The Elder Scrolls Online v6.0.1 welcomes back Midyear Mayhem for testing this week, along with many bug fixes and improvements for Antiquities and features in Western Skyrim and Blackreach. We’ve also made adjustments to the Kyne’s Aegis Trial to increase the difficulty for Hard Modes, increased the difficulty of Harrowstorms, and reduced the effectiveness of all Trial sets due to an error in calculating their Set Bonus Efficiency. Along with many other bug fixes, we’ve also fixed a few common crashes that were occurring on the PTS. The size of this patch is approximately 222MB.

- New Features / Updates / Big Changes
- Midyear Mayhem
- Crown Store Additions
- New Motif
- Template Updates
- Known Issues
- Fixes & Improvements
- DLCs & Chapters
- Clockwork City
- Dragonhold
- Elsweyr
- Greymoor
- Thieves Guild
- Combat & Gameplay
- Combat & Abilities
- Itemization & Item Sets
- Base Game
- Alliance War & PvP
- Art & Animation
- Crafting & Economy
- Crown Store & Crown Crates
- Housing
- Miscellaneous
- Quests & Zones
- UI
Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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