Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

If you were the developer what problem would you address first...(POLL)


If you were the developer what problem would you address first...(POLL) 286 votes

I would close the skill gap.
ThannazzarTelvanniWizardTigerseyeStarlockInspiral808 5 votes
I would increase the difficulty of the game; it's too easy.
StillianJeremyRobo_HoboAlexanderDeLargeNoxavianThokriEifleber 7 votes
I would work on the overall game performance first and foremost.
fastolfv_ESOKikazaruGilvothJakxMoloch1514darlene_june_ESOalenae1b14_ESOBowserCatsmoke14GlassHalfFullssewallb14_ESOwenchmore420b14_ESOIxtyrninibinichess1ukb16_ESOCyberOnEsomartinhpb16_ESOixiefreespiritNeillMcAttack 233 votes
I would work on making better Crown Store items and incorporate an in-game secure gold-to-crown trading system.
AhPook_Is_HereparpinKnowledgeFischblutNeoealthSeperatistUnknown_RedemptionFajinMortiis13 9 votes
I would add more classes.
proteinexeThisOnePostsArchangelIsraphel 3 votes
I wouldn't do anything the game is perfectly balanced and performs flawlessly on my computer.
red_emuValenorTaunky 3 votes
None of the above. (State below)
JarndyceGythralMuizerNanfoodlekargen27yRavenLarianaMetal10957vamp_emilyBRCOURTNaaisoahoLiquidPonythemaddaedraShardan4968magueRPGplayer13579GalexPKKingslayer513karekizEdoKeledus 26 votes
  • Vevvev
    I would work on the overall game performance first and foremost.
    Another poll.... well I think everyone can agree performance should be top priority first and foremost. If the game doesn't work the new stuff you add won't work either.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • Ratzkifal
    I would work on the overall game performance first and foremost.
    Performance and bugs before everything.
    I wouldn't neglect monetization avenues obviously, because that's what would be paying my bills.
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • Kahlis
    Oh look, it's another biased poll designed to elicit a predetermined response.
  • Seperatist
    I would work on making better Crown Store items and incorporate an in-game secure gold-to-crown trading system.
    Making sure crown store works at it's best everywhere and anytime, would even make possibility to buy things during maintenance of course.
    Immoltal ledeemel, (un)chained, Gryphon Fat, Thicc Tocc Tolmenter, Grand overbruhlord, Kekslayer. "You know you don't have to be here right"
  • JamilaRaj
    I would prepare for economic downturn and start building strategic stockpile of crown crates, which would be then distributed among the jobless.
  • Helgarth
    On what matter is it useful?
  • Banana
    I would work on the overall game performance first and foremost.
    Unfu*-%;g performance should be the only thing being worked on.
    Edited by Banana on April 5, 2020 6:46PM
  • svartorn
    I would work on the overall game performance first and foremost.
    Overall game performance.

    I shouldn't have to wait 5-10 seconds for skills to fire after clicking them in Cyrodiil.
  • Lariana
    None of the above. (State below)
    Collisions on canopy beds. Definitely.
    Not even daedra have two left feet!
  • Nanfoodle
    None of the above. (State below)
    Remove animation cancelling and balance class skills by the animation.
    Edited by Nanfoodle on April 5, 2020 6:57PM
  • Sir_Valk
    I would work on the overall game performance first and foremost.
    Performance ofcourse without a smooth gameplay, you lose costumers, with good performance you attract costumers, very simple, the game may have fine content, but if you have bad ping/delay it's not a fun experience to have.
  • Veles
    I would work on the overall game performance first and foremost.
    Everyone said about it to devs, but those, who sit in high cabinets, have a slightly different perspective on making money. That is why work on the overall game performance first and foremost is too looooong money for them.
  • Dusk_Coven
    None of the above. (State below)
    Community management -- add Game Masters to combat bad behavior such as harassment and scamming, botting and exploiting.
  • SidraWillowsky
    None of the above. (State below)
    Balance PvE and PvP separately.

    On the PvP end, I'd let them all come together and decide for themselves how to balance, just so I could watch that unfold.
    Edited by SidraWillowsky on April 5, 2020 7:40PM
  • JinMori
    Unless i am executive director i have no choice in that. That's about it, and you still have to respond to your superior.

    But what i would do, is make better systems to avoid having to nerf each patch to keep power in check, because progression in an mmo is really important.

    And performance.

    That is in my opinion the first thing they should focus on.

    After that, content.
    Edited by JinMori on April 5, 2020 7:47PM
  • justaquickword
    None of the above. (State below)
    The first thing I'd do is stop listening to the complete self interest from some people on this forum.
    They make the game. Either keep playing it or stop playing it and jog on.
  • JinMori
    The first thing I'd do is stop listening to the complete self interest from some people on this forum.
    They make the game. Either keep playing it or stop playing it and jog on.

    The devs are just humans, we have seen many times that they are prone to making stupid decisions like any human, there are many forum suggestion that are way better than anything zos does.

    It's all a matter of are we gonna do it or not? Basically money.

    Anyway that;'s a very stupid way at looking things, and very egotistical.

    I am not saying you should always bend the knee, but there are a lot of very good suggestions. It's fine to stand for your ideas, but not when you are *** wrong.

    This obviously applies to both the devs and the player.
    Edited by JinMori on April 5, 2020 8:05PM
  • Fajin
    I would work on making better Crown Store items and incorporate an in-game secure gold-to-crown trading system.
    I know the performance is the most important one here but hear me out I want ESO+ to be purchasable via in game currency. Just like Albion online.

    I'm tired paying for removing obstacles be so DLC dungeons with better loot, or a simple craft bag so I don't clutter my already cluttered inventory etc.

    This game is already b2p, all of the expansions are b2p and now you want me to buy some of the most important features of the game too?

    Like ffs either make the game fully sub2p or do not have ESO+ at all.
  • red_emu
    I wouldn't do anything the game is perfectly balanced and performs flawlessly on my computer.
    Couldn't be better. It's all perfect and I am completely sound of mind 😵
    PC - EU:
    Falathren Noctis - AD MagNecro
    Falathren - AD StamSorc
    Falathren Eryndaer - AD StamDen
    Falathren Irimion - AD MagPlar
    Talagan Falathren - AD StamDK
    Falathren Infernis - AD MagDK
    Your-Ex - AD MagBlade
  • Kilnerdyne
    I would work on the overall game performance first and foremost.
    If I was the developer i'd create 10-20 forum accounts and make sure to comment on threads such as these stating that "Performance is fine, it's people's computers" and "Nothing needs changing, stop hassling the developers".
  • Charon_on_Vacation
    I would work on the overall game performance first and foremost.
    i'd pay for a "it just works" dlc that actually does work
  • DivineFirstYOLO
    I would work on the overall game performance first and foremost.
    First I wanted to troll, but the time for that is over... even PvE is lagging nowadays. Makes it really easy to start playing other games.
    Zerg Squad

    Godslayer x 4

    Pro questing fees for RPers in Cyrodiil, pay your taxes!
    PC - EU

  • Muizer
    None of the above. (State below)
    Whatever management tells me to work on.
    Please stop making requests for game features. ZOS have enough bad ideas as it is!
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Being brutally honest: It depends on how much $ the game is making. If it making enough, I would do nothing and watch the the cash floating. I would still "pretend" to do something, to keep ppl playing.

    The point is: If the game is making too much money, there is motivation for the devs to change / improve the game.
  • Tandor
    I imagine the main focus at the moment is on keeping the servers running, judging by the number of people actively playing the game currently - a pointer to which is contained in the Steam charts:-

  • rexagamemnon
    I would work on the overall game performance first and foremost.
    but immediately after that I would close the skill gap and then start adding more classes and races as well as polymorphs, and I would re-address the racial passives making them more appealing to TES lore (cough! cough! imperials* cough! cough!)
  • WiseSky
    None of the above. (State below)
    Immersive Quests Addon
    Wish to Quest without Quest Way Markers? ''Talk to the Hooded Figure'' Turns into ''Talk to the Hooded Figure, who is feeding the chickens near the southeastern gate in the city of Daggerfall in Glenumbra.'' If you Wish To write bread crumbs clues for quest for other players to experience come join the team!
    List of Immersion Addons
  • redspecter23
    I would work on the overall game performance first and foremost.
    Give me a queue system that actually does that consistently. How is it hard to put 4 players into a group and teleport them into an instance? If the current implementation doesn't work (hint, it doesn't), then create a new system until it does.

    Reduce lag and disconnects in pvp by encouraging playstyles that reduce lag. If you can't fix the lag (after 6 years) go after the causes rather than encouraging them.

  • themaddaedra
    None of the above. (State below)
    I would first solve me being a dev i guess.

  • sirston
    I would work on the overall game performance first and foremost.
    performance hands down
    also inb4Sunkbymod
    Whitestakes Revenge
    WoodElf Mag-Warden
    Magickia Dragonknight

    Pride Of The Pact
    The Crimson Order

    victoria aut mors
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