Seventh Legion Jack: Great to see that this particular outfit style has made a return to the game could we have a version of it without the exposed skin? If we're going to be in Skyrim for the whole of this year exposed skin seems out of place.
Snowhawk Mage Jerkin: Dig the design overall but the larger of the style's two pouches (the one on the character's lower back) is oddly placed such that it looks to me like its floating rather than attached to the rest of the jerkin. Perhaps a version without it or one modified to have the back pouch attached to the jerkin's belt?

Ancestral High Elf Cuirass: The metal bits near the character's shoulders are floating and not attached properly to the rest of the mesh.

Ancestral Nord, Orc, High elf: Can we please have versions of these armors without crotch flaps and tassets?
Sword-Thane Outfit style: Same feedback as the ancestral armor motifs, could we please have versions on offer at the outfit station without crotch flaps and tassets?
Jarl's Finery: There is a large, painfully obvious gap between the costume's fur shoulders and the rest of the outfit.

Antiquarian Robes: Several of the costume's gold buttons are not properly attached to the costume.

Antiquarian Field Garb: Similar to the robes the buttons on this costume are not actually attached to the outfit. It would also look much better in my humble opinion if the costume hid two-handed weapons, staves, and bows just like it did shields while equipped.
Edited by Internet_Mask on April 26, 2020 6:51PM