DocFrost72 wrote: »If they didn't change like everything else in this game, you might have gotten some traction. Imagine saying that in order to remove a permanent fire debuff, regen debuff, and cost increase (all things you'd only notice once you become a vampire), the player needs to farm 90k gold.
Just sit for a few minutes and think about trying to pitch that in a popular game.
Thevampirenight wrote: »DocFrost72 wrote: »If they didn't change like everything else in this game, you might have gotten some traction. Imagine saying that in order to remove a permanent fire debuff, regen debuff, and cost increase (all things you'd only notice once you become a vampire), the player needs to farm 90k gold.
Just sit for a few minutes and think about trying to pitch that in a popular game.
I think lore should take priority to what they think or their ease.
Now maybe a quest to seek out a few reagents for the cure. Then with the cost being the same as it is now but have to seek out and get those ingredients. Say like six garlic, seven daedric hearts and vampire dust, and frost salts or anything. then slaying a special mob in a cave to get something for the cure. Same for Lycanthropy. <snip>
The choice to become a lycanthrope or vampire should be more meaningful meaning curing it should be a little more difficult then it is right now. <snup> I want a better cure one that is to the lore and lore wise its not easy to cure.
Thevampirenight wrote: »One thing that has bothered me about Eso's Vampire and Werewolf Cure is its to easy. Go up to this priest hand him a very small amount of gold and bam cure.
This has always bothered me now they are making this priest more convient. Can you please Zenimax make it a lot more costly.
Cure on the crown store is 800 crowns. Crown rate I think is 200 gold per crown. 800 x 200= 160000 So to get it from a player would cost 160000 gold. Now maybe not that high. But no less then 90k It should be 90k to cure Vampirism and Lycanthropy. There should be a cost to it that requires work to cure. Cure shouldn't be as easy and lore wise its not easy to cure. It should be high enough cost that most that go to him for a cure would turn him away most vampires and lycanthropes. Because 90k shows commitment for cleaning up. So can you please make it more expensive. Not only for immersion but also lore.
It isn't hard to get 90k either but might take some questing, stealing and other things like selling items and next chapter the antiquities system.
Thevampirenight wrote: »DocFrost72 wrote: »If they didn't change like everything else in this game, you might have gotten some traction. Imagine saying that in order to remove a permanent fire debuff, regen debuff, and cost increase (all things you'd only notice once you become a vampire), the player needs to farm 90k gold.
Just sit for a few minutes and think about trying to pitch that in a popular game.
I think lore should take priority to what they think or their ease.
Now maybe a quest to seek out a few reagents for the cure. Then with the cost being the same as it is now but have to seek out and get those ingredients. Say like six garlic, seven daedric hearts and vampire dust, and frost salts or anything. then slaying a special mob in a cave to get something for the cure. Same for Lycanthropy. There still should be more work to the cure then there is.
The choice to become a lycanthrope or vampire should be more meaningful meaning curing it should be a little more difficult then it is right now. It should have to be a quest you under take. I want a better cure one that is to the lore and lore wise its not easy to cure. Also would like to see a witch or something be the go to for the lycanthropy cure or some other npc since a Priest of Arkay never made sense for the cure to Lycanthropy. So I would like to see a much better curing experience.
I'd rather have a small quest to cure it. Not an instant cure, but something your character has to work to.
In that one Wolfhunter Dlc dungeon after you defeat Vykosa you gathered some ingredients and the male npc at the end can cure you. It would be something like that, only not a dlc dungeon. Lol, in fact, when the dungeon first came out many people were cured by mistake just clicking through the dialogue options (me included).
Want a cure? Go gather these plants and come back. That’s the way they should make the cure.
starkerealm wrote: »In that one Wolfhunter Dlc dungeon after you defeat Vykosa you gathered some ingredients and the male npc at the end can cure you. It would be something like that, only not a dlc dungeon. Lol, in fact, when the dungeon first came out many people were cured by mistake just clicking through the dialogue options (me included).
Want a cure? Go gather these plants and come back. That’s the way they should make the cure.
They took that out. People were accidentally curing their lycanthropy and freaking out.
That said, if the crown store unlocks were persistent collectibles, that you could use to swap or clear curse states repeatedly across multiple characters, that'd be cool. As it is now? No.
Thevampirenight wrote: »starkerealm wrote: »In that one Wolfhunter Dlc dungeon after you defeat Vykosa you gathered some ingredients and the male npc at the end can cure you. It would be something like that, only not a dlc dungeon. Lol, in fact, when the dungeon first came out many people were cured by mistake just clicking through the dialogue options (me included).
Want a cure? Go gather these plants and come back. That’s the way they should make the cure.
They took that out. People were accidentally curing their lycanthropy and freaking out.
That said, if the crown store unlocks were persistent collectibles, that you could use to swap or clear curse states repeatedly across multiple characters, that'd be cool. As it is now? No.
Well if Zenimax wanted to make money off those cures. Then they would make it a lot harder or more costly to do it with in game gold or do a quest. They are only useful on the pts as they only cost like 1 crown there. At best the cure should only cost 3 to 4 crowns. That is how much its worth, its not worth the 800 crowns at all.
Thevampirenight wrote: »The choice to become a lycanthrope or vampire should be more meaningful meaning curing it should be a little more difficult then it is right now.
Thevampirenight wrote: »The choice to become a lycanthrope or vampire should be more meaningful meaning curing it should be a little more difficult then it is right now.
You're assuming that it's always a choice. It isn't always a choice. And just for that fact alone, the cure shouldn't be any different than it is right now. Run to a priest, who, as a pious figure, is supposed to be very grateful to dispel such curses, and give him a little gold for his trouble.
Even me, who turns most of his characters, doesn't always choose to have a character bitten.
It has happened to me by accident, twice.
I was running around at night, just farming mats, and both times I ran afoul of werewolves or bloodfiends where I wasn't expecting them to be. Suddenly, I'm scratched or bitten on characters I didn't want to be turned.
So now I should have to run through a drawn-out quest? What if I'm not an RPer?
And/or pay a heavy gold price for something I didn't want to happen?
The cure paradigm is fine as it is.
DocFrost72 wrote: »@Thevampirenight You disregarded the part where this strain of vampirism (Noxiphilic Sanguivoria) has never before been seen until this game.
There is equal merit to the statement "It should be hard to cure because other strains are" and "It could be easy to cure because we have no lore confirming it is hard."
Currently, the LORE of ESO is that a priest can cure this strain with minimal effort. Established by the developers of this game, who got the go-ahead from Bethesda.
What's your proof this strain is not lore friendly?
DocFrost72 wrote: »Thevampirenight wrote: »DocFrost72 wrote: »If they didn't change like everything else in this game, you might have gotten some traction. Imagine saying that in order to remove a permanent fire debuff, regen debuff, and cost increase (all things you'd only notice once you become a vampire), the player needs to farm 90k gold.
Just sit for a few minutes and think about trying to pitch that in a popular game.
I think lore should take priority to what they think or their ease.
Well, you lost ZOS, there. They made a strain of vampirism that wasn't affected by the sun just for this game. I can see the lore master post now. "Since you're souless, it's easy to rip out."Now maybe a quest to seek out a few reagents for the cure. Then with the cost being the same as it is now but have to seek out and get those ingredients. Say like six garlic, seven daedric hearts and vampire dust, and frost salts or anything. then slaying a special mob in a cave to get something for the cure. Same for Lycanthropy. <snip>
No issues from me here.The choice to become a lycanthrope or vampire should be more meaningful meaning curing it should be a little more difficult then it is right now. <snup> I want a better cure one that is to the lore and lore wise its not easy to cure.
What source are you using to explain why this strain is hard to cure? The exact only source we have is a priest of arkay saying a prayer and giving you and good tug.
Check it out. If we are to follow the lore, the strain we are afflicted with in ESO requires no sunlight penalties, enhanced strength, and immense regenerative properties during the evening. I think those are all additions I'd like to see, and they are in the lore.
xXMeowMeowXx wrote: »NO it shouldn’t....
They’re already milking noobs in the crown store.
Most new players don’t know they can get a bite for free or a cure in game.