Necromancer Pro's & Con's

  • Noxavian

    That's another one. Where's lich? Why is the ultimate a goliath instead of a lich?

    Whoever designed the class obviously tried to make sure it was the least necromancy necromancer ever seen.

    (yes necromancy is now an adjective)

    Can very much agree.

    The person that designed the class clearly didn't want the player to feel like a Necromancer. Which is the weirdest thing ever.

    Why isn't the Gravelord skill line full of summoning abilities? Every single ability in that skill line should summon temp undead. From corpses, from abilities, etc. The tether should raise the corpse it's connected to as a flayer skeleton that runs at enemies and melee attacks. That way the AoE dmg isn't just in a straight line or puddle on the ground.

    Graveyard should raise zombies/skeletons.
  • Stebarnz
    L_Nici wrote: »
    Pro: Major Defile, AoE Damage, AoE Ulti, heavy ranged attack with Blastbones, easy access to any major buff to keep you alive and debuff the enemy, easy to sustain, easy to purge.

    Con: I really can't think of any contra right now, Necro has only pros, it even counters templar like a boss with acess to Major and minor Evasion, maybe it is a bit slower, but that is just related to my playstyle.

    @L_Nici I must be being blind where is the necro skill that gives major and minor evasion? Only thing i can think of is through DW line with BRP or medium armour skill, but then that wouldnt be a necro skill.
    Edited by Stebarnz on March 7, 2020 12:35PM
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