WrathOfInnos wrote: »Why not just combine Juli and MS? Or if you are planning to do a lot of heavy attacks then NMA can be a good option, I just don’t like the effect it has on sustain with any high drain rotations.
I’m currently using MS, Juli, and IH (grothdar sometimes) and I can basically solo a lot of world bosses and some vet dungeons. I watched Xynode’s YouTube easy sorc video and it would seem a lot easier to use. It’s getting to the point of not being able to do rotations anymore. So, I need a basic heavy attack build. I started farming solo for UI and obtain the following items in a couple of days:
Two lightning staves (infused,precise)
No rings
Jack, boots, belt (divines)
Will UI work with either MS or Juli? I have ilambris, valkin skoria, grothdar, IH, and others. Probably use grothdar. I’m also considering New Moon. The set works well on my stamden. If anyone has any other combo with UI your thoughts would be appreciated. Thx.
Yeah the shock staves and necklace dropped on the first couple of days.
Stamplar is recast lower than 1.5 heavy while ha sorc is above 2.
thadjarvis wrote: »Stamplar is recast lower than 1.5 heavy while ha sorc is above 2.
Understood. HA sorc requires continued casting (constant muscle tension) while channeled skills require a tap followed by a rest interval (mention stamplar as the rest interval is longer than rapid strikes or wrecking blow I believe). Different physical conditions potentially would respond differently to the kinds of engagement. It's a 3rd option to try outside of HA and LA-instant cast rotations.
kylewwefan wrote: »Julianos and New Moon Accolyte is gonna give you some nasty stats, probably close to 4K spell damage.
T3hasiangod wrote: »It's been tested by a few people at this point. UI ends up losing out to a few other more readily available sets.
MS + Juli
Juli + IA
All of those combinations are easier to obtain and does not require the waste of 150 transmutes on a dead-end set.
Please do not waste time farming for the set. Do yourself a favor and spend the time farming the gold needed to buy MS pieces or farm IA instead.
I second those combinations, probably the ones you will get most of, while doing a heavy attack build, and one that is more beneficial to try and do less heavy attacks, unlike UI, that becomes "good" only if the main thing you do is heavy attacking, which is dps loss by itself.T3hasiangod wrote: »MS + NMA
T3hasiangod wrote: »It's been tested by a few people at this point. UI ends up losing out to a few other more readily available sets.
MS + Juli
Juli + IA
All of those combinations are easier to obtain and does not require the waste of 150 transmutes on a dead-end set.
Please do not waste time farming for the set. Do yourself a favor and spend the time farming the gold needed to buy MS pieces or farm IA instead.
U guys... You will make me regress to a heavy attack build cause sustain is that bad.
Grianasteri wrote: »T3hasiangod wrote: »It's been tested by a few people at this point. UI ends up losing out to a few other more readily available sets.
MS + Juli
Juli + IA
All of those combinations are easier to obtain and does not require the waste of 150 transmutes on a dead-end set.
Please do not waste time farming for the set. Do yourself a favor and spend the time farming the gold needed to buy MS pieces or farm IA instead.
@T3hasiangod This is interesting, because Xynode Easy Sorc build works on the premise that these combinations have been tested, and UI remains the best option over and above them...
Personally I get similar results using IA+Juli or IA+MS. I use my own variation of the build anyway, and my UI set is far from optimised so more dps can squeezed out of it.
How can two content providers test the same sets and get different results... who to trust...
Grianasteri wrote: »T3hasiangod wrote: »It's been tested by a few people at this point. UI ends up losing out to a few other more readily available sets.
MS + Juli
Juli + IA
All of those combinations are easier to obtain and does not require the waste of 150 transmutes on a dead-end set.
Please do not waste time farming for the set. Do yourself a favor and spend the time farming the gold needed to buy MS pieces or farm IA instead.
This is interesting, because Xynode Easy Sorc build works on the premise that these combinations have been tested, and UI remains the best option over and above them...
Doesn't it work on the premise that it's easy to use?
EDIT: If you mean best for heavy attacks. I don't think Xynode ever makes builds that use meta gear.
T3hasiangod wrote: »
Has he actually tested the builds though? I have released at least one video showcasing the Combat Metric reports from my parses and describing the methodology behind each parse. I have shown my evidence that his set up is weaker than what I managed to come up with.
Grianasteri wrote: »T3hasiangod wrote: »
Has he actually tested the builds though? I have released at least one video showcasing the Combat Metric reports from my parses and describing the methodology behind each parse. I have shown my evidence that his set up is weaker than what I managed to come up with.
@T3hasiangod Well yes this is a fair point, who can say what testing has been done. I do recall seeing folk apparently in the know argue that extensive testing is carried out by Xynode.
Hey, I brows various content providers for inspiration, yours, Xynodes, Alcasts, Decimus, Hacktheminataur. Props to all you guys who spend time and effort producing good content.
I wonder, have you (or anyone else) tested Knight Slayer in the context of a heavy attack build like Easy Sorc? On paper it looks lovely, perhaps in combination with IA...