Thedragonlolitucker wrote: »try to hit the soul with a heavy out of stealth then fear then spec bow, so ull actually be able to hit it
Fair enoughI disagree with @fred4 re: NMA. I actually use BTB/NMA on my magblade too, and I'm liking it quite a bit. (Although a week or so ago I would have told you the exact same thing he did.) Unless you're using shields, it's one of the best damage sets to pair with BTB. Spinner's is great too & I sometimes swap that out, but the combination of penetration, crit, and spell damage you get from NMA is tough to beat.
Really? One piece? Two pieces? Not using shadow skills much?For a defensive monster set I'd use Chudan
I totally agree! Extra health from Chudan, though?instead of Bloodspawn. Up-front resists & the extra health are more useful for a class whose primary defense is damage avoidance. If you're playing a cloak magblade right, Bloodspawn is actually probably one of the worst monster sets for you.
Or any nightbladeI usually use either Slimecraw or Zaan though, depending on if I'm going to stay ranged or go in closer for my kills. I feel like the best defense is a good offense — especially on a magblade.
Hey, look at the thread titleYour stats look kind of off for that build, is that screenshot taken in no CP?
Yes, two pieces. Oh, I use Cloak religiously (likely too much, tbh) and I have Mass Hysteria on my front bar, but I've found that if/when I die, it's because I've been CC'd and I've been out of cloak for longer than 7 seconds, so my shadow barrier is likely down. (On a side note, I think Shadow Barrier needs to be increased by 2 - 3 seconds or so.)Really? One piece? Two pieces? Not using shadow skills much?
Yup, and it puts me right above 20k in no-CP, even while running Ghastly Eye Bowl.I totally agree! Extra health from Chudan, though?
Yes, this "single target assassin with the weakest single target burst in the game" is a huge pain point for me as well. I've made it work relatively well for me, but magblades are weak AF even compared to stamblades. I have a solid opening combo, and earlier today I just had a bit of a brainstorm for another combo I'm going to try that might do pretty well, but I still have to test it.Or any nightblade. Sadly what I see in the last couple of patches is stamblades, who used to be really dangerous, failing to make an impact on me in Imperial City. Those players who totally stacked into damage. The class has been blunted and ZOS want you to brawl. Quite possibly this is Gilliam the Rogue's influence. I am personally very ambivalent about this. I like playing a rounded build and I like that wearing medium on another class isn't the death sentence it used to be, when ganked by certain stamblades. On the other hand turning NBs into brawlers dilutes what the class is and it doesn't really suit it. One of the biggest problems, pointed out by a YouTuber, is that nightblades tend to be single target. Other classes have a ton of AOE damage from Shalks, Jabs, Leap, are tanky af and still hit super hard. I have insane sustain and a 4Kx4 = 16K buffed tooltip on my stamplar (in CP) with very little effort ( Nightblades, with their single target focus, should arguably outperform that, but they don't. I get the channel vs. non-channel and melee vs. ranged arguments. Jabs is clunky and, thus, stamplars don't make for the best numerical comparison. Jabs needs to perform, because it is such a clunky skill, but it does perform. I don't think nightblade spammables currently do.
Yeah, I suppose I should have read that a bit more carefully, lol. In any case, something still isn't right. For a frame of reference, below are my stats in no-CP Cyrodiil on the same build except for with 2 Chudan & a Breton — they're better in almost every conceivable way (even spell damage on a Breton — and health recovery, wtf? I'm a vamp too, but 130?? lol) I'm also using a cost reduction glyph that I'm assuming the OP isn't, so either the spell damage or mag regen could get even higher. (I need to transmute 1 piece of the Chudan to impen so that accounts for the lower crit resist.) That's why I wanted a rundown of food/mundus/glyphs. We can get OP's stats boosted considerably — even on my speedy build with 3 gold swift my stats are a lot better.Hey, look at the thread title.
OK, I can see a bunch of mistakes in your build:
You don't have decent healing. Healing over time with Siphoning Attacks, Rapid Regen and Swallow Soul is all well and good, but it's not enough. Magblade healing is poor these days. I personally still prefer Healing Ward over Rapid Regen. It's better in emergency, though I do use a Blackrose resto staff, which is easy to farm. Secondly, Bloodspawn is IMO wasted on any class that uses an ult as cheap as Soul Harvest. I would swap that out for Troll King.
New Moon is IMO the wrong set for magblade. The class gets a +8% magicka bonus from slotting a Siphoning skill. Use Necropotence instead, or Alfiq if you really don't want to use the shade. This will give you the option of running Dampen Magic. I know shields aren't great in no CP, but it will still make you a hell of a lot tankier. If you don't want to run the shield, then stacking magicka is debatable, but New Moon is also a cost increase and cloaking around the place is expensive. At the very least I would only single bar New Moon.
Next thing is your mobility. Channeled Acceleration is a complete no no, unless you are a bomber. The initial slowdown is unacceptable. You need Race Against Time instead. In addition, for Cloak to work - and I assume you're talking about Shadowy Disguise - you need one of the following approaches:
(A) Shadow Image
(B) Mist Form
(C) Stacking into speed with all Swift jewelry and stamina sustain for roll dodges. Running Cripple is not a bad idea either.
As for your stamina sustain, I don't know how far the High Elf passive carries you. I play with considerable stam regen on a Breton, because it's nice to play. If you don't have that, then you must watch your stamina like a hawk and cloak away in advance of it running out, possibly missing opportunities. If you're running a drink, you'll want all prismatic enchants on gear. If you're running Sugar Skulls, you don't, but you can't use Bright Throat's and your stamina will still run out. I prefer having some outright stamina sustain or I run Deep Thoughts. Bloodspawn alone is not enough, at least not on a Breton. In the past I've had 1.3K stam regen from Hissmir Fisheye Rye. Currently I have less than 1K from Eternal Hunt, but that rune when you dodge roll goes a long way. Mist Form may also be viable in that you recover stamina while near-invulnerable. It just doesn't strike me as a very magbladey skill.
Running Bright-Throat's has an advantage in terms of out of combat cloak sustain, but it is not really a good set anymore. Forgoing it allows you to switch to gold foods, such as Sugar Skulls or Citrus Fillet, which include some health regen and are more stat-dense than drinks that work with Bright-Throat's. The exception is Disastrously Bloody Mara, I suppose, but that does nothing to help with stamina issues. You'll still end up with prismatics, at which point you have to ask yourself how much health you really need and whether that part of Disastrously isn't wasted. I tend to run straight-up Necropotence + Alfiq, when I'm magicka stacking, or Necro + Ancient Grace + Master staff.
Switch your food to Mara if you’re using bright throat. Your health pool is too low to pvp with.
Switch channeled acceleration for race against time and fear for the fear trap. Swop out degeneration for shade.
Besides that it’s mostly a playstyle thing, you have to acknowledge that most specs will brawl better then you. Keep pressure up and evade, then kite over your trap and when the fear hits then Ult so it will land.
You’re weaker then other classes, you have to outplay people.
For a defensive monster set I'd use Chudan instead of Bloodspawn. Up-front resists & the extra health are more useful for a class whose primary defense is damage avoidance. If you're playing a cloak magblade right, Bloodspawn is actually probably one of the worst monster sets for you. I usually use either Slimecraw or Zaan though, depending on if I'm going to stay ranged or go in closer for my kills. I feel like the best defense is a good offense — especially on a magblade.
Your stats look kind of off for that build, is that screenshot taken in no CP? Magicka & spell damage look low & the regen a bit high. What food, mundus, and potions are you running? What glyphs on armor/jewels? Are you only front-barring NMA? (Highly recommended, with either a Willpower or BRP resto. Seducer works too.)
Personally I'd ditch Lotus Fan for inner light, the 7% larger magicka pool is useful with NMA, plus it boosts your damage & the Major Prophecy is vital. You don't really want to be doing much gap-closing in light armor anyway, you want to kite & stay ranged.
Consider trying Dawnbreaker of Smiting. I find it to be more useful & consistent than Soul Harvest in most situations — you'll land it more often and it stuns. The nice thing about DB is that I can swap out fear for a shield & I'll still have a stun for my bow combo.
If you answer my questions about food/mundus/glyphs/etc. though, that would be a good place to start — because if the stats in that screenshot are in CP, we can get them to look a good bit better than that with a few tweaks.
Hey guys hope can help me,
Few weeks ago I leveled up High Elf Magblade, got most of the gear and stuff, but feels that I can't kill anyone that's running stamina build
Hey guys hope can help me,
Few weeks ago I leveled up High Elf Magblade, got most of the gear and stuff, but feels that I can't kill anyone that's running stamina build
the mistake is lvling a magblade for pvp. magblade is good in solo pve content only 2nd to sorc i think. but pvp wise ur screwed. magblade is bottom tier pvp. i suggest stamblade for now.
i see ur also EU PC whats ur ingame ID ?
Hey guys hope can help me,
Few weeks ago I leveled up High Elf Magblade, got most of the gear and stuff, but feels that I can't kill anyone that's running stamina build
the mistake is lvling a magblade for pvp. magblade is good in solo pve content only 2nd to sorc i think. but pvp wise ur screwed. magblade is bottom tier pvp. i suggest stamblade for now.
i see ur also EU PC whats ur ingame ID ?
Hey, my ign: @RokasGruI'm laughing and crying at the same time, I have stamsorc and working on to get the gear. If nothing works, probably gonna try that one.
Consider trying Dawnbreaker of Smiting. I find it to be more useful & consistent than Soul Harvest in most situations — you'll land it more often and it stuns. The nice thing about DB is that I can swap out fear for a shield & I'll still have a stun for my bow combo.
Is the damage/stun worth it? Since Stamina classes get Weapon damage from medium armor passive while light armor users get Magic Penetration passive that does not transfer into physical abilities.
In this case do I swap Elemental Drain for Piercing mark? Since Elemental.D gives only Major Breach and that goes to waste as well...
Hey guys hope can help me,
Few weeks ago I leveled up High Elf Magblade, got most of the gear and stuff, but feels that I can't kill anyone that's running stamina build
the mistake is lvling a magblade for pvp. magblade is good in solo pve content only 2nd to sorc i think. but pvp wise ur screwed. magblade is bottom tier pvp. i suggest stamblade for now.
i see ur also EU PC whats ur ingame ID ?
Hey, my ign: @RokasGruI'm laughing and crying at the same time, I have stamsorc and working on to get the gear. If nothing works, probably gonna try that one.
No. Try Chudan or something else.I forgot to mention that i was running stage 4 vampire, will I still benefit enough from 4% healing and regeneration of Troll King to use it?
Major Sorcery is a perennial problem ... or is itI love shade and mobility it gives, but I felt that i needed to trade it for degeneration to access Major sorcery.
Shacklebreaker and Amber Plasm are solid choices for PvP mag builds in general. I think Amber plays marginally better on classes that prefer spell damage, e.g. templar. For other classes, like NB, I prefer Shackle, for example when magicka stacking for shields. The additional stamina also feels better to me in no CP, because break free is so expensive there.I have shackle Breaker in my bank, but how much damage would i lose if I traded that for New moon? Is it worth it?
Not so much. Depends on the build. 1 spell damage = roughly 10.5 magicka. Siphoning passive (+8%) + Inner Light (+7%) = +15% magicka. Major Sorcery = +20% spell damage. You do the math. Problem with Major Sorcery is the need for a potion that includes it. As a ganker neither Degeneration nor Sap Essence is viable. In terms of a potion, Immovability + Detection + Magicka plays much better than anything else for my playstyle.Is magicka stacking still beneficial if I'm not using shields?
The biggest factors for balancing damage vs. regen are your jewelry enchants, your mundus and your food. Never forget that. It doesn't matter whether you use damage sets or regen sets. You can always rebalance your build using the above, even down to fine tuning with an Infused piece of jewelry.I love regen, that's the only reason i picked Bright-Throat's.
So you're moving from the weakest class to the second weakest...Hey guys hope can help me,
Few weeks ago I leveled up High Elf Magblade, got most of the gear and stuff, but feels that I can't kill anyone that's running stamina build
the mistake is lvling a magblade for pvp. magblade is good in solo pve content only 2nd to sorc i think. but pvp wise ur screwed. magblade is bottom tier pvp. i suggest stamblade for now.
i see ur also EU PC whats ur ingame ID ?
Hey, my ign: @RokasGruI'm laughing and crying at the same time, I have stamsorc and working on to get the gear. If nothing works, probably gonna try that one.
And go Meteor? Complete change of playstyle. Wouldn't want it. Cloak -> Lotus Fan -> Fear (Caluurion at point blank range) -> Soul Harvest -> Swallow Soul / Impale. If you're wearing Caluurion and you don't aim to use it at point blank range, you're doing something wrong. Soul Harvest isn't the only reason to go in close. What you're saying is a solution, true, but it's not an easy solution, it's a complete change of playstyle that brings it's own problems with it.3. If you’re finding that you need to invest more in stam and use immobility pots because of soul harvest, easy solution is to drop soul harvest
Bloodspawn is unreliable damage reduction. It does not feel great as a mitigation set. It's main claim to fame is the ulti gen and the stam recovery.For the most I was using Bloodspawn because of Templar Jabs, I meet that class in every BG I queue in and it's super hard to get them lose so I though I'l just stack resists to survive Charge>Sweep>Jabs combo. Chudan sounds really nice, I'l start farming undaunted.
I don't play it much, but what clinches Lightning Form for me is the semi-passive Crit Surge healing. As a nightblade I also hate everyone who bristles with lightning, be it a sorc or someone wearing Overwhelming Surge.Yea, Chudan’s not a bad set on a lot of classes. People dismiss it because they think ‘I can use x ability to get that’ but it also has a good 1 and 2 piece stat bonus’ on it. If you have bar crunch it’s a good choice. I can’t imagine not wearing it as a magsorc.
And go Meteor? Complete change of playstyle. Wouldn't want it. Cloak -> Lotus Fan -> Fear (Caluurion at point blank range) -> Soul Harvest -> Swallow Soul / Impale. If you're wearing Caluurion and you don't aim to use it at point blank range, you're doing something wrong. Soul Harvest isn't the only reason to go in close. What you're saying is a solution, true, but it's not an easy solution, it's a complete change of playstyle that brings it's own problems with it.3. If you’re finding that you need to invest more in stam and use immobility pots because of soul harvest, easy solution is to drop soul harvest