My guild, “Beyond The Fiery Darkness, is mostly a PvX Guild. I originally wanted my Guild to be PvP Guild. But my Guild is open to all alliances. As for being open alliance, I feel it’s hindering me. Guild is 6 months old and completely dying.
Least till certain someone showed up on my alliance couple days ago. I bring this up, due to fact I wish my guild will be tied to certain certain alliance with my Guild. But yet only affect group and still be open alliance guild. But with group only tied to PvP events only. (I’ve tried PvE events many times. No one seem interested, hence guild was dying for 6 months) Since I wanted my group invite me certain alliance.
I wonder if I should require guild tabard. Least to represent the Guild on certain alliance in PvP. I, however originally wanted guild tabard to be optional. But 6 months, I keep thinking I should enforce wear tabard for certain alliance. Mainly due to couple days ago, saw this new DC group guild in PvP. It begs to differ and keep wondering is it time to enforce my group to wear tabard?
I’m just tired in sense, representing my guild by myself. Sure Beyond The Fiery Darkness, is in fact real guild. (Mostly different alliances, not one I’m on) since guards have tabard. At same time I feel if they (my group) don’t have a guild. Then yes I should enforce Guild Tabard; unless they in different Guild and they wish to advertise that guild. In which that is fine and all right with me. In honestly since my guild is so small I usually go group with another guild, while I advertised my guild same time by self.
Formerly Serjustin19, Save for Forum Of Course.... Fiery_Darkness (PC NA) currently.
Should Tabards Be Worn in PvP/PvX Guild in PvP. That Represents Certain Alliance? 7 votes
For PvP Group Only, yes Wear Tabard on certain alliance,

2 votes
For PvP Group Only, Optional to wear tabard if in different guild.
For PvP Group Only Yes: different reason.
1 vote
For PvP Group Only No.

2 votes
For PvP Group Only, Optional, just because
More than one/Other choice(s)

2 votes