Hmm, lets see? Because they introduced faction lock AFTER most hardcore PvPers made characters on different factions and are now locked out from playing them? Seems like a good reason to me.
Hmm, lets see? Because they introduced faction lock AFTER most hardcore PvPers made characters on different factions and are now locked out from playing them? Seems like a good reason to me.
If we were to be objective, faction lock was here long before some "hardcore" PvPers made their character on difference factions.
Anyway, prepare your 2000-3000 crowns a pop and open wide.
Hmm, lets see? Because they introduced faction lock AFTER most hardcore PvPers made characters on different factions and are now locked out from playing them? Seems like a good reason to me.
If we were to be objective, faction lock was here long before some "hardcore" PvPers made their character on difference factions.
Anyway, prepare your 2000-3000 crowns a pop and open wide.
Yea no, absolutely not objective. All campaigns were unlocked and you could switch to characters on different factions freely without having to wait for the campaign to end. That is the fact, I don't know what agenda you trying to support here pal.
Yes and you are doing so by claiming to be objective, which means:
(of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.
But then claim that faction lock was introduced LONG BEFORE hardcore PvPers made characters on different factions. This claim cannot be any further from representing actual facts. Faction lock is a recent installment of Zenimax listening to the casual PvPers. Before faction lock, you could play on any campaign, with any character of any faction, at any time. Thus many players like myself created characters on different factions for that purpose and now we cannot play them until the campaign is over. Unfortunately, Grey Host is the only active campaign as Zenimax's recent attempts at performance improvements have failed on an epic level and have left the PvP population lower than ever to where only Grey Host is played which is faction locked.
Yes and you are doing so by claiming to be objective, which means:
(of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.
But then claim that faction lock was introduced LONG BEFORE hardcore PvPers made characters on different factions. This claim cannot be any further from representing actual facts. Faction lock is a recent installment of Zenimax listening to the casual PvPers. Before faction lock, you could play on any campaign, with any character of any faction, at any time. Thus many players like myself created characters on different factions for that purpose and now we cannot play them until the campaign is over. Unfortunately, Grey Host is the only active campaign as Zenimax's recent attempts at performance improvements have failed on an epic level and have left the PvP population lower than ever to where only Grey Host is played which is faction locked.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »Makes me wonder if faction locking the main campaign was just an early step in the plan to sell more alliance change tokens. If we want to play in a populated Cyrodiil we need all our characters in the same alliance now, which was not the case when we created those characters and chose their alliances.
Creating problems and then selling the solution is not a good path to head down.
Pfff... You know that faction locks were the case till Morrowind expansion (I'm not sure when they removed them but faction unlock was not the default setup).
Nevertheless there won't be any free alliance change tokens, there is no reason. And even if there would, you would see the result same as on PC EU noCP campaign. With faction locks all 3 factions had their time (each one of them won), now without them AD is overpopulated most of the time, and as it lasts more and more people plays there because it's easier. Yeah I know white knights will hop in claiming they swap to underpopulated factions but the score says something else. After just few days AD has over 8k points more than second DC.
Give people free faction change and you will see one sided Cyrodiil all the time. Even when it won't be free most casuals will swap to the easiest alliance.
Yay, cant wait for bandwagoners to swap teams when the other is overpopulated already and winning.Enjoy the hour long queue time or enjoy playing with the under populated faction with no scrolls and keeps.
Yay, cant wait for bandwagoners to swap teams when the other is overpopulated already and winning.Enjoy the hour long queue time or enjoy playing with the under populated faction with no scrolls and keeps.
Yeah, cause people are going to pay 3k crowns every week to swap factions, right?
grannas211 wrote: »Exactly. The faction RP stuff on the forums is out of hand. It must be a PC thing.
Yes and you are doing so by claiming to be objective, which means:
(of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.
But then claim that faction lock was introduced LONG BEFORE hardcore PvPers made characters on different factions. This claim cannot be any further from representing actual facts. Faction lock is a recent installment of Zenimax listening to the casual PvPers. Before faction lock, you could play on any campaign, with any character of any faction, at any time. Thus many players like myself created characters on different factions for that purpose and now we cannot play them until the campaign is over. Unfortunately, Grey Host is the only active campaign as Zenimax's recent attempts at performance improvements have failed on an epic level and have left the PvP population lower than ever to where only Grey Host is played which is faction locked.
Yay, cant wait for bandwagoners to swap teams when the other is overpopulated already and winning.Enjoy the hour long queue time or enjoy playing with the under populated faction with no scrolls and keeps.