So ZoS pushed another fix to live servers, trying to "alleviate" some "yucky stuff" going on.
So yesterday went Cyro with a group to check the improvements:
- Getting booted to log in screen for blocking > Aparently solved.
- Input delay > Not entirely solved but a bit better
But now we have:
- Even higher lag than before (>300ms avg on prime time [EU-PC]No-CP).
- Gap closers not working due to heavy positional desyncs - You actually move back instead of forward sometimes.
- Perma slow bug is worse, you can get perma slowed until death, now more than ever (debuff wears off/is cleansed but slow remains untill you respawn)
- Impossible to use skills due to major lag - We don't have as much input lag but server doesn't respond to our inputs at all.
- CC immunity is not working, even after using immovability potion and skill that gives immunity, players are still getting CCed.This is going on for a long time before this "fix".
- Damage is not being registered whatsoever - Probably due to huge desyncs going on
- Keep doors at 0% but still visible and unpassable ; resources flipped but still appear as enemy ; Be able to use (apparently enemy) Keep doors to go inside.
So this is not even fun anymore, it's a huge mess where players struggle to be able to play, maybe have a few minutes of fun before the bad performance and bugs kicks in.
I wonder, on another perspective, why would anyone would be willing to continue to pay for such a product? I'd really like to hear GMs/Devs/Management arguments on this.
Would be nice to see some feedback and comments from experienced pvp groups and members about this, and also what PVErs feel about this new "fix", does ESO still feels like fun for you?
Edited by DjinnAeternam on March 18, 2020 10:56AM