Just throwing this out there cuz I feel the damage reduction changes for pvp are pretty shortminded (flat crit resistance for everyone).
The point is that most damage nowadays is not affected by crit multipliers in the first place cuz impen is too strong. Granting baseline crit resist at the expense of a nerfed impen trait is only allowing players to build more tanky on traits (sturdy, well fitted, reinforced, ...).
Critdamage has been really bad, I can tell since I always favored crit based builds. If you invest into crit damage at the expense of defenses, the game should reward you for that high risk playstyle.
The source of tankyness right now is coming from overtuned buffs and high uptime on stackable mitigation effects (minor, major, unique effects).
If at all, I think crit damage should be buffed in PvP to encourage higher investments into glassy builds, and maybe adjust the baseline damage reduction to compensate for vulnerability to crits. This would also increase the damage gap between offensive light/medium and heavy builds.