I am trying to install the game on my MacBook Pro, which has a 121GB Flash Drive... When I attempt to install the game It says 134 GB Required/ 104 GB Available. I know there is not enough storage space, but would the game be smaller in size once installed? Is there a way around this or what?

Or can I simply not play the game on this computer?
If I click 'Install' I get a box pop up saying 'You do not have enough free hard drive space to fully patch the elder scrolls online after installation! Do you wish to continue?' < Not sure if this is a good thing regarding installation/ patching as they are 2 different things? Could I install first and patch later? Help me xD
Fairies are invisible and inaudible like angels. But their magic sparkles in nature.
- I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.