XxNINJAMANxD wrote: »I main healer, I am wanting to talk to/about healing in Cyrodil. I normally group up with randoms, I never really play with a ball group, or zerg (but im not against healing you if I am nearby) I get complimented a lot on my healing, and how tanky I am. Also people point out how much of a front liner I can be versus other healers who stay in the back.
I wanted to talk about what you other healers use for your set up, and are you on the front line, or do you hang out in the back? Also what is your reasoning for that?
My reason I feel fine being in the front line is because im super tanky. really good sustain, and just all around hard to kill.
My current set up is: Kags, Wizards Riposte, and Bogden. Heavy on everything aside from a light waist, and medium gauntlet to make up the undaunted passive. I front bar Sword and Board, and back bar a Resto.
I have 30k health, 30K phy, and mag Resistance, along with 3k Crit Resistance.
I know there are other set ups out there, and healers play a lot of ways! So whats your style healers?
I’ve played healer builds many time and from the experience that I got it really depends on the play style. By being tanky you will most definitely have lower tooltips on your heals but being on the frontlines make it that it’s easier to peel your allies with cc and body block. Your heals tho will be weaker for peak damage situation and you’ll rely on your ultimate often! By playing in the back you can push way higher stats and use positioning and others as your body blocks while you throw fat heals! I don’t think there is a better play style. It depends on who’s around you and which class you’re healing. Tanky healers are good with stamina builds. But let’s say in a bg with 3 mag builds a high stats healer will definitely be better imo.
Edit: high stats healer are good when ppl around you know you’re healing them and stay close and cc ppl off you. Otherwise when you play with ppl running like headless chickens go the tankier route lmao
Also I think having hybrid approach on heal builds are pretty nice these days! This is my stamina archer healer!https://youtu.be/w1cWbKbS37I
XxNINJAMANxD wrote: »Do you use combat metrics? I’ve been curious what numbers people pull. I average 8k or so and spike up to 27k without overhealing, so think I do well but I’m really curious.
I think the best way to spec depends on setting, class and role. It’s a great subject and I think I’ve min-maxed the heck out of it but I’m curious about how I stack up to others.
From what I have seen I hit about these numbers, I think I prefer the Tanky healer over the back line light armor healer that is healing 2k-3k more than than my HoT, When I play I want to be in the thick of it. That way I am tossing Cleanses, I also run shards for Synergies/Sustain. Sometimes I will run Orbs, right now I am running propelling shields for increased range for the ranged characters around me.
My Skills are as followed:
Front Bar S&B
Breath, Extended, Channeled, Mist Form, Meditate, Barrier Ult (Meditate, and Barrier are my optional skills)
Back Bar Resto Staff
Entropy, Propelling, Combat Prayer, Illustrious Healing, Mutagen, Lights Champion Ult (Entropy, Shield are my optional skills)
GimpyPorcupine wrote: »Heavy Kag's FTW, you can really stand in stupid and get the rezz.
GimpyPorcupine wrote: »Don't usually use Panacea: Solar Disturbance for the Major maim, and Barrier on my Resto Bar, mostly for the extra regen.
I use, secuder, bright boast, troll king on an argonian sorc, 5 light, really don't need to stand in stupid, but got major expedition always up and are really good at awerness I usually don't die. Reason for this is to output a lot of heals on large groups 30+ and upkeep siege shield plus purge requires a lot of sustain. Sorc for having the healing negate. Its a fun build.
I played with templar as well and with 5 light was tanky as *** don't need heavy for that but thats maybe me.
XxNINJAMANxD wrote: »GimpyPorcupine wrote: »Don't usually use Panacea: Solar Disturbance for the Major maim, and Barrier on my Resto Bar, mostly for the extra regen.
I had a weird idea for a healer.
Thurvokan, Duroks Bane, and Kags
Major, Minor Defile almost always 100% up, Just a thought, I havent tested it as I dont have the shoulder piece for Thurvokan
45% defile, they are either going to leave you alone, and the person you are next to (body blocking for) or they are going to have no heals and die.
I have tried so many sets my eyes water.
I'm a Breton Templar healer main and I cannot begin to tell you how much I hate - how much I DETEST - Healer based PVP in this game.
It feels like unless you're meta, you're screwed.
Unless you have X very specific gear sets and abilities, you're screwed.
Try to heal? Get focused - get wrecked.
Again and again and again.
The power of DPS over Healing in this game is a joke.
Doing the midyear madness event is just painful unless you're in Cyrodill.
And I say that as an old school 2200+ Arena Healer in WOW for 8 seasons.
Coming to ESO you don't realise just how GOD AWFUL the 'balance' is for PvP in this game.
I do queue BGs, it's terrible.
You go against endless pre-mades - you're trying to get 2nd place at best most of the time if you solo queue with randoms.
The standard tactic is the other group rolls around in 3 or 4 players, they focus the healer hard.
Often it's stun - burst and before you can react, dead.
Doesn't matter what your gear is. Doesn't matter what your defenses are.
I've tried all heavy, all light.
I currently run over 4k Crit Resist, 25000 Spell Resist, 20k Physical resist which you'd think it's overkill
But nope. Dead usually in 5 seconds.
Unless you're a vampire you only have RAT to get you out of trouble and of course that doesn't help jack if you're already stunned (unlike Wow's trinket).
The game is simply not designed at all to give healers an edge in PvP. Unless you're with another Premade group, it's largely a waste of time and horrible to play.
If you guys do PvP healing with a group, sure, I get how it might be a good time. Always nice to have a team that will protect the healer when getting bursted. But as a solo player? Dear god it's HORRIBLE!
Once this Midyear Mayhem rubbish is over I cannot wait to exit out of this frustrating tripe.
Healer PvP sucks. It's horrible. I hate it.
Compared to other games self healing is crazy high yea. Usually what I do when someone tries to focus me is kite back and string them out. The game is setup so that each player can heal themselves as much as a dedicated healer would be able to and is not likely to change anytime soon. Basicly healers just increase the healing a bit and can also add to the group's damage a bit.
Compared to other games self healing is crazy high yea. Usually what I do when someone tries to focus me is kite back and string them out. The game is setup so that each player can heal themselves as much as a dedicated healer would be able to and is not likely to change anytime soon. Basicly healers just increase the healing a bit and can also add to the group's damage a bit.
Similiarly to PvE Healing in this game.
It's nice to have... but not essential at all until you get to the top tier in content
I know ZOS have been tinkering on the PvE side to make healers more relevant, but it's honestly not working at all and the impact is much heavier in PvP I find.
Tanks have a bigger role to play in PvP than Healers do is my experience and the 'fun factor' of healing in this game is minute compared to big, bursty DPS goodness.
In BGs with 4 man teams, my experience is if you're with a pre-made a healer can be an awesome addition.
But in BGs with Randoms? It's lol terribad as far as experiences go.
Don't get me wrong, I WANT to like PvP as a Healer in this game - I have spent many many hours trying to 'git gud' and experiment with different sets all golded out and configurations - spent (literally) millions of gold copying Meta builds and experimenting with my own.
But it feels like it just doesn't matter at the end of the day.
Unlike PvE where you can have a lot of success with various builds, options and playstyles, PvP in this game feels so one directional it's just frustrating.
I only do PvP now for the events like Midyear Mayhem, else I don't even waste my time with this rubbish.
ESO PvP heavily favours DPS. Unless you're playing that, you're going to be in for a rough time.
I've played many MMOs over the years (WoW was just a main one for a long time) and I've never played a MMO that screws up PvP more than ESO which is a real shame to be honest because so many other aspects of the game are really great too.
Oh well.
Well screwing it up is a matter of perspective. In almost every pvp game I’ve played one of the chief complaints was always ‘Whine... I need a healer to be competitive’. It was true, even though it was whiney, because of the trinity MMOs are based on. You need a tank, healer and dps.
WoW broke this mold and became really solo friendly which made it a smash hit. ESO pvp is basicly trying to do the same thing with pvp. Everyone’s a healer, tank and dps at the same time. Some classes can do some of those things better than others, but the builds that sacrifice too much to specialize in one facet of that suffer.
In starter BGs full healers work okay, cyrodiil larger groups they work well. However as you do more BGs and your MMR rank goes up I’ve found full healer builds uncompetitive. People can bounce between 20 percent to full health in a couple seconds, adding damage to people’s burst as a healer can make the difference between wiping a ball of 4 and being wiped.
Another way of looking at it is in pvp roles are switched around (traditionally). Damage dealers are straight forward, healers are the tanks, and the tanks specialize in cc and debuffs. It’s how it works out in pvp against competent players.
Since that vid ive tweaked a bit hotbars by adding mage light to the front for more heal crits and swapped Pariah for Ancient Dragonguard, not as tanky as before but way better heal output.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »Since that vid ive tweaked a bit hotbars by adding mage light to the front for more heal crits and swapped Pariah for Ancient Dragonguard, not as tanky as before but way better heal output.
When you say “way better heal output”, @Gravord, how do you quantify that?
Since Thurvokun and Ancient Dragonguard don’t have any Max Magicka bonuses, I think you might be surprised how much you’re actually healing with only a 23k magicka pool.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »Since that vid ive tweaked a bit hotbars by adding mage light to the front for more heal crits and swapped Pariah for Ancient Dragonguard, not as tanky as before but way better heal output.
When you say “way better heal output”, @Gravord, how do you quantify that?
Since Thurvokun and Ancient Dragonguard don’t have any Max Magicka bonuses, I think you might be surprised how much you’re actually healing with only a 23k magicka pool.
Blood sacrifice buffed by resto heavy attack in bg changed from 6.5k best crits to 9k crits. Almost 50% big heal increase due to Ancient Dragonguard spell power bonuses. In exchange for 5-15% dmg reduction depending on my health status.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »Since that vid ive tweaked a bit hotbars by adding mage light to the front for more heal crits and swapped Pariah for Ancient Dragonguard, not as tanky as before but way better heal output.
When you say “way better heal output”, @Gravord, how do you quantify that?
Since Thurvokun and Ancient Dragonguard don’t have any Max Magicka bonuses, I think you might be surprised how much you’re actually healing with only a 23k magicka pool.
Blood sacrifice buffed by resto heavy attack in bg changed from 6.5k best crits to 9k crits. Almost 50% big heal increase due to Ancient Dragonguard spell power bonuses. In exchange for 5-15% dmg reduction depending on my health status.
I’ve never gone that tanky, but in general healing done modifiers are the best way to go, along with crit in CP.
I’d say for healing... in CP at least, it goes Healing done > crit > Spell power > magicka. Though in group play you’d be surprised how much a big mag pool helps sustain.
I was messing around with my MagWarden in a dps spec, and with Necro and BTB I was able to have really good group support with cleanse.
Another interesting thing I figured out, with enough healing done modifiers it’s possible for nirnhoned to pull ahead of powered on your weapons for healing power. It's one of those things where as you stack a ton of healing done modifiers (minor mending, major mending HA resto, keep bonus, etc...) spell power gets stronger since healing done is a multiple of your base healing amount.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »Since that vid ive tweaked a bit hotbars by adding mage light to the front for more heal crits and swapped Pariah for Ancient Dragonguard, not as tanky as before but way better heal output.
When you say “way better heal output”, @Gravord, how do you quantify that?
Since Thurvokun and Ancient Dragonguard don’t have any Max Magicka bonuses, I think you might be surprised how much you’re actually healing with only a 23k magicka pool.
Blood sacrifice buffed by resto heavy attack in bg changed from 6.5k best crits to 9k crits. Almost 50% big heal increase due to Ancient Dragonguard spell power bonuses. In exchange for 5-15% dmg reduction depending on my health status.
I’ve never gone that tanky, but in general healing done modifiers are the best way to go, along with crit in CP.
I’d say for healing... in CP at least, it goes Healing done > crit > Spell power > magicka. Though in group play you’d be surprised how much a big mag pool helps sustain.
I was messing around with my MagWarden in a dps spec, and with Necro and BTB I was able to have really good group support with cleanse.
Another interesting thing I figured out, with enough healing done modifiers it’s possible for nirnhoned to pull ahead of powered on your weapons for healing power. It's one of those things where as you stack a ton of healing done modifiers (minor mending, major mending HA resto, keep bonus, etc...) spell power gets stronger since healing done is a multiple of your base healing amount.
I play mainly bgs and non cp cyro/ic to have it consistent.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »Since that vid ive tweaked a bit hotbars by adding mage light to the front for more heal crits and swapped Pariah for Ancient Dragonguard, not as tanky as before but way better heal output.
When you say “way better heal output”, @Gravord, how do you quantify that?
Since Thurvokun and Ancient Dragonguard don’t have any Max Magicka bonuses, I think you might be surprised how much you’re actually healing with only a 23k magicka pool.
Blood sacrifice buffed by resto heavy attack in bg changed from 6.5k best crits to 9k crits. Almost 50% big heal increase due to Ancient Dragonguard spell power bonuses. In exchange for 5-15% dmg reduction depending on my health status.
I’ve never gone that tanky, but in general healing done modifiers are the best way to go, along with crit in CP.
I’d say for healing... in CP at least, it goes Healing done > crit > Spell power > magicka. Though in group play you’d be surprised how much a big mag pool helps sustain.
I was messing around with my MagWarden in a dps spec, and with Necro and BTB I was able to have really good group support with cleanse.
Another interesting thing I figured out, with enough healing done modifiers it’s possible for nirnhoned to pull ahead of powered on your weapons for healing power. It's one of those things where as you stack a ton of healing done modifiers (minor mending, major mending HA resto, keep bonus, etc...) spell power gets stronger since healing done is a multiple of your base healing amount.
I play mainly bgs and non cp cyro/ic to have it consistent.
Ah okay, if you ever get bored I’d try out CP pvp Cyro. It plays a lot differently and you can give up some tankiness for healing power.
I’ve also found your average healer is terrible and puts zero thought into their spec. It makes it fun to theorycraft and min-max the crap out of it because a good healer makes more of a difference, except there’s no ‘score’ at the end so it promotes lazy specs and carries.
Blood sacrifice buffed by resto heavy attack in bg changed from 6.5k best crits to 9k crits. Almost 50% big heal increase due to Ancient Dragonguard spell power bonuses. In exchange for 5-15% dmg reduction depending on my health status.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »Blood sacrifice buffed by resto heavy attack in bg changed from 6.5k best crits to 9k crits. Almost 50% big heal increase due to Ancient Dragonguard spell power bonuses. In exchange for 5-15% dmg reduction depending on my health status.
Are you buffing your crit chance at all to hit those values on a consistent basis?
As your gear set bonuses don’t have any crit chance modifiers either ...
Taleof2Cities wrote: »Blood sacrifice buffed by resto heavy attack in bg changed from 6.5k best crits to 9k crits. Almost 50% big heal increase due to Ancient Dragonguard spell power bonuses. In exchange for 5-15% dmg reduction depending on my health status.
Are you buffing your crit chance at all to hit those values on a consistent basis?
As your gear set bonuses don’t have any crit chance modifiers either ...
Well screwing it up is a matter of perspective. In almost every pvp game I’ve played one of the chief complaints was always ‘Whine... I need a healer to be competitive’. It was true, even though it was whiney, because of the trinity MMOs are based on. You need a tank, healer and dps.
WoW broke this mold and became really solo friendly which made it a smash hit. ESO pvp is basicly trying to do the same thing with pvp. Everyone’s a healer, tank and dps at the same time. Some classes can do some of those things better than others, but the builds that sacrifice too much to specialize in one facet of that suffer.
In starter BGs full healers work okay, cyrodiil larger groups they work well. However as you do more BGs and your MMR rank goes up I’ve found full healer builds uncompetitive. People can bounce between 20 percent to full health in a couple seconds, adding damage to people’s burst as a healer can make the difference between wiping a ball of 4 and being wiped.
Another way of looking at it is in pvp roles are switched around (traditionally). Damage dealers are straight forward, healers are the tanks, and the tanks specialize in cc and debuffs. It’s how it works out in pvp against competent players.
"However as you do more BGs and your MMR rank goes up I’ve found full healer builds uncompetitive."
Yep, I mostly play in BGs and I've progressively watch my healer get cremated more by not just higher MMR players, but the premade groups which ZOS just cannot stop from streamrolling pugs in BGs.
I think if you're a pure DPS, you can pretty much have a decent time at any MMR if you're a solo player, but those higher MMR brackets are just brutal for the specialist roles.
Maybe tank has a better time of it, but my experience as a healer just has me hating PvP in ESO. It's really not fun at all for a number of reasons and to be frank and honest, I've basically given up on it now and just get in - do the dailies - get out.
If I want to PvP, I'll switch to a DPS toon and actually enjoy the experience I think.
I'll leave the healer out for PvE and save my sanity.
I think if I was in a PvP guild and could roll with guildie pre-mades in group chat being heals would be awesome fun.
But if you're stuck solo and have to PUG your way through, it's just bad all round and not fun.