locked for 6 days without any notice, news, nor answer

Eso, please consider the WHOLE ticker. 200415-008188 quickly, as number stated in ARE real.
It's been 5 days now, which mean 5 days more than the time it took to your services to qualify it (by closing the dupe.)

This is while patience is still here. 24h more, it shall not.
May it happen : it will start there (probably by introducing some symbols like eso.pubkey_show/cb as a prelude to the whole ZoCrypto:: namespace and subsequent disclosuren function of the time you officially disregard customers.).

Thx in advance.
  • Dzafer
    You may delete this post upon reading and taking charge.
  • idk
    I see you had a duplicate ticket. Opening a second ticket pushes the first ticket further back in the queue. I am not guessing as Zos has said it and I have also seen it in other games. I do suggest you create one reply to any response from the first ticket as that is actually required.

    Further, Zos CS is also running slower due to the virus. Yes, Zos has said this and again, other gaming companies are having slower CS due to the virus. This is life and your thread will not change it.

    Not sure what kind of threat that you are patient now but 24h more that will not be the case anymore actually means but if you go off the rails, start threatening or some other crazy reaction it is more likely to have the opposite reaction. Get rude in a ticket and it will push it back further, Get rude in the thread and anyone at Zos that would be willing to help just might walk away knowing that CS is burdened with more tickets than normal during the pandemic.

    This is just advice. I understand it must be frustrating since it seems you have been banned in some manner and think it is unjust. Good luck but I suggest being patient.
  • ZOS_Bill

    Please check your inbox for a PM about your ticket.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • idk
    Thx BillE
  • Dzafer
    @idk I understand your point in every way, but as stated in private, the "threat" is somehow deeply in context and not a "threat" but more likely to become central topic how the locking reason and explanation of initial means.
    the road to hell is paved with good intentions, they said.
  • Dzafer
    Btw @idk please understand that Ive NOT asked for any unlock,but asked for an opportunity to DISCUSS the matter, as the lock is both justified and a perfect way of opening an exchange canal with the right people :)
  • Dzafer
    hey... 3 days later again, for more than a week now... Event startings etc.

  • Dzafer
    Hi @ZOS_BillE.
    Been 12 days now without any advancement.. It's becoming... Let's say "rude".
    Thx in advance
  • Dzafer

    after nearly half a month without even an anwser from customer support, I'm requesting help regarding the whole deletion of my account, and refunding related ESO+ yearly subscriptions.

    Thanks in advance
  • Dzafer
    How long does it take to have advancement after having been "escalated" ?
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