wild_kmacdb16_ESO wrote: »Personally I would just increase the CP cap to 1000, and any points thereafter can be spent for 'non combat' purposes, such as .1% better rates when selling to merchant... as an example.
For a PvP game, speaking as a new player, the grand to 810 is an utter pain. The community looks down on any one not 810 and it turns off allot of new players. I'm stubborn so I stick around. And a real PvP game should not such a huge shelf to get to event footing. For the sake of the game this needs to change. I hope they lower the CP cap to 600 for combat. Remove the crafting and extra stuff in CP skill trees. After 600 have new skill trees unlock that deal with bonuses for crafting and other skills that have nothing to do with combat. Like in PvE areas let you walk on water. Just my two cents.
For a PvP game, speaking as a new player, the grand to 810 is an utter pain. The community looks down on any one not 810 and it turns off allot of new players. I'm stubborn so I stick around. And a real PvP game should not such a huge shelf to get to event footing. For the sake of the game this needs to change. I hope they lower the CP cap to 600 for combat. Remove the crafting and extra stuff in CP skill trees. After 600 have new skill trees unlock that deal with bonuses for crafting and other skills that have nothing to do with combat. Like in PvE areas let you walk on water. Just my two cents.
Then ZOS should be changing how quickly newer players are able to earn the CP to get to 810 then. They have full control of that.
They do already make it so the fewer CP you have, the faster they are earned but it's the last few hundred that take a lot of time.
They won't get rid of it now its too central to character progression. If they wanted something different they should of thought about that before writing the code.
Make CP completely for non combat effects. Then buff armor sets to make up the difference. Easier to balance as you took away one variable to the equation.
No idea but whatever new system they implement better take into account people's current CP level, got no desire to grind from level 1 in a new system.
power creep is part of every mmo in history, the way to deal with it is not to nerf everyone into oblivion and cause a mass exodus of players, but to introduce new ways for players to challenge themselves and their more powerful characters.
power creep is part of every mmo in history, the way to deal with it is not to nerf everyone into oblivion and cause a mass exodus of players, but to introduce new ways for players to challenge themselves and their more powerful characters.
CP has been an extremely small part of the power creep over the past few years so it is not that big of a deal.
power creep is part of every mmo in history, the way to deal with it is not to nerf everyone into oblivion and cause a mass exodus of players, but to introduce new ways for players to challenge themselves and their more powerful characters.
I would prefer it to be obliterated and new system should not have any mitigation or damage boost.
Pure utility.
Set gear and level cap to 50, new stats would be recalculated and won't increase past that level.
power creep is part of every mmo in history, the way to deal with it is not to nerf everyone into oblivion and cause a mass exodus of players, but to introduce new ways for players to challenge themselves and their more powerful characters.
I don’t see the ‘challenge’ in providing players with high CP with ever-increasing advantages. In fact CP seems to be exact the opposite, it makes it easier for higher CP players to do the same content.
That doesn’t seem either fair or intelligent. Lower CP players actually have to be more talented and better at the game to do the same content.
In CP PvP you’re literally disadvantaging all non-cap players. I’m not sure how that is either a level playing field or any encouragement for players to bother joining.
Surely the way players genuinely challenge themselves is to do away with crutches like CP. The only power creep should be players getting better.
power creep is part of every mmo in history, the way to deal with it is not to nerf everyone into oblivion and cause a mass exodus of players, but to introduce new ways for players to challenge themselves and their more powerful characters.
I don’t see the ‘challenge’ in providing players with high CP with ever-increasing advantages. In fact CP seems to be exact the opposite, it makes it easier for higher CP players to do the same content.
That doesn’t seem either fair or intelligent. Lower CP players actually have to be more talented and better at the game to do the same content.
In CP PvP you’re literally disadvantaging all non-cap players. I’m not sure how that is either a level playing field or any encouragement for players to bother joining.
Surely the way players genuinely challenge themselves is to do away with crutches like CP. The only power creep should be players getting better.
power creep is part of every mmo in history, the way to deal with it is not to nerf everyone into oblivion and cause a mass exodus of players, but to introduce new ways for players to challenge themselves and their more powerful characters.
I don’t see the ‘challenge’ in providing players with high CP with ever-increasing advantages. In fact CP seems to be exact the opposite, it makes it easier for higher CP players to do the same content.
That doesn’t seem either fair or intelligent. Lower CP players actually have to be more talented and better at the game to do the same content.
In CP PvP you’re literally disadvantaging all non-cap players. I’m not sure how that is either a level playing field or any encouragement for players to bother joining.
Surely the way players genuinely challenge themselves is to do away with crutches like CP. The only power creep should be players getting better.
This is completely flawed thinking in the context of games like MMOs. Characters always become progressively more mechanically powerful. a game like ESO can never be purely skill based. to do that we'd need to get rid of any gear or stat systems and give everyone the same baseline all the time- which would also remove peoples reasons to do content for rewards.
Nordic__Knights wrote: »power creep is part of every mmo in history, the way to deal with it is not to nerf everyone into oblivion and cause a mass exodus of players, but to introduce new ways for players to challenge themselves and their more powerful characters.
I don’t see the ‘challenge’ in providing players with high CP with ever-increasing advantages. In fact CP seems to be exact the opposite, it makes it easier for higher CP players to do the same content.
That doesn’t seem either fair or intelligent. Lower CP players actually have to be more talented and better at the game to do the same content.
In CP PvP you’re literally disadvantaging all non-cap players. I’m not sure how that is either a level playing field or any encouragement for players to bother joining.
Surely the way players genuinely challenge themselves is to do away with crutches like CP. The only power creep should be players getting better.
Its also not healthy as an new player to believe they should be given the same power lvl as the ones whos PLAYED for years (5 at this point) reason zos has non cp campaigns it lets new players do content at their leave while gaining to be able to move to cp campaigns once they have 1) gained max cp or 2) skill lvl to stand an fair chance against and more powerful force
And the slowest way to gain cp is pvp yet its ALWAYS for pvp reasons everyone wants cp changed when your not even doing whats needed to become maxed. just asking that players that have be published for playing the game BETTER then yourselves rather it be skill or knowledge to get to max cp
So id say just take the time to max out cp before asking to punish others who have with change
For a PvP game, speaking as a new player, the grind to 810 is an utter pain. The community looks down on any one not 810 and it turns off allot of new players. I'm stubborn so I have stuck around. And a real PvP game should not such a huge shelf to get to even footing. For the sake of the game this needs to change. I hope they lower the CP cap to 600 for combat. Remove the crafting and extra stuff in CP skill trees. After 600 have new skill trees unlock that deal with bonuses for crafting and other skills that have nothing to do with combat. Like in PvE areas let you walk on water. Just my two cents.
power creep is part of every mmo in history, the way to deal with it is not to nerf everyone into oblivion and cause a mass exodus of players, but to introduce new ways for players to challenge themselves and their more powerful characters.
I don’t see the ‘challenge’ in providing players with high CP with ever-increasing advantages. In fact CP seems to be exact the opposite, it makes it easier for higher CP players to do the same content.
That doesn’t seem either fair or intelligent. Lower CP players actually have to be more talented and better at the game to do the same content.
In CP PvP you’re literally disadvantaging all non-cap players. I’m not sure how that is either a level playing field or any encouragement for players to bother joining.
Surely the way players genuinely challenge themselves is to do away with crutches like CP. The only power creep should be players getting better.
This is completely flawed thinking in the context of games like MMOs. Characters always become progressively more mechanically powerful. a game like ESO can never be purely skill based. to do that we'd need to get rid of any gear or stat systems and give everyone the same baseline all the time- which would also remove peoples reasons to do content for rewards.
I’m all for rewards believe me. But CP makes a character more powerful simply from playing rather than achieving. I can meander along doing bland content and my CP 810 character will be significantly more powerful than a CP 300 who’s done the hardest content in the game.
Becoming more powerful in the game should be somethichang is related to achieving things in the game (via better rewards) and becoming a more skilled player. Time served should not be a contributory factor.Nordic__Knights wrote: »power creep is part of every mmo in history, the way to deal with it is not to nerf everyone into oblivion and cause a mass exodus of players, but to introduce new ways for players to challenge themselves and their more powerful characters.
I don’t see the ‘challenge’ in providing players with high CP with ever-increasing advantages. In fact CP seems to be exact the opposite, it makes it easier for higher CP players to do the same content.
That doesn’t seem either fair or intelligent. Lower CP players actually have to be more talented and better at the game to do the same content.
In CP PvP you’re literally disadvantaging all non-cap players. I’m not sure how that is either a level playing field or any encouragement for players to bother joining.
Surely the way players genuinely challenge themselves is to do away with crutches like CP. The only power creep should be players getting better.
Its also not healthy as an new player to believe they should be given the same power lvl as the ones whos PLAYED for years (5 at this point) reason zos has non cp campaigns it lets new players do content at their leave while gaining to be able to move to cp campaigns once they have 1) gained max cp or 2) skill lvl to stand an fair chance against and more powerful force
And the slowest way to gain cp is pvp yet its ALWAYS for pvp reasons everyone wants cp changed when your not even doing whats needed to become maxed. just asking that players that have be published for playing the game BETTER then yourselves rather it be skill or knowledge to get to max cp
So id say just take the time to max out cp before asking to punish others who have with change
Well... maxed out a long, long time ago. And I did enjoy those juicy moments on every release day when my characters would all mysteriously become 30 CP more powerful overnight, allowing me to easily do content I struggled with the night before. That was proper power creep. And properly rubbish too. I hadn’t got any better (or even done anything) and suddenly it’s CP galore for me, none for anyone below cap.
For me PvP should be about your skill, not crutches like CP. It should be about knowing your class and build enough that your character is well balanced and being skilled enough as a player that you can attack and react to another player’s moves fast enough and cleverly enough to make a difference. You absolutely should not be winning because you have more CP points than they do.
CP PvP basically forces everyone to be at max CP, as not being there is a massive disadvantage. It then creates an interesting situation where how you use your CP becomes an important factor (which fits into the whole ‘knowing your build’ skill area). But it’s only interesting because everyone has the same CP so there is no artificial CP imbalance.
Make CP completely for non combat effects. Then buff armor sets to make up the difference. Easier to balance as you took away one variable to the equation.
Kombinator wrote: »Make CP completely for non combat effects. Then buff armor sets to make up the difference. Easier to balance as you took away one variable to the equation.
It would outrage people with high CP as their raw combat power gets reduced to regular level.
I would increase base level to 70, and erase CP system entirely. Reaching lvl 70 would be similar to reaching 160 CP.
After that you could pick up a new class for your character. You could switch classes OUTSIDE of combat at any time with a one hour cooldown. Given enough grind you could pick up all classes for your character. Each class outside of the main could be grinder by 20 "levels". These levels would have similar XP requirement as if you were go from 70 to 90, and grant no attributes. Only skillpoints.
Those who have CP over 160 would be given instant XP scrolls, that instantly gives similar ammount of XP as reaching that CP required. There would be full, and fragmented version of it. The full would instantly give 20 extra level to your currently equipped new class, and put all class skills to 50. Fragmented version would be the "final" which would give whatever XP remained after using the full ones. It would be generated for each account. XP granted by that scroll would evenly spread amont the class skills.
Extra classes you unlock, and level would be account wide. Characters that reach lvl70 gets auto unlocked as extra class account wide, if already unlocked, then you are given the option to replace the unlocked one. This could only be done ONCE in an account.
Your raw power would be less, than on full CP now, but you would get much more flexibility, and should you decide to switch class you could do it without grinding up a new character, and all content/gear/achievement remain unlocked.
Nordic__Knights wrote: »Kombinator wrote: »Make CP completely for non combat effects. Then buff armor sets to make up the difference. Easier to balance as you took away one variable to the equation.
It would outrage people with high CP as their raw combat power gets reduced to regular level.
I would increase base level to 70, and erase CP system entirely. Reaching lvl 70 would be similar to reaching 160 CP.
After that you could pick up a new class for your character. You could switch classes OUTSIDE of combat at any time with a one hour cooldown. Given enough grind you could pick up all classes for your character. Each class outside of the main could be grinder by 20 "levels". These levels would have similar XP requirement as if you were go from 70 to 90, and grant no attributes. Only skillpoints.
Those who have CP over 160 would be given instant XP scrolls, that instantly gives similar ammount of XP as reaching that CP required. There would be full, and fragmented version of it. The full would instantly give 20 extra level to your currently equipped new class, and put all class skills to 50. Fragmented version would be the "final" which would give whatever XP remained after using the full ones. It would be generated for each account. XP granted by that scroll would evenly spread amont the class skills.
Extra classes you unlock, and level would be account wide. Characters that reach lvl70 gets auto unlocked as extra class account wide, if already unlocked, then you are given the option to replace the unlocked one. This could only be done ONCE in an account.
Your raw power would be less, than on full CP now, but you would get much more flexibility, and should you decide to switch class you could do it without grinding up a new character, and all content/gear/achievement remain unlocked.
So with your system where would someone who has 1400 cp atm be placed?
Not to thoughtful to the fact that most if not all players that are cp maxed have other classes already at cp too i have 18 of them 2 of EVERY class 1 stam 1 mag dds, tanks and healers
Anotherone773 wrote: »For a PvP game, speaking as a new player, the grind to 810 is an utter pain. The community looks down on any one not 810 and it turns off allot of new players. I'm stubborn so I have stuck around. And a real PvP game should not such a huge shelf to get to even footing. For the sake of the game this needs to change. I hope they lower the CP cap to 600 for combat. Remove the crafting and extra stuff in CP skill trees. After 600 have new skill trees unlock that deal with bonuses for crafting and other skills that have nothing to do with combat. Like in PvE areas let you walk on water. Just my two cents.
This is not a PVP game, It is a PVE game with PVP haphazardly thrown in as an afterthought to grab a few more customers. PVP is one of the most inefficient ways to level in this game. So if your trying to level doing PVP, its going to take you a little while.
This is the best and most popular PvP game online right now. Cyrodiil is packed every Prime time and active at all hours of every day. You may not think of it as PvP game but most do. I could give dozens of other reasons ESO is a PvP game but its not worth my time. This by no means that this PvP game, does not have awesome PvE as well. Also remember when this games PvE was really bad, its was the PvP community that kept this game going. As at one point that was the main reason to play this game.