I did tests with a friend on the 3 mill dummy.
Best result with dk healer wearing zen|ro was 49% major slayer with every heavy critting. Average on dk healer uptime was around 33-38%.
All other classes have been around 24-28% max.
For this test on the 3 mill dummy I mimic the other healer with infused shock enchanted lightning staff. Charged front bar.
AgaTheGreat wrote: »So you say to effectively use this set you need add-ons on top of that, @actosh ?
Austinseph1 wrote: »Asiangod did a very informative video on this including all the math to make it work. You should check it out. The thing that is wrong with this set is it's intended for a dps to use, but because it is a support set it will be shoehorned onto a healer/tank because it's a support set. Hence the incredibly high damage needed for maximum uptime. The thing is heavy builds wont pull as much damage so you actually give up more than just a 5 piece bonus for making use of the sat. It just isnt appealing for much of the dps community. I may use z'en on my MagDK once in a while because I can passively increase group damage but I'm not going to change my build and play style around a single set. It just isn't fun.
I´m pretty confident that some console guys can make it work on a rly high level without any form of addon since u cant use those.
U wont need them to effectively use the set, but the basic´s in our test was the following, u keep your dots up for zen (the typical 4) do the usual healing *** (combat prayer/healingcircle) and then heavy attack.
For the test to see what is the maximum achieveable uptime the other player used a cooldowntracker to charge the heavy when there´s still 2 secs left on the cooldown.
ZOS Design to tell via particle effects when this or that buff/cd/whaever ends, just dont work the way they imagined.
So my guess would be for now that for the average console player the set isnt useable to it full or almost full potential (hopefully i can be proven wrong here ^^).
Even on Pc it wont work fo most groups since the RO/ZEN guy isnt rly doing that much healing.
So the average progression group wont see the big of an effect as a Group that is on top of the leaderboards.
Milli_Rabbit wrote: »Could a magcro with 100% crit under 25% on an add hit a high heavy attack?
WrathOfInnos wrote: »
@Milli_Rabbit You would get decent uptimes for that last 25%, but Necro crit is usually low from 100-25%. Also the current iteration of RO is really only viable on a Dragonknight because they get 50% more Heavy Attack Damage with Molten Armaments.
Olupajmibanan wrote: »
I feel like the current iteration of RO is practicaly viable only on Jorvuld healers. Uptime is very similar to DK uptime but you don't have to gimp one of your DK DDs or run some weird DK heavy attack healer.
Or you can still run Jorvuld weird heavy attack DK healer
On top of this, the set is supposed to be a lowest value of 5 seconds for it's duration, but even doing 36k heavy attacks still results in a 5 second duration
Either this is a bug, or it is expected of the player to deal 48k damage with a SINGLE heavy attack to get just ONE extra second of duration
I’d also like to point out that a 63k heavy attack crit, while impressive, would only get you 7 total seconds on RO, not 10
If a healer is going to be giving up any of the other countless sets for this set just for it to barely work Even under ideal conditions, no one will run it