If the sorc had to use streak that much, im guessing you had em panicky and was probably right near fumes when finally getting you.
Funniest part is I just ran out of pots so my sustain was bunk. I wonder what would happen if i won that duel. But still, point is: How can he spam it so much and be just fine? Whats the point of cost increase if its not doing its job?
12000 streak damage is WAY too much, that needs to have both the stunn and the damage removed from it, its a defensive skill.
8x Streak in a Row and still enough magicka to deal damage, spam shields etc.
Why is there even a cost increase if they can just do that? lmao + I counted another 5 before that which the game did not register.
8x Streak in a Row and still enough magicka to deal damage, spam shields etc.
Why is there even a cost increase if they can just do that? lmao + I counted another 5 before that which the game did not register.
Carespanker wrote: »Make streak off-balance instead of stun.
12000 streak damage is WAY too much, that needs to have both the stunn and the damage removed from it, its a defensive skill.
8x Streak in a Row and still enough magicka to deal damage, spam shields etc.
Why is there even a cost increase if they can just do that? lmao + I counted another 5 before that which the game did not register.
so this is yet another 'nerf sorcs' thread.
.so this is yet another 'nerf sorcs' thread.
sorcerer extreme Damage NEED to be exposed.
the ability to do massive damage and hitting people with multiple hits in under 1 second and killing people instantly with mass damage is not fair gameplay.
thats way too much instant damage!
got that stupid MASSIVE HUGE hurricane whiping all around me cant stealth at all from it,
got that *** explosion happinging that even when purge it they instantly re-aply it so its constant explosions,
got the extremely high powered and UNBLOCKABLE knockdown from the streak AND it does damage
AND crystal blast and many other damage sources all happening within 1 SECOND IS TOO MUCH DAMAGE!!!!
tooo much damge happening all within under 1 second IS TOO MUCH
and what about those all those pets making the sorcerer UNTARGETABLE
you cannot target the sorcerer, all damage we do goes DIRECTLY TO THE PETS, NOT THE SORCERER
lets not even get started on the shields, they insta cast making them completely BOSS MODE so it takes GROUPS of people to kill sorcerers!
they removed the shield breaker set now so all you see is just GOD MODE sorcerers!
.so this is yet another 'nerf sorcs' thread.
sorcerer extreme Damage NEED to be exposed.
the ability to do massive damage and hitting people with multiple hits in under 1 second and killing people instantly with mass damage is not fair gameplay.
thats way too much instant damage!
got that stupid MASSIVE HUGE hurricane whiping all around me cant stealth at all from it,
got that explosion happinging that even when purge it they instantly re-aply it so its constant explosions,
got the extremely high powered and UNBLOCKABLE knockdown from the streak AND it does damage AND able to perform that from Great Distances AND THROUGH WALLS AND TREES!
AND crystal blast and many other damage sources all happening within 1 SECOND IS TOO MUCH DAMAGE!!!!
tooo much damge happening all within under 1 second IS TOO MUCH
and what about those all those pets making the sorcerer UNTARGETABLE
you cannot target the sorcerer, all damage we do goes DIRECTLY TO THE PETS, NOT THE SORCERER
lets not even get started on the shields, they insta cast making them completely BOSS MODE so it takes GROUPS of people to kill sorcerers!
they removed the shield breaker set now so all you see is just GOD MODE sorcerers!
.so this is yet another 'nerf sorcs' thread.
sorcerer extreme Damage NEED to be exposed.
the ability to do massive damage and hitting people with multiple hits in under 1 second and killing people instantly with mass damage is not fair gameplay.
thats way too much instant damage!
got that stupid MASSIVE HUGE hurricane whiping all around me cant stealth at all from it,
got that explosion happinging that even when purge it they instantly re-aply it so its constant explosions,
got the extremely high powered and UNBLOCKABLE knockdown from the streak AND it does damage AND able to perform that from Great Distances AND THROUGH WALLS AND TREES!
AND crystal blast and many other damage sources all happening within 1 SECOND IS TOO MUCH DAMAGE!!!!
tooo much damge happening all within under 1 second IS TOO MUCH
and what about those all those pets making the sorcerer UNTARGETABLE
you cannot target the sorcerer, all damage we do goes DIRECTLY TO THE PETS, NOT THE SORCERER
lets not even get started on the shields, they insta cast making them completely BOSS MODE so it takes GROUPS of people to kill sorcerers!
they removed the shield breaker set now so all you see is just GOD MODE sorcerers!
my comments Stand!
and you know what, i bet you if you sent an email to ALL the eso players who do not play sorcerer they will agree with what i said.
I find streak obnoxious but I cant fathom 9 streaks in a death recap. That's a lot of time to pass