Need a bit of help with my mage build.

  • Karda222
    Thank you guys so much for the wonderful help.
    You have no idea how happy this dps change made me.
  • BeamsForDemacia
    the one u posted is 3 stat Food , i guess is kinda ok but u wanna use rather bistat Food that increases only Health and mag or clockwork citrus/witchmothers potent brew which gives more mag reg,
    yeah get a two piece Monster set (any tbh doesnt really matter too hard ) and two 5 pieces i would also drop netch and use something that was alr suggested (necropotence with pets, mothers sorrow), for cps just check out alcasts Website also for buuilds,
    u can also start practicing Malestrom Arena because u want the destruction staff backbar if u have more ambitions for dps and Trials and u learn alot About mechanics /ur class
    edit: nice improvement , Gold out weapons if u havent alr
    Edited by BeamsForDemacia on February 7, 2020 6:23AM
  • colossalvoids
    You already got some good input here, but I'll just hop in to say that you might want to start getting into combat system of eso a bit further. See some guides on what ritation is, how it's made and what to prioritize. Dungeon mechanics ones should help also as most new players just don't know what to focus and getting way lower results than experienced ones on low level alts but knowing what to do perfectly.

    Sets are nice as it is but be sure to enchant gear properly and pay some attention to mundus stone choice, weapon traits and enchantments, always have food and at least simple potions, level undaunted and mages guild to be more prepared. Also level up alchemy for potion passive as it will prolong effects quite a bit so you will not lack resources as much.

    Good luck on your way;)
  • zvavi
    From what i see there are many problems, lets start with what people already mentioned, not even sure if I added something:
    1. Food buff - you will want food that gives you max mag+ max health/ max mag+ max health+ mag regen
    2. Gear - a lot of your gear is not even enchanted, and for decent damage, making your weapons gold gives you additional spell damage, same about making jewelry enchantments into spell damage.
    3. Rotation - from what i see all you have are damage over time skills. I assume you were spamming them. Dont. No reason. Apply aoe dot, apply aoe dot, then heavy attack or use a spammable. (For example, if you use lightning flood every second, for 10 seconds, the outcome is the same as if you used it twice, once at the beginning, and second time after 10 seconds)
    4. Skills - i see you are using only one bar, it is no good. You are losing on whole 6 skill slots, and the option to proc backbar enchantment and use a frontbar one (usually people use wall of elements on back bar with infused berserker enchantment, that way you get wooping 450 weapon damage if you have wall of elements active).
    5. Weaving light attacks - eh, long story short, done correctly free damage.
    6. Skills and Rotation - well. It is just THAT important. Not gonna tell you what to do or use, since i support self research. But. But. Do something about it.
    7. Practice - after getting your skills and rotation, it is up to practice to give you bigger numbers.
    Edited by zvavi on February 7, 2020 6:52AM
  • FrancisCrawford
    the one u posted is 3 stat Food , i guess is kinda ok but u wanna use rather bistat Food that increases only Health and mag or clockwork citrus/witchmothers potent brew which gives more mag reg,
    yeah get a two piece Monster set (any tbh doesnt really matter too hard ) and two 5 pieces i would also drop netch and use something that was alr suggested (necropotence with pets, mothers sorrow), for cps just check out alcasts Website also for buuilds,
    u can also start practicing Malestrom Arena because u want the destruction staff backbar if u have more ambitions for dps and Trials and u learn alot About mechanics /ur class
    edit: nice improvement , Gold out weapons if u havent alr

    The difference between the purple food listed and optimal food is too small to make a big difference.
    Edited by FrancisCrawford on February 7, 2020 6:54AM
  • Karda222
    So after a bit of playing with this new build.
    I do somewhere around 25000 DPS.
    Critical rating is at 52% now.
    Using full set of Julianos with Magika enchantment and Mundus trait.
    Full set of Mother's Sorrow.
    And the 2 piece full set of Ilambris.
    And The Shadow mundus.

    I entered open dungeons scattered around maps, i sometimes don't know which is the boss cause he melts really fast.
    I did a Tier 2 version of a veteran map that i had a lot of trouble with before. Now im mowing through them....

    Really wish i could buy all of you guys some coffee or beer XD.
    Edited by Karda222 on February 7, 2020 8:14AM
  • Neoealth
    Get rid of the training trait on the boots for a start. Get a crafter to make you new boots divines. Try and get a 5-5-2 gear set up as well.
  • alainjbrennanb16_ESO
    new moon is better than julianos but it you have regen issue stick with julianos, mother sorrow is a must and use zaans, on jewelry put them infused with spell damage, make all gold, you may think it wont make much diff but it does on certain mundus stones, take shadow mundus stone Increases Critical Strike damage by 13%, 19% with 7 Legendary Divine Traits, have several diff weapons, with increase spell damage and kill undead, crit increase, change out when fighting diff npc's, bosses, also go for alot of aoe damage and have 2 spammable attacks, save ult for bosses unless you get into trouble
    Main character dk - Vanikifar whitestrike
  • Cirantille
    Karda222 wrote: »

    Enchantments are a bit all over the place right now.
    I'm using The Apprentice mundus that increases spell damage.
    I'm doing both sometimes, either drinking potions that give magicka restoration.
    Or food that increases health.

    I got the cauldron, that increases HP by about 5000+

    Ah not having enchants explains it, because 27k is very low and it will effect your overall damage.

    I'd use Witchmothers Potent Brew. It is very cheap to acquire, like 500 gold in guild stores. It also adds magicka recovery, which I see you are at 1k which is the same about your health

    I have High Elf Magsorc main too so I guarantee you will go above 40k magicka with the suggestions people made.

    For Mundus I use Shadow for extra critical damage and when I checked overall damage, I make %94 of the time critical damage, it is a neat build when you use mothers sorrow set.
  • Cirantille
    Karda222 wrote: »
    So after a bit of playing with this new build.
    I do somewhere around 25000 DPS.
    Critical rating is at 52% now.
    Using full set of Julianos with Magika enchantment and Mundus trait.
    Full set of Mother's Sorrow.
    And the 2 piece full set of Ilambris.
    And The Shadow mundus.

    I entered open dungeons scattered around maps, i sometimes don't know which is the boss cause he melts really fast.
    I did a Tier 2 version of a veteran map that i had a lot of trouble with before. Now im mowing through them....

    Really wish i could buy all of you guys some coffee or beer XD.

    Sorry just read this update

    I'm glad the issue has been solved then

    Have fun :)
  • Karda222
    Just one last question. Where should i add the champion points into?
    To be sure i didn't add them needlessly.
    Currently they are in spell and elemental damage, critical damage and so on.
    And a bit all over the place. I now have 300 points.
    Edited by Karda222 on February 7, 2020 8:39PM
  • Karda222
    I see people are keeping a bit of a secrecy about the distribution of champion points :P.
  • raegun
    here is a good 300 cp set up from alcast's website ( do remember though that this is just a start if and when you start doing harder content you'll want to change your red cp to better optimize your survival. you can find those on alcast's site too. correct cp and light attack weaving are some of the best dps boots there are hopefully this helps a bit. good luck

    The Ritual
    18 Thaumaturge
    The Atronach
    16 Master at Arms, 11 Staff Expert
    The Apprentice
    32 Elemental Expert, 16 Elfborn, 7 Spell Erosion
    The Shadow
    17 Tumbling, 17 Shadow Ward
    The Lover
    37 Arcanist
    The Tower
    18 Warlord, 11 Sprinter
    The Lord
    The Lady
    27 Hardy, 27 Elemental Defender, 18 Thick Skinned
    The Steed
    16 Ironclad, 12 Spell Shield
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