Since it looks like this horrid change is here to stay, at least reduce the off balance immunity timer to something like 10 seconds instead of 15. With the current meta already so defensively stacked, the changes to off balance is going to increase the TTK even more so. The new immunity timer for players will lead to much smaller windows of opportunity for taking advantage of stunning, activating the exploiter perk, increasing heavy attack damage as part of a burst combo, and to kill competent players you're usually going to need a well timed burst. With the new immunity timer coming in, all one needs to do is when they become off balanced now is to play defensively and wait it out knowing that they will have a 15 second immunity timer after.
Speaking of timing your burst combos, its not going to be fun when you're trying to set up your own combo and yours gets thrown off because some other player may set them off balance arbitrarily and it screws with your own timing. Again this is going to increase TTK even more and this is going to have an even larger impact on CP PVP. Especially with the reduced uptime on the exploiter perk, in which CP PVP is already incredibly defensively oriented. Seriously, as it is now we need more options to kill players, not less. This change is going to push more players into relying on harmony synergies for kills because other methods for kills are being diminished/taken away, while overtuned healing still remains untouched.
Edited by Arcanasx on February 11, 2020 12:29AM