I know what you're thinking, "not another damn nerf so and so thread" but this is deserved, and let's back it up with straight facts.
If you've ever played PvP as of recent and fought what you know is an average to below average player, then ended up stalemating them or even dying to them in some circumstances, then they're most likely on a stamcro. Let's break down what makes this carry class so insanely strong in PvP...
The first thing you will most likely notice is their sheer tankiness. Having the 10% mitigation from spirit mender on top of slotting undo for minor protection and even throwing on potentates back bar will make them feel almost invincible. In my opinion that comes down to % mitigation being way too strong and accessible, but that's a story for another day.
The healing passives they get also adds to their tankiness... 8% when there is a negative effect on you, 2% for every bone tyrant ability, but the main culprits come down to the overtuned skills they possess. Let's start off with mortal coil. It is essentially a FREE vigor, yes it costs nothing. Which also restores stamina and gives 3% healing while slotted. It speaks for itself really. Next there is spirit mender which I mentioned before, not only is it an entire 5 piece swift, it also gives a heal over time. Deaden pain is next which is also FREE and gives major protection, the most broken buff in the game. The class also possesses a purge, which I don't mind but it is something to note. Pair all of this with s&b or brp dw and you have a truly, close to unkillable class.
Next up is their damage output, which mainly only comes down to one thing... Blastbones. While I'm all for hard hitting burst combo abilities, having an aoe major defile that can tooltip for over 20k is insanely ubsurd. No I do not want this skill gutted but when it comes down to it, major defile is way too strong of a debuff to be putting on such a hard hitting ability. Yeah healing is way too strong currently so you can argue that, but really it is the amount of off heals healers can stack on people which is the problem. Also a story for another day.
So overall, YES stamcro is insanely overperforming in the current PvP meta, a blind man could see that. But don't crucify me because I am asking for nerfs. I'm all for class balance and do not want to see something strong be gutted into oblivion like ZOS normally do. I also don't run the numbers or do spreadsheets etc. I'm simply speaking from a pure 5+ year PvP experience and playing every class inside and out. I'm sure many of you agree but this is the forums and god knows what the responses are going to be like.
zDan - Xbox EU/NA
I specialize in solo PvP on every class in the game,
be sure to check out my YouTube for several 1vX and build videos!