In my opinion the current version of Roaring Opportunist, which has been introduced in PTS patch 6.0.1 and not been changed in patch 6.0.2 is really missing the mark. Instead of making the set more interesting for damage dealers it basically punishes them for using it by forcing builds that are otherwise not viable and are not fun to play. Further the current proccing condition behaves extremely inconsistent and the numbers are way off.
Roaring Opportunist should in my opinion be changed back to a state where it can consistently and reliably be used without a specific build and in order to be more attractive to damage dealers should then give better offensive stats to the wearer. It should not scale with Jorvuld's Guidance, but in turn last a little bit longer, while only affecting four players to be more in line with other support sets worn by damage dealers and allow for multiple wearers in a group.
For a more detailed version, please watch my video on the topic: