Stamina nightblades.

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I just see a poll some posts below saying that nightblades are not popular in battlegrounds.
My old Khajiit stamina nightblade was good in duels but I did not test it on battlegrounds. Some time ago the stamina nightblades was all awesome. Now not anymore? Because I will play one again.

I want to know if they are still viable in both pvp and pve.
  • SidraWillowsky
    I can really only speak for PvE, but they've been nerfed into the ground over the past year or so.

    No more minor berserk.
    No more major fracture (unless you use Reaping Mark, which is a pain).
    Cast times added to ultimates (Incap and Dawnbreaker).
    They did something to mess up the spectral bow; I can't even remember what now.

    The class in general feels like a shadow (hur hur get it?!?! Shadow?!?!) of its former self. I'm not someone who jumps from meta class to meta class, but I just had to shelve mine for now. It's just too sad to see what the class has become.
  • Ximinetto
    I can really only speak for PvE, but they've been nerfed into the ground over the past year or so.

    No more minor berserk.
    No more major fracture (unless you use Reaping Mark, which is a pain).
    Cast times added to ultimates (Incap and Dawnbreaker).
    They did something to mess up the spectral bow; I can't even remember what now.

    The class in general feels like a shadow (hur hur get it?!?! Shadow?!?!) of its former self. I'm not someone who jumps from meta class to meta class, but I just had to shelve mine for now. It's just too sad to see what the class has become.

    So the class is useless now? I better play another class? Because i wanted to play a rogue themed class. I will try it anyway.

    Edited by Ximinetto on April 10, 2020 5:28AM
  • Bucky_13
    Ximinetto wrote: »

    So the class is useless now? I better play another class? Because i wanted to play a rogue themed class. I will try it anyway.

    99& of the time I play stamblades. Yes it's not as good as it should be, but it's not useless. You can still play it and have fun and be effective if you know how to play it. Not to mention that from time to time, classes and specs change as far as how good they are compared to each other.

    Snipers are in a decent place for PvP, while melee stamblades have it tougher, but your skill with them will make the biggest difference. As far as the spectral bow goes, it's one of the more buggy abilities in Cyrodiil at least, it will usually go of eventually but can be a real pain in the ass when it doesn't want to work.

    So if you want to play a rogue themed class like I do, go for it. Even if it's not the best performing class out there, I still have way more fun with it than with whatever is considered the best class. And if you're not having fun while playing a game, then what's the point of playing?
  • Ximinetto
    Bucky_13 wrote: »

    99& of the time I play stamblades. Yes it's not as good as it should be, but it's not useless. You can still play it and have fun and be effective if you know how to play it. Not to mention that from time to time, classes and specs change as far as how good they are compared to each other.

    Snipers are in a decent place for PvP, while melee stamblades have it tougher, but your skill with them will make the biggest difference. As far as the spectral bow goes, it's one of the more buggy abilities in Cyrodiil at least, it will usually go of eventually but can be a real pain in the ass when it doesn't want to work.

    So if you want to play a rogue themed class like I do, go for it. Even if it's not the best performing class out there, I still have way more fun with it than with whatever is considered the best class. And if you're not having fun while playing a game, then what's the point of playing?

    I rethinked a bit. I want to play a templar nord tank. Thanks for your answer.

    Edited by Ximinetto on April 10, 2020 12:57PM
  • madman65
    I have certain sets that does really good at 100% movement reduction and then I go in for the kill, Very Fun.
  • merevie
    You will get owned by people half as good a you on other classes.
    You will def die to people at the same skill level.
    You will def be outclassed by the pay 2 win classes.

    If you could go with a BG premade you could plan ahead to have viability in a group. But ya can't.

    So be a troll ganker from a rock in pvp, build and maybe use 2 class skills max to pretend you are a nightblade and not a generic 2H stam build.

    Cloak is broken beyond repair.

    Good news though -all your old abilities are going to the new pay 2 win vamp line in the next chapter -Woot. You will be able to feel glorious again.
    Edited by merevie on April 10, 2020 7:52AM
  • Asgorn
    merevie wrote: »
    You will def be outclassed by the pay 2 win classes.

    Good news though -all your old abilities are going to the new pay 2 win vamp line in the next chapter -Woot. You will be able to feel glorious again.

    Pay 2 win. You serious? What is p2w about Warden and Necro?

    And you know that vampire skill line will be changed in the base game, right?

    Do you even know what p2w means?
  • Suligost
    Nightblade is just weak, if you gonna relay on cloak not dark cloak even weaker. He doesnt have much passives coming from skills that boost dmg, (except crict). You can be tougher but lack of proper healing and resource replenish will kill you anyway. I came back to my very old stamsorc (my first char, second is nightblade and thats it) and he is so much better for stam. Less dmg mitigation but universal passives, better grim focus, more dmg and with all that heals and endless stamina thanks to dark deal you are way more tanky (more block, more dodges).

    Cant say anything more about other classes, since I havent played them. Also when you have bound armaments and soul trap I actually feel like a spellblade :D
  • Nemesis7884
    the class doesnt feel great to play...the flow feels really off and clunky compared to something like stamsorc where everything kinda fits together....but maybe thats just me

    you could say well it might be meh in pve but maybe better i pvp...cant speak to that but warden and nb are the classes i kill the least often according to statistics...
    Edited by Nemesis7884 on April 10, 2020 9:41AM
  • Qbiken
    The higher MMR you get the less usefull nightblade becomes when it comes to BG's. The lack of group utility and easy avoidable burst combination doesn't make it suitable for BG's vs competent and/or meta setups (wardens, stamcro)......
    Edited by Qbiken on April 10, 2020 9:51AM
  • gatekeeper13
    I have a khajiit nightblade which I use only in PVP (Cyro no CP) and for some PVE questing. I also did some BGs when I was farming the Pit Daemon style. It performs great in general. I use him mostly in a bow build but I also switch to 2H from time to time.

    Although its awesome in PvP, I cant get used to it in PVE. Seems very fragile. (probably because I am not doing vet PVE content with that build, only with my magsorc)
  • Kadoin
    Asgorn wrote: »

    Pay 2 win. You serious? What is p2w about Warden and Necro?

    And you know that vampire skill line will be changed in the base game, right?

    Do you even know what p2w means?

    Maybe the fact that the nerf gun always conveniently misses them when they aren't dodging...

    Example: Obsidian Shard and Draining Shot lost stun because stun+heal+damage, yet Artic Blast is a stun + heal (better than both those skills IMO) + damage and can chill and immobilize...
  • Shardaxx
    NBs got wrecked by nerf after nerf. Other classes are now generally better. To rub salt into the wound, ZOS decided to make NB skills available to everyone - adding fear to the fighter's guild skills, and now invisibility to the vampire line is upcoming in the next patch.

    Personally I've unsubbed because I just can't bear to hand over any more money until they a) fix the performance and b) restore NBs to being competitive.
    PS4 - Europe - Shardaxx - Wood Elf Nightblade - Aldmeri Dominion
  • Deathlord92
    I can’t speak for pve but in pvp stamblades can still be very lethal especially since zos recently kindly gave our stun back to incap. We took some very stupid nerfs we have to work harder then the other classes for kills but it’s still a good and fun class to play take it from a day 1 nb 💪
    Edited by Deathlord92 on April 10, 2020 11:05AM
  • ketsparrowhawk
    Qbiken wrote: »
    The higher MMR you get the less usefull nightblade becomes when it comes to BG's. The lack of group utility and easy avoidable burst combination doesn't make it suitable for BG's vs competent and/or meta setups (wardens, stamcro)......

    This here. NB's are just very easy to counter, and they aren't really designed for teamwork, which is super important in BG's. NB's are discouraged from using stealth, since it basically forces your team to fight outnumbered. And if you can't use stealth, why play a nightblade?

    Stamblades can offer a lot of value to the group if they can be truly effective gankers and delete enemies from the map quickly and efficiently. But in high MMR most players are simply not gankable.
    Edited by ketsparrowhawk on April 10, 2020 11:30AM
  • doomette
    My main since the beginning is a stamblade, so I’ll always play her for things like new events and zones, but right now, other classes are just more fun and are more effective. Their abilities hit harder and aren’t as clunky. They have more utility. Combat with them is just more fluid and fun.
    The only thing my stamblade has going for her, besides being my oldest character with the most achievements, is a handy “ain’t nobody got time for this” button when I don’t feel like dealing with a mob/other player (since I don’t use it to gank).
  • Unfadingsilence
    depending on you're playstyle stamina night blade is AMAZING in solo pvp in BGs and in CP campaigns as well easy class to 1vX on "not the best but still there"
  • Kawiki
    NB can still slaughter potatoes and noobs. Against an average player you will just spend most of your time trying to stay alive (and probably fail).

    For reference I have been playing my stamblade, magplar and mag sorc in BGs a lot lately. The differences are unbelievable. I can be half asleep, stoned and drunk on my sorc and Templar and still perform far better.

    My GF literally laughs at me when I’m done with a BG on my stamblade as she put it “you look like you just landed a plane with no engines on river”.
  • Ximinetto
    Ok,at that point,reading all the comments,i concluded that nightblades are not useful as was being to be. BUT,my first character in TESO was a khajiit stamina nightblade,because i wanted to play a type rogue character.

    Now i rethinked a bit and i will play another class,or dunno,i still like my old khajiit stamina nightblade. I dunno if i will play another class,but i have strong decision for a new khajiit stamina nightblade,maybe i repent but is the most fun class i ever played in TESO. See ya ingame.
  • Mancombe_Nosehair
    Play how you want. If you want to play with your Nightblade, go ahead and play with him / her.

    The choice is yours.
  • Ximinetto
    Play how you want. If you want to play with your Nightblade, go ahead and play with him / her.

    The choice is yours.

    Of course. I will play a new khajiit stamina nightblade cause is the most fun class i played. But i will play solo till i find dungeons or content that require to go with other people. So thanks.

    Edited by Ximinetto on April 10, 2020 2:05PM
  • TheValar85
    Nerf Nightblades. theri Focusing aim is to damn powerful.!
    GM Of The Lusty Argonian ERP
    GM Of THe Alessia Dynasty PVP Guild
    GM Of The Guardians Of MiddleEarth
    My Smiling Emperor Profile Picture:
  • Unfadingsilence
    Just some early morning ESO fun killing some Blueberries
  • Unfadingsilence
    And yesterday ✌
  • doomette
    TheValar85 wrote: »
    Nerf Nightblades. theri Focusing aim is to damn powerful.!

    Nerf nightblades because of a non-class skill that’s only a problem when it glitches? Sounds legit.
  • Galwylin
    My main is still a nightblade. I think its still an enjoyable class. Just don't expect it to be good in the areas you seem interested in. Doesn't mean the class isn't fun to play. Its in an interesting place considering this is a mmo. But if you don't play with anyone else its a cool class. Its just a weird class to have in an mmo nowadays.
  • Ximinetto
    Just a question now. I always liked to be a dunmer,however they rely on magicka builds in the past,so i was forced to play a stamina race for play a stamina nightblade. Now after watching the wiki,dunmers can be good either stamina or magicka builds.

    So after see that,i rethink it and i want to be a dunmer for my stamina nightblade. Also they have better physical attack on the last racial passive skill. But i do not know if i do a correct change,because khajiits now have the three stats regens,health,stamina and magicka.

    The dunmers however have more stamina and increased physical attack now,as well as more magicka and spell attack. That is why i say that they can be stamina or magicka classes.

    A better insight for the question should be good. But whatever the answer is,i will choose dunmer now,because i prefer them over the feline heads khajiits.
    Edited by Ximinetto on April 10, 2020 4:19PM
  • Langeston
    Ximinetto wrote: »
    Just a question now. I always liked to be a dunmer,however they rely on magicka builds in the past,so i was forced to play a stamina race for play a stamina nightblade. Now after watching the wiki,dunmers can be good either stamina or magicka builds.

    So after see that,i rethink it and i want to be a dunmer for my stamina nightblade. Also they have better physical attack on the last racial passive skill. But i do not know if i do a correct change,because khajiits now have the three stats regens,health,stamina and magicka.

    The dunmers however have more stamina and increased physical attack now,as well as more magicka and spell attack. That is why i say that they can be stamina or magicka classes.

    A better insight for the question should be good. But whatever the answer is,i will choose dunmer now,because i prefer them over the feline heads khajiits.

    Khajiit & Dunmer are both great races for NBs, you really can't go wrong with either of them. The nice thing is that they both work well for magicka and stamina toons, so if you decide you want to try playing magblade at some point, on either one of them all it takes is a trip to the respect shrines & you're good to go.
  • Mancombe_Nosehair
    The advantage of dark elves is that you can swap between magicka or stamina if one gets nerfed or you get bored.
  • Ximinetto
    Langeston wrote: »

    Khajiit & Dunmer are both great races for NBs, you really can't go wrong with either of them. The nice thing is that they both work well for magicka and stamina toons, so if you decide you want to try playing magblade at some point, on either one of them all it takes is a trip to the respect shrines & you're good to go.

    Good!!! Then i will select the dunmer race for sure,tyvm.

    Edited by Ximinetto on April 10, 2020 4:37PM
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