The Spellbow/Spellsword Solution: Crafting Trait? Bound Weapons? Spellbook Skill Line?

The idea is to somehow introduce alternate versions of stamina weapons that deal magical dmg, not physical, and dmg scales from magicka, not stamina, and heavy attacks restore magicka, not stamina. Simple enough, right? Ideally, I would love to craft Spectral Weapons or Soul Weapons, but not sure how to work out how a blacksmiths forge would spit out something ghostly, or how an enchanting table would.... Rune weapons? Well anyhow, here are some things I can think of...

New Trait? You use a soul gem, or something else, to apply the trait while crafting (or use a transmutation station). The trait can be Spectral/Conversion/Spellworthy etc. makes the blade glow or look spectral, and converts dmg like stated above.

I actually wouldn't like this unless there was a visual difference to the weapon. Players would need a way to tell if you have a converted weapon, in my opinion, subtle or obvious.

Bound Weapons? Maybe you equip, for example, a scroll of bound sword (two scrolls if you are sword and shield or duel wield) that rests on your hip until you are in combat. You grab the scroll and it *poof* bound weapon in hand... I may or may not have recently finished placing a bunch of bound scrolls in my home.... so they're on the mind lol

If you don't like scrolls, maybe equip a special rune crafted at the enchanting table. The back of your hand will glow with a sigil (each weapon has unique sigil so others can see what you have equipped when out of combat). Scrolls and runes can be crafted at the enchanting table?

I would honestly prefer a trait, or...

New Skill Line: Spellbook? We already have them in game, there's one on crafting tables. Two handed spell book that can bind magical weapons. Skills could include:
Skill 1: Bound Dagger, conjure a dagger for X seconds. (spellbook remains off hand, dagger main hand)
Morph 1: Bound Sword, converts to stam, conjures a sword and shield for X seconds (spellbook on hip)
Morph 2: Bound Blades, conjures 2 daggers for X seconds (spellbook on hip)

Skill 2: Bound Arrows, conjure arrows for X seconds (spellbook remains off hand, main hand glows and launches arrows)
Morph 1: Bound Crossbow, converts to stam, conjures crossbow for X seconds (spellbook remains off hand, crossbow main hand)
Morph 2: Bound Bow, conjure a bow for X seconds (spellbook on hip)

... and some other magic skills to finish it off the spell[weapon] build. Paw-suh-bill-uh-teas.
  • AinSoph
    This post reminded me of the past ES games and how creative perk lines were and then there's ESO...
  • Olauron
    I managed to create a spellbow / spellsword character (sort of...) by using bow ultimate (Ballista morph) and Morkuldin set.

    But something like new skill line (Bound Weapons) for magicka character would be great.
    The Three Storm Sharks, episode 8 released on january the 8th.
    One mer to rule them all,
    one mer to find them,
    One mer to bring them all
    and in the darkness bind them.
  • Scion_of_Yggdrasil
    AinSoph wrote: »
    This post reminded me of the past ES games and how creative perk lines were and then there's ESO...

    I know I probably blast a lot of old school ES vibes on here.

    Morrowind is almost my favorite... Oblivian lost me, but Skyrim really drove it home. Skyrim is what inspired the bound weapons idea lol
  • Gnortranermara
    The simplest, best way to create a "Spellsword" melee mag weapon line is to introduce the "Focus", a jewelry item that you equip in off-hand like a shield. Equip that with any existing 1h weapon.

    Spellsword (more broadly, 1h+Focus) would be objectively cooler than the Warden class, Psijic guild, Necro class, and Vamp Lord combined. The game is incomplete without it.

    A Bound Weapon skill is the obvious choice for main spammable. The off-hand spell animation effects could change based on class, and at least 2 skills could have a class-specific variation (like Destro has some elemental variations).

    If ESO was single-player, I would modded this myself on day one.
    Edited by Gnortranermara on March 24, 2020 10:15PM
  • TheShadowScout
    The idea is to somehow introduce alternate versions of stamina weapons that deal magical dmg, not physical...
    ...which would be a bad idea.
    The very core concept of a "stamina weapon" is a -physical- weapon that does their damage through -musclepower-, usually by using those warrior muscles to impart a good deal of kinetic energy to a nasty bit of metal which then conveys that kinetic energy to your enemy in various bloody and potentially fatal ways. No way those physical weapons should ever do magical damage...
    ...that's for -magical- weapons that use mystic energies to bend reality as to throw some magical effect at your enemies in various damaging and potentially lethal ways.
    Rune weapons?
    Already covered by enchanting. That's how imbuing a physical weapon with a rune magic effect looks like.
    New Trait? You use a soul gem, or something else, to apply the trait while crafting (or use a transmutation station). The trait can be Spectral/Conversion/Spellworthy etc. makes the blade glow or look spectral, and converts dmg like stated above.
    That would be a motiv, nothing more. Which totally could be a thing, but it wouldn't change the damage type - if your characters use their -muscles- to swing a equipped weapon item it means its a stamina weapon doing physical damage.
    Bound Weapons?
    ...are already in the game. DK lava whip. Necromancer Scythe. Nightblade red daggers & bow. Templar glowsticks, eh, aedric spears. Fighters guild dawnbreaker ultimate.
    New Skill Line: Spellbook? We already have them in game, there's one on crafting tables. Two handed spell book that can bind magical weapons...
    ...and would make even less sense. Well, not in the fluff way, but... in the game mechanics way. I mean, would you want to have a skill line that "conjurs" weapons... but without any weapon skills, since what skill line you can use is determined by what you hold in your hands, and you need to slot the skills, and if you have the spellbooks to conjure weapons you cannot slot the weapon skills and... ehhh. It sounds like a mess to code...

    Personally I would much rather see "Spellbooks" as alternate weapon choice for destruction and restoration weapon skill lines, maybe with a bit less range then the staves, but a bit more punch in some way... (Yeah, because I would love to have my "librarian" main cast his castyness from a big ole spellbooks rather then a staff...)
    The simplest, best way to create a "Spellsword" melee mag weapon line is to introduce the "Focus", a jewelry item that you equip in off-hand like a shield. Equip that with any existing 1h weapon.
    Been there, posted that: ;) (together with a bunch of other weapon skill line ideas)

    But the real issue around "spellsword" is the fact that ever since the removal of attribute softcaps, the game setup does not relly favor hybrid characters, and instead the "all in one stat" approach is the META. Which skews a lot of other things as well, and really is something I dislike...
  • Scion_of_Yggdrasil
    @TheShadowScout, maybe this will better clarify what I mean. Thanks for the detailed response, I appreciate you taking the time to read, and actually think it out!
    While I appreciate your enthusiasm, I guess I need to better clarify what was in my head. As far as defining psychical weapons and the physics involved in a virtual land... that has magic... you can literally enchant a blade to deal additional, what? *waits* magic dmg... lol

    I was just trying to lay a few blanket ideas down (and there are many options mentioned) for others to chime in and "complete the puzzle together," so to speak.

    When I refer to Rune Weapons, I am suggesting the possibility of crafting "magic" weapons at the enchanting table similar to at a forge, only you would be using different mats, and the end result could be... spectral sword? ghost daggers? Magicka Bow? It could simply be another menu option like Create and Praxis. I do not want to enchant a blade, I want to craft a magical one with enchanting mats. It would deal all magical dmg, no physical, and you could still enchant it. Something like that, but again, just an idea to get brain juices flowing lol.

    When I refer to a trait, I mention why I think it should look different (which you did not include in your quote). I am not suggesting a motif, I am suggesting a trait that converts its dmg from physical to magical (as opposed to magically crafting one), and scales off a persons max magicka, since thats the attribute a spellsword would be investing in... I would love a corresponding motif, but that is cosmetic, and not the point of this thread. I simply want to address the issue with attributes, scaling, and the various roles many of us would like to play (i.e. spellsword), but cannot ,feasibly, because of the current balancing (mag or stam, but not both). It's not perfect, but its a start, and a fun topic to get people to talk if nothing else.

    Bound weapons... I am not asking if they are in game, I am proposing the addition of bound weapons in a new way, ones you can equip like any other weapon, instead of a skill (and technically, I don't know if Aedric spear counts? Unless there's more lore I am missing, bound weapons are ghost-like deadric weapons, specifically, and like most spells in the school of conjuration, I would assume the weapons are from oblivion... but lets not get into the schools of magic just yet, the rest of Tamriel hasnt...).

    Spellbooks... now this one I definitely need to detail better what came to mind. I would love to see spellbooks in off hand with a staff in main hand (like the spellbook was the magic twin of the shield) but unless we change staffs... what OP is referring to is a complex play style for a separate weapon and skill line, specifically for spell[weapon] players, not a simple weave rotation.

    The spellbook would operate like a staff, like you mentioned, its just when you bind a weapon that the animations/model would change (why I stated whether the spellbook would remain in hand or be placed on your toons hip). If you bind one handed weapons, the spellbook will remain in your off hand, and you would attack with the bound weapons LA and HA, instead of the spell books LA and HA (which speaking of, the spellbook can be a magic ball out of your right hand or something, details details). For two handed weapons, it would place the spellbook on your hip and you would use the bound weapon like any normal one, and the spell book will remain on hip until the bound weapon is dispelled.

    I guess the best way to explain is to give an example skill bar with the spellbook equipped...

    bound sword; sword skill; spellbook skill; spellbook skill; class skill; spellbook ultimate.
    ...second bar...
    bound bow; bow skill; bow skill; class skill; class skill; bow ultimate.

    Now... you have 3 weapons equipped, their skills, their unique LA and HA, and you can slot weapon ultimate's so long as you bind the necessary weapon first. Now you are prepared for just about everything Tamriel can throw at you. This was an extreme example of course, I myself would probably only add a bow bar lol.

    Important detail: I placed sword and spellbook skills on the same bar, because only if you have a one-handed weapon bound would the spellbook remain equipped in your off hand (which is the default hand the spellbook is held in). The bound bow would place the spellbook on your hip (so would a bound sword and shield), so you wouldn't be able to use spellbook skills until you dispelled the bow (retrigger bound bow/skill expires).

    @TheShadowScout: "...the game setup does not relly favor hybrid characters..."

    Exactly. Since hybrids are not viable, I am trying to think of ways to imitate a hybrid playstyle, while working within existing mechanics, as much as one can. Its honestly a bit of an insult ESO decided to work against hybrids when that is why people like ES titles... we can play how we want, just not in ESO. If you look at the beginning "classes" from earlier ES titles, there are so many hybrid type styles listed (witchhunter, SPELLSWORD, and more). Lorewise, maybe its on purpose. We don't have the schools of magic yet, and we don't have complex fighting styles yet. Dunno... but we still want to play ES the way ES has always encouraged us to do.

    [edit: fixed some typos and bolding]
    Edited by Scion_of_Yggdrasil on March 25, 2020 3:59PM
  • kypranb14_ESO
    I think another great way to change this is through the Champion Point system rework, have one of the nodes convert light attack damage from physical weapons to magic damage.

    You know, since ZOS is going to need a bunch of ideas to fix the CP system.
  • Scion_of_Yggdrasil
    I think another great way to change this is through the Champion Point system rework, have one of the nodes convert light attack damage from physical weapons to magic damage.

    You know, since ZOS is going to need a bunch of ideas to fix the CP system.

    Ooooh, I wouldn't mind that. But maybe HA are converted, because you need to focus and channel magicka before attacking.

    Or changing a node to offer a choice: which attribute would you like to restore with atks: magicka or stamina. Maybe even give us two nodes for us to custom pick how much of each attribute we restore. [edit: well I guess we kinda have the Lady ones, stam, mag, and hp...]
    Edited by Scion_of_Yggdrasil on March 25, 2020 4:26PM
  • TheShadowScout
    As far as defining psychical weapons and the physics involved in a virtual land... that has magic... you can literally enchant a blade to deal additional, what? *waits* magic dmg...
    And then you get -EXACTLY- what we have... a physical weapon wielded through musclepower enchanted with some extra magic damage.
    When I refer to Rune Weapons, I am suggesting the possibility of crafting "magic" weapons at the enchanting table similar to at a forge, only you would be using different mats, and the end result could be... spectral sword? ghost daggers? Magicka Bow?
    Doesn't really work that way.
    And the way it does work... well, we have that already. Ghost daggers? What do you think those red stabby things of the bow that come with several nightblade skills are? ;)

    Basically, if you swing a -physical- object (like, created at the forge, not conjured up with magic) with musclepower, its still a stamina weapon, no matter how many extra enchantments you do for it.

    If you magic up a mystical weapon... then it only lasts for one attack, as seen in several skills.

    And yes, there are "half-half" skills... like, magic up a red "ghost dagger" then use your musclepower to stab someone with it. Those kind of skills -usually- start as magica (for easier game mechanics I suppose), and then have a stamina morph, representing specializing in the physical, while the other morph represents specializing in the magical.

    (Which... I guess would be an option to do a "Spellsword" skill line - have all the skills start as one, but have both morph options...)
    It could simply be another menu option like Create and Praxis. I do not want to enchant a blade, I want to craft a magical one with enchanting mats.
    Like I said, doesn't work that way.
    If you craft a weapon from crafting materials, like metal or wood, it is a physical weapon (that may be a stamina weapon when you use your muscles to swing, stab or shoot it at the enemy, or a magica weapon when you use the physical object to channel magica through at your enemy resulting in sokme magical effect doing the damage).

    If you craft a "magical" weapon from magica... it is a temporary construct that will fade when the magica you put in it is used up (aka, a skill, like the varions ones we already have in several skill lines - lava whip, templar spears, necro scythe, nightblade red daggers & bow, FG dawnbreaker...).

    If you have runes... you need to put them on some physical weapon (or armor, or trinket) to make that weapon "magical", aka... enchant it. Without that physical object... the rune does nothing. Its like drawing a picture, without -something- to draw it on... no drawing.
    It would deal all magical dmg, no physical, and you could still enchant it.
    Like mentioned, that just makes no sense.

    Oh, sure, there could be several "magical weapons" added. I gave some examples - but any "magical" weapon would be a "channel magica through thingie" not "swing sword and somehow get magica damage because reasons"

    Now, we -could- have some skill line that has the "melee magica" effect you are looking for... but it would not be "ghost swords", it might be... I dunno, mystic runestones that have several melee spells in their skill line, among them one that conjures up a ghostly sword that strikes your enemy. But you won't be crafting the sword, nor wielding it with musclepower... you would be channeling your mystic energy (aka magica) through your runestone or whatever, and conjure up the ghostly weapon as an effect, doing magic damage to your opponents. And you cannot enchant that ghost sword, but if you enchant the runestone that effect will trigger if you conjure up your ghost sword...

    That'd work. But then the "ghost sword" would just be one "skill" in the line, together with some others... for example, the next could be a "magic missile" style conjured shuriken, or a "stoneskin" style defense buff, or some "magic chains" style snare, or a "cone of cold" similar to the DK fire breath, or dozends of other options. And at that point, they might not even make any "ghost sword" when they can also make it a "chuill touch" or "burning hands" or "shock touch" or "lich touch" or whatever... which would be far more "classic" for mages at melee range anyhow!
    When I refer to a trait, I mention why I think it should look different (which you did not include in your quote). I am not suggesting a motif, I am suggesting a trait that converts its dmg from physical to magical (as opposed to magically crafting one), and scales off a persons max magicka, since thats the attribute a spellsword would be investing in...
    But that would not work!
    Because the resource is tied to the skill lines which are tied to the weapon types. It would require too much rewriting of the game system to work, with way too much chance for breaking something...

    ...and much, much worse, it would leech distinctiveness from the setting. When magica characters and stamina characters had access to the same weapons, it will lead to more similar builds, not more distinct ones.

    And of course, if would make no sense at all for the "mages" to have an option to use each and every stamina weapon with just some "trait" - like i said, musclebound jock fighters vs. nerdy bookwyrm mages.... and a spellsword ought to be one that learned both, and thos traded off some total effectiveness for a wider range of options.

    Finally... as mentioned... its a can of worms that's really not needed when they can just add more skill lines in another way...
    Bound weapons... I am not asking if they are in game, I am proposing the addition of bound weapons in a new way, ones you can equip like any other weapon...
    Then you misunderstood what "bound weapons" are.
    They never were "equipped like any other weapon", they were conjured up, used, and then vanished. In the TES games set an era later then ESO, they stuck around for a fight or so. In ESO, just for a blow. Guess magic made some advances (or from the ESO PoW, will make some advances?) in the time between... ;)

    If you can equip it like any other weapon, its a weapon like any other, not a "bound" one.
    If you conjure it up for limited use, and then it goes "poof"... its a bound weapon (which also cannot be enchanted, or have a set bonus, that's part of the whole "conjured up" idea)
    Spellbooks... now this one I definitely need to detail better what came to mind. I would love to see spellbooks in off hand with a staff in main hand (like the spellbook was the magic twin of the shield) but unless we change staffs...
    ...that won't happen, and thus this idea won't happen.

    I mean, sure, I would love spellbooks. But since staves are 2H, the only way we can get spellbooks is as alternative option for staves... which makes sense anyhow, since a big ole spellbook is definitely a two-hander, one to hold, and one to flip the pages, yes? ;) (Not like we can have them float like in Black Clover)
    The spellbook would operate like a staff, like you mentioned, its just when you bind a weapon that the animations/model would change...
    Sooo... a skill line that -only- summons weapons, which you then only can use for light and heavy attacks (since the skill line only summons weapons, and you cannot have another weapon skill without the weapon equipped, as the game only allows weapon skills for the weapon you have actually equipped and not any you have summoned by a different skill line, but since you have the summoning "weapon" equipped you cannot equip the weapon that left you pick a weapon skill... so it wouldn't work without a -serious- rewrite of the game mechanics, huh?)

    Either way too complex, or way too useless.

    What -could- work was a "Bound Weapon" weapon skill line where you equip some "Conjurers Token" (sorry, "spellbook" is far too wide ranging to waste it on such purpose-bound effects), and have various attacks in the "conjurers" skill line... and the "weapon summoning" is not a skill, but the "drawing/unsheathing" action instead, and you have tokens in various weapon styles... like a "sword token" summons a "ghost sword" or an "hammer token" a "spiritual hammer" or a "Knüppel aus dem Sack" token a magical club... and then the various skills are various attacks those summoned weapons do, with various slight differences to effect dependiong on weapon type...
    I could see it working that way. I would not use the usual animations tho... I would want to see animations where the caster points at the target, and the conjured weapon attacks on its own. Caster makes a sweeping hand gesture, conjured weapon attacks all targets in arc. Caster makes a grand gesture, conjured weapon enlarges to diant sizefor a ultimate overhand "big chop" - etc. (would be much more fun that way!)
    Its honestly a bit of an insult ESO decided to work against hybrids when that is why people like ES titles...
    I soo would like a "diminishing returns" system to come back to the attributes, it would also stop all that "overland is too easy and bosses die before I get to have any fun fighting them (with my all-in-one-stat OP build)" whining. And as a side effect, it would make hybrids viable again.
    Right now, the only way to play a hybrid character is to go tanks and accept you will never ever have decent DPS numbers, nor match anything. Although, it IS good enough to get through the story content... with enough CP behind it anyhow. (Yup, been trying two of those, so I know what I am talking about)
  • Olauron
    Then you misunderstood what "bound weapons" are.
    They never were "equipped like any other weapon", they were conjured up, used, and then vanished. In the TES games set an era later then ESO, they stuck around for a fight or so. In ESO, just for a blow. Guess magic made some advances (or from the ESO PoW, will make some advances?) in the time between... ;)
    Or likely bound weapons are not implemented in ESO. Bound weapons are not different from bound armor (or bound boat, bound fishing stick, bound umbrella) as it is just a daedra in the form of some item. That form depends on spell formula. In ESO there is bound armor that lasts more than one use (still, it is not a proper conjuration spell).
    The Three Storm Sharks, episode 8 released on january the 8th.
    One mer to rule them all,
    one mer to find them,
    One mer to bring them all
    and in the darkness bind them.
  • Scion_of_Yggdrasil
    @TheShadowScout yah... too much to quote now lmao @Olauron maybe you are more familiar with Aedra and Daedra than I am...

    As far as bound weaponry goes... ESO has implemented skills that look like what bound weaponry is. And perhaps these skills are of a similar type of magic? Perhaps players do not possess the magical aptitude to sustain a bind, hence why these skills are 1-n-dunz. Whips and other spammables are not bound weapons, they are skills for a game.

    Aedric spear? Maybe the complete opposite of bound weapons, that are of daedric nature... from the plains of oblivion. Aedra are bound to the corporeal realm, Nirn, in which players reside, but they are kinda like the same being, right? Its all very confusing, lore-wise its even just a theory. Nobody truly understands aedra, daedra, or the creation of nirn, we just know things about them/it. Which tbh is the biggest part of why ES fans are ES fans (for me at least). They have crafted this gigantic universe, over several titles, that all connected through lore books, and more. i.e. the history found in the next title references events in previous titles... the continuity is enough to make your eyes water.

    Who knows, maybe Aedric spear is the "light" or "divine" version of the same conjuration magic. If you are into the lore... look into the difference of Aedra and Daedra. Its good stuff. Dwemer? ooooooooh dont get me started. lol

    If there was a conduit, like a scroll with the spell inscribed, perhaps a player could bind and hold the weapon for longer (like how you are powerful enough in ES5 to not only conjure the weapon, but maintain it, and use it, until it is dispelled, or because its a game.... until the abilities expires).

    As far as brawns goes, if it is a magical sword... you will not need strength to wield it. You will need magical ability to draw out the power within. In the example I gave about spectral weapons... do you really think it takes muscle to swing something incorporeal? Besides, say you do need to swing the sword... well then, since its magically imbued it does not matter how hard you swing because the magic contained within is what is dmging the target.

    Do you know how weapon enchantments work, lore-wise? If I am remembering correctly (read from a lore book in an ES title... which one though...) it's basically blood magic. When you hit your target, their blood activates the enchantment, dealing frost/fire/etc. dmg to them, or siphoning their resources, yada yada. A Magic sword, in whatever form, would only need to draw blood from the target to do dmg, a simple flesh wound. But who knows, maybe this type of enchantment doesn't exist yet, and that's why we have glyphs, as opposed to just channeling the players magical knowledge and the power of a soul gem, like in ES5.

    As far as the spellbook goes...
    I would actually love a bound weaponry skill line like you mentioned, shadow scout, where you use one and done conjurations. Poof, sword appears, slashes, poof gone. But thats a mage using conjuration magic, not a spellsword. A spellsword would, like you said, use a physical sword, and magic spells. But because of dmg scaling in ESO... I am trying to think outside of preferred box.

    The spellbook skills I listed only included bound weaponry examples (2 of 5 slots that could be used in the spellbook line). I would want regular magic skills there as well. And again, this is only because of how ESO scales dmg from weapons. If a spellsword could just use a sword.... I wouldn't have made this thread... the spellbook was an example of a compromise to offer spellsword/spellbow style gameplay.

    My fingers are tired though now haha so is my brain. There is a loooot of ES lore getting dusty up there *taps head*
  • TheShadowScout
    Aedric spear? Maybe the complete opposite of bound weapons, that are of daedric nature... from the plains of oblivion.
    Actually irrelevant.
    It doesn't matter what flavor ot magical energy "bound weapons" are magicked up with - daedric, aedric, nature or elemental - no matter, the concept is in the "magicked up" part.
    As far as brawns goes, if it is a magical sword... you will not need strength to wield it.
    If you hold it in your hand, and swing it at your opponent hitting them hard enough to cut, piece or rend flesh... that's your muscles doing the work.

    If you cast the spell and then channel magica to make the fireball burn hot enough to sear flesh... that is your magic doing the work.

    And THAT is the difference between stamina skills, and magica skills.
    In the example I gave about spectral weapons... do you really think it takes muscle to swing something incorporeal?
    If you hold it in your hand, and use your muscles to make your hand move forward with a striking motion... then yes.

    If you cast it as spell and then just watch as it magically attacks the opponents on its own like a certain set effect... then no.

    Easy as that! ;)
    I would actually love a bound weaponry skill line like you mentioned, shadow scout, where you use one and done conjurations. Poof, sword appears, slashes, poof gone. But thats a mage using conjuration magic, not a spellsword. A spellsword would, like you said, use a physical sword, and magic spells. But because of dmg scaling in ESO... I am trying to think outside of preferred box.
    And yet... it would be quite possible to make a "one-handed and magic" skill line that mixes a stamina weapon and a magica weapon... and for ease of mechanics, went with some mechanic that makes it viable. Like... "uses higher of the stats" or "uses combined stats" for the damage calculations... or something like that, for this skill line only. Well, or as I said, make all the skills there half-half in fluff, and start as one stat, then include a morph for the other...

    I still would hope they might rethink the attribute softcaps idea someday. But eh... we shall see in what ways the game develops I suppose.
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