This is a plea to any active ZOS forum moderators, please can I have this escalated I've been really patient but it seems nothing is happening. Please anyone with authority here can help speed this up for me its well over a week. Only correspondence I got was the automated email which I replied back with necessary information requested by support, uploads of all the transactions made on the account.
Checked my emails nothing yet.
here is what I get told when I tried to sign in the forums with the original user ID
I have even told support I can provide them a picture of my debit card and ID I’ll even write down the support ticket number so they know it’s not something or someone trying to impersonate someone. Do you guys think I should just send them that alongside my previous address which the game was played at prior to me moving out ? Surely the guys who are trying to claim it’s their account won’t even have this information
Surely whoever tried claiming my account won’t even have these things so how can they not verify that I’m the account holder and not someone who’s pretending that it belongs to me I hope you guys reading understand what I mean.