. I don't even like that "playstyle," but it seems to be the only way the class can be remotely competitive from an offensive standpoint. For a long time now I've thought that both damage and healing needed to be reduced for no-CP PvP. If Zenimax will work on reducing overall damage, along with perhaps some nerfs to a few specific heals (especially Stam DK self-healing and Mag Sorc Matriarch), we may end up with no-CP being in a decent spot. But for now, I think it's pretty bad overall, especially for bringing in new players; it's hard to learn and get the hang of things when you die pretty much instantly.
Overwhelming grothdaar says hello.
It's not the same sort of instant-death from 3x direct damage procs. Instead, it's typically double 5 piece DOT proc sets (most common being the new one + Azureblight), along with Sellistrix.Waffennacht wrote: »I remember when 1 shot triple procs were all the rage
Is it back to that really?
It's not the same sort of instant-death from 3x direct damage procs. Instead, it's typically double 5 piece DOT proc sets (most common being the new one + Azureblight), along with Sellistrix.Waffennacht wrote: »I remember when 1 shot triple procs were all the rage
Is it back to that really?
Just not fun anymore, impen is pointless, well fitted is pointless, just proc sets and divines and go around in your grp and whoever get lucky combo off first wins, its a slaughterfest, not fun, too much damage and quite simply boring after 1st week of the patch.
PC-NA BGs are basically Proc Set Meta 3.0 - Stamina DOTs edition.MurderMostFoul wrote: »I'm on console, so I can't speak from experience on Greymoor, but pre-Greymoor proc sets were niche at best. While I don't want to see the return of the proc meta, if proc sets become balanced again, that seems like a good thing for build diversity.