They created massive Alliance zergs by giving 6k free Ap for taking even empty keeps. If that wasn’t a thing they wouldnt faction stack as bad (obviously there will still be massive groups)
Agree. ZOS should reduce the number of AP given by the total number of players in a group - let's say after 4 players in a group start reducing AP earned by X percentage.
Carespanker wrote: »Carespanker wrote: »AgaTheGreat wrote: »Why should they do anything with it? It's another form of "Nerf X because it killed me"
Because ballgroups lag Cyrodiil. 300 Players in 1 chunk fighting over a keep at 3 fps is not fun. I haven't died to a zerg in ages unless I literally could not fight back due to lag lol.
Just don't engage ballgroups. Go take other keep while the ballgroup is concentrating on one spot.
I don't pay 140$ a month for internet just to have to be forced to avoid people in pvp lol.
A certain faction in no cp has 3 ballzergs, making the game an absolute unplayable garbage when facing them, but it seems they're not affected by it or at least not as much as their opponents
Should this be adressed ?
I know there's a boatload of things that should be adressed right now, but still wth ?
Velocious_Curse wrote: »They created massive Alliance zergs by giving 6k free Ap for taking even empty keeps. If that wasn’t a thing they wouldnt faction stack as bad (obviously there will still be massive groups)
Yeah well if they went back to 1k for a keep everyone would cry about not making AP.
The fact is, PvP is LARGE SCALE fights. No one wants a Cyrodiil where it's small groups against other small groups.
They created massive Alliance zergs by giving 6k free Ap for taking even empty keeps. If that wasn’t a thing they wouldnt faction stack as bad (obviously there will still be massive groups)
VaranisArano wrote: »What is ZOS gonna do? Nerf teamwork? Eliminate all voice comms?
A. ZOS can't give out some sort of magic skill or set that will let players kill the ball groups. They've tried. Everything they do promptly gets used to even better effect by the organized ball groups against everyone else.
B. ZOS can't do anything to fix players stacking up in large battles when that's exactly what Cyrodiil is designed to create: large battles over important keeps and objectives. And if those ball groups spread out and take less important objectives, then players complain that they are PvDooring or farming players. So even if you dropped the max group size to 8 to 12, you'd still see large battles and coordinated groups running together.
Forgive me if I am misunderstanding this performance issues aside the whole point of Cyrodiil is for mid to large scale groups to fight each other?
Even if they get the performance to the point where there is next to no lag and every ones skills activate the moment you press the buttons, there is no way to balance large groups of players fighting each other.
You get attacked by a group of skilled coordinated players with voice chat, your going to die, no amount of nerfing of skills or gear or a large PUG group is going to change that.
They have already taken away the grouping option in battlegrounds and have received back lash from some and the usual quit-ing threads have shown up.
Can you imagine how much worse a scale that would be on if they prevented grouping in Cyrodiil.
They originally intended for Cyrodiil to be the end game content when they launched the game did they seriously have no long term plans for performance or did they just assume PVP would not be popular enough for them to bother with.