Can't speak about many other games but i played GW2 for several years and over all those years - with 2 expansion releases and multiple smaller content updates - total! server downtime was lower than ESO downtime on a single patch day.
And since aforementioned game just had a content update today i quickly glanced over the official forums - and the difference compared to ESO is like night and day. Because surprise, surprise - that game is actually playable. On a patchday. Just imagine ...
You got proven wrong.
Nobody was talking about "lag free". Your argument is invalid. Try again.
Can't speak about many other games but i played GW2 for several years and over all those years - with 2 expansion releases and multiple smaller content updates - total! server downtime was lower than ESO downtime on a single patch day.
And since aforementioned game just had a content update today i quickly glanced over the official forums - and the difference compared to ESO is like night and day. Because surprise, surprise - that game is actually playable. On a patchday. Just imagine ...
You got proven wrong.
Can't speak about many other games but i played GW2 for several years and over all those years - with 2 expansion releases and multiple smaller content updates - total! server downtime was lower than ESO downtime on a single patch day.
And since aforementioned game just had a content update today i quickly glanced over the official forums - and the difference compared to ESO is like night and day. Because surprise, surprise - that game is actually playable. On a patchday. Just imagine ...
You got proven wrong.
Nobody was talking about "lag free". Your argument is invalid. Try again.
Enjoy being put in your place.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed&ref_url=
Can't speak about many other games but i played GW2 for several years and over all those years - with 2 expansion releases and multiple smaller content updates - total! server downtime was lower than ESO downtime on a single patch day.
And since aforementioned game just had a content update today i quickly glanced over the official forums - and the difference compared to ESO is like night and day. Because surprise, surprise - that game is actually playable. On a patchday. Just imagine ...
You got proven wrong.
Nobody was talking about "lag free". Your argument is invalid. Try again.
Enjoy being put in your place.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed&ref_url=
Ok, so there was one single lenghty server maintenace in ... how many years? And players got an official apologize and a small compensation in form of a free mount skin. Also it was not related to any major content update. Totally compareable to ESO, right.
Your argument is invalid. Try again.
I mean, if you don't actually want to use your posting privileges, you could just stay away from the forums while they are on fire, rather than going on a trolling spree right after you just got out of the ban box. 'Cuz that'll land you right back in there.
That's the issue if a poster doesnt jump on your doom and gloom we want heads on a stick bandwagon its trolling and every post gets reported and of course the moderators who I agree are pretty bad ban some just to appease the foaming at the mouth vocal minority.
I mean, if you don't actually want to use your posting privileges, you could just stay away from the forums while they are on fire, rather than going on a trolling spree right after you just got out of the ban box. 'Cuz that'll land you right back in there.
That's the issue if a poster doesnt jump on your doom and gloom we want heads on a stick bandwagon its trolling and every post gets reported and of course the moderators who I agree are pretty bad ban some just to appease the foaming at the mouth vocal minority.
So far, all I've seen from the OP on these forums has been far more baiting, condescending and toxic than most of the people he's complaining about.
To the OP: I think you should consider what you're writing before calling people in the way you do as you are often the one I see as reinforcing the video gamer 'bad reputation'.