ShawnLaRock wrote: »I often got this bug during 6th Anniversary when I was posting a lot in either zone or guild chat with items I was giving away or selling - because I think the game flagged it as too many posts / bot protection.
LifeIsAGrave wrote: »I've had this since logging on this morning on Xox EU. I can't pull up virtual keyboard, my wireless keyboard doesn't work, I can't even send mail. "You cannot communicate with other players" message ervery time. Worst of all I can't even do my DPS testing. I have no way to pull up my text chat.
The standard response for anything you report from xbox is that it's likely a Microsoft issue and to hard reset, clear save data etc. I am experiencing the same, and have been since yesterday on xbox NA.
Service status of xbox live is OK.
xXMeowMeowXx wrote: »This just started today with multiple people that I know....
Has anyone else experienced this?