@Reverb anything in particular about necro that might explain further CC immunity?
@Spartabunny08 I know, kind of. But CC immunity does not work for BASH, when you are resurrecting or trying to burn siege, or does it? I have been using that immovable brute and immovable pots, and even had these "immunity swirls" around my feet, trying to revive again. But it doesn't work. This guy was torching ballista and catapult while people (among them me) were spamming bash.
I know a really strong necro tank build for PVP, but it doesn't include any supernatural extra CC immunity.
Spartabunny08 wrote: »@Reverb anything in particular about necro that might explain further CC immunity?
@Spartabunny08 I know, kind of. But CC immunity does not work for BASH, when you are resurrecting or trying to burn siege, or does it? I have been using that immovable brute and immovable pots, and even had these "immunity swirls" around my feet, trying to revive again. But it doesn't work. This guy was torching ballista and catapult while people (among them me) were spamming bash.
I know a really strong necro tank build for PVP, but it doesn't include any supernatural extra CC immunity.
Could be a bug. Honestly I was on a warden tank and it blew me away that Immovable was unbashable. Been using since they redid the ability and never tried to ress anyone while hitting it. Also if you bash anyone they end up in global cooldown and like for burning siege the cooldown will work for being able to go ahead and burn it but as far as I know bash on ress no cooldown. Something is up with this ability and resurrecting players. You have like 5 to 6 secs to get the ress off. It's worked flawlessly on my warden tank. Ressed my whole group.
Spartabunny08 wrote: »@Reverb anything in particular about necro that might explain further CC immunity?
@Spartabunny08 I know, kind of. But CC immunity does not work for BASH, when you are resurrecting or trying to burn siege, or does it? I have been using that immovable brute and immovable pots, and even had these "immunity swirls" around my feet, trying to revive again. But it doesn't work. This guy was torching ballista and catapult while people (among them me) were spamming bash.
I know a really strong necro tank build for PVP, but it doesn't include any supernatural extra CC immunity.
Could be a bug. Honestly I was on a warden tank and it blew me away that Immovable was unbashable. Been using since they redid the ability and never tried to ress anyone while hitting it. Also if you bash anyone they end up in global cooldown and like for burning siege the cooldown will work for being able to go ahead and burn it but as far as I know bash on ress no cooldown. Something is up with this ability and resurrecting players. You have like 5 to 6 secs to get the ress off. It's worked flawlessly on my warden tank. Ressed my whole group.
Something is rather fishy with the CC cooldown now, I often find myself being knocked down, knocked back, snared and stunned multiple times over like 10 seconds. Typically being chased by multiple enemies in Cyrodiil, and you have these glitchy animations where you slowly get up, while still floating across the ground, because people keep spamming all kinds of CC on you.
Or when you run into a group, get feared by the fighter's guild ability, break free but can't more, and suddenly you are feared again, and have to break free once again - even though you did so 2 seconds ago. This might very well have to do with that. The Immovable skill did NOT work with being bashed while resurrecting other players, when I tried it as late as last week.
As far as i know, playing a pvp tank with the immovable skill, you are able to keep cc immunity 100% of the time. This means noone can stun you, but people are able to bash your ressurects when i was trying, even with cc immunity and spell wall up. However, burning siege is a bit different as if you try to burn the siege, you can get bashed. If you break free and burn the siege again, they wont be able to interrupt you and theres nothing they can do other than putting out the fire. (which works the same way, bash once then immune to bash). I havent tested ressurecting people after getting bashed while trying to burn siege, but they can always interrupt you when trying to ressurect a player. Even through block and cc immunity.
A trick is to keep trying to ressurect after getting bashed as you only get stunned after the first bash (cc immunity) which makes it hard to see that they started ressing again.
As far as i know, playing a pvp tank with the immovable skill, you are able to keep cc immunity 100% of the time. This means noone can stun you, but people are able to bash your ressurects when i was trying, even with cc immunity and spell wall up. However, burning siege is a bit different as if you try to burn the siege, you can get bashed. If you break free and burn the siege again, they wont be able to interrupt you and theres nothing they can do other than putting out the fire. (which works the same way, bash once then immune to bash). I havent tested ressurecting people after getting bashed while trying to burn siege, but they can always interrupt you when trying to ressurect a player. Even through block and cc immunity.
A trick is to keep trying to ressurect after getting bashed as you only get stunned after the first bash (cc immunity) which makes it hard to see that they started ressing again.
Is meridia's blessed armour doing this?
I’ve noticed some weird *** too.
I was in a BG where I was chain stunned every GCD. No big deal, I’m used to that, CC immunity is broken.
I fought someone else and I couldn’t hit them at all. I kept trying to use a lightning heavy and it wouldn’t connect despite having line of sight.
I think either it’s some hack or desync. Lightning heavies are a channel and should be impossible to make miss unless I’m missing something.
Spartabunny08 wrote: »I’ve noticed some weird *** too.
I was in a BG where I was chain stunned every GCD. No big deal, I’m used to that, CC immunity is broken.
I fought someone else and I couldn’t hit them at all. I kept trying to use a lightning heavy and it wouldn’t connect despite having line of sight.
I think either it’s some hack or desync. Lightning heavies are a channel and should be impossible to make miss unless I’m missing something.
Is this the first time you've noticed this? I for one have been quite angry since they messed with heavy attack and light attacks since summerset update. Since then Resto and Lightning staves heavy has been jacked up. Sorry to say but it is been up and down since then. I used to main a healer that utilized the heavy armor and heavy attack for resource sustain and summerset came along, hasn't been the same since. Desync where a player appears in one place but isn't has certainly been an issue just not a lot. I'm a Cyrodiil small scale used to be in a guild but summerset made them all quit, so small scale lol. I still notice to this day the heavy attack just doesn't work right. Add any lag and might as well find a different build or a different game. These new changes I fear are going to destroy this game. I don't play my healer anymore at all because it just doesn't work right. Now my little stamblade tank is about to eat it with the new vampire changes... it's all i have left lolI Light attack for the win and now next patch light attack for the sustain wtf...