Nemesis7884 wrote: »do you need any of the AA's when you play on 4k?
Nemesis7884 wrote: »do you need any of the AA's when you play on 4k?
In this video their TXAA makes picture worse, darker, more blurry.asuzab16_ESO wrote: »This doesn't show in the screens but ESO suffered from shimmering / flickering since release, more than any other game I know, and it was for me a real immersion killer. I absolutely hated seeing these white bands crawling at on the edge of every single texture (impossible not to notice the shiny stairs) and after 5 years asking for TAA, it is a real pleasure to say all those graphic issues go away. Definitely the best change that ZOS has ever done on this game for me.
For those who can't see the difference, here is a video that explains everything :
In this video their TXAA makes picture worse, darker, more blurry.asuzab16_ESO wrote: »This doesn't show in the screens but ESO suffered from shimmering / flickering since release, more than any other game I know, and it was for me a real immersion killer. I absolutely hated seeing these white bands crawling at on the edge of every single texture (impossible not to notice the shiny stairs) and after 5 years asking for TAA, it is a real pleasure to say all those graphic issues go away. Definitely the best change that ZOS has ever done on this game for me.
For those who can't see the difference, here is a video that explains everything :
nesakinter wrote: »You can choose TAA ingame and enforce FXAA on top with Reshade. Best of both worlds, if you have the GPU good enough.
I'd like to give TAA more time to grow on me, but switching back to FXAA to compare seems to have done away with (or at least vastly reduced) the stutter that was occurring every time a mob dropped dead. I don't know why TAA would cause such a thing, or if it was some ridiculously strange coincidence, but it was like night and day between the two settings for me.