So what? This is an MMO and it should encourage people to do more stuff together instead of making everything doable soloThe main problem with the original Craglorn is that it was basically forced group content to be able to do any of the quests, dungeons, and other content in the zone. And to top it off, you have to always basically be at the same point in the quest with all four players. If one person dropped out, you couldn’t just pick up a pug or substitute because they could be out of sync with the questline. So if you didn’t have a dedicated group of 4 people to meet up at a regular schedule then it made it very frustrating.
And no, I don’t see it ever happening again. At one time ZOS was planning on making Murkmire another adventure zone and that got scrapped.
Snowstrider wrote: »So what? This is an MMO and it should encourage people to do more stuff together instead of making everything doable soloThe main problem with the original Craglorn is that it was basically forced group content to be able to do any of the quests, dungeons, and other content in the zone. And to top it off, you have to always basically be at the same point in the quest with all four players. If one person dropped out, you couldn’t just pick up a pug or substitute because they could be out of sync with the questline. So if you didn’t have a dedicated group of 4 people to meet up at a regular schedule then it made it very frustrating.
And no, I don’t see it ever happening again. At one time ZOS was planning on making Murkmire another adventure zone and that got scrapped.It is one thing i dislike about modern MMOs and praise about old ones like classic WOW how it Kinda forces you to group up and be social which gives it a more community like feel
It seems to me a lot of this community yearns for legitimately challenging pve zones. And craglorn on release definitely scratched that itch. Why was it scrapped? Any possibility itll happen again?
Wifeaggro13 wrote: »It seems to me a lot of this community yearns for legitimately challenging pve zones. And craglorn on release definitely scratched that itch. Why was it scrapped? Any possibility itll happen again?
Zos parted ways with the men who knew how to make MMOs. Truthfully I dont think they could keep up with the content schedule. Its gar cheaper and easier to design content around 1 unskilled player then 4 people
[It's really simple when you think about how players are ignoring the challenging content that's available to them now, for whatever reason.
If they make some kind of incentive for group overland content, I think they would see the community react more positively to the idea. Right now, there are too many extremely vocal people who prefer the solo questing content to group content and there is no additional incentive to other PvE players to stop doing the dungeon/trial/arena group content that they are doing to do overland group quests.
Yes, that is the problem either the reward is good and people will farm it hard.Dusk_Coven wrote: »Better they focus on trials. They can control the number of people and give out good rewards.
Any overland that has a good farming location will just get swarmed and become as easy as Alik'r dolmens. Any overland that doesn't have a good farm will be ignored after quests are done.
This is interesting to me.
I'm a boring old solo PVE player who wants to toddle about the world enjoying the story but with the occasional challenge, but I do get the appeal of inhabiting a perilous mmo world. I also play (horrors) another Very Big and Popular MMO which recently implemented a toggle-button-thingie allowing players to opt into a PvP version of the whole world, with an xp reward baked into that choice. I chose not to join in but am jolly happy for those people who want it.
But I'm also not a developer/coder/I-believe-my-computer-is-powered-by-actual-magic, so I don't know how difficult it is to implement those kinds of buttons.
Would it be possible to implement a 'vet version' of the world with a toggle? Would ESO players like open world PvP?
I'm all for more ways to please the most types of players.
I have another thread up here about a zone for that exact same purpose and that sounds sweet as heck and bell
If Craglorn had been released with mostly Solo content even on the scale of harder public dungeons with a solo main quest, it would have done much better.
But, during the first year, they thought the players wanted more group content. What the players wanted, and still want, is more content, with some of it groupable but optional to the main story.
Game needs a vet dwelves/Pdgs/ Overland system. They could also make wb harder and more massive for them.
You should be enable to switch btwen normal/vet instances. If dont like it, just dont go there and stay on your basic instance picking up flowers.
Also, Craglorn was mess due to its *** quest system. The concept of it is not bad at all, it was just bad implemented.
The quest should have been like mini events and the place more crowded with mobs.
The game need a kind of " reason" for ppl go to new areas, its not fun at all to one shot mobs experiencing new content.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »I feel like the solution would be simple. Dont make ovefland 'group' content, tune it to be challenging for solo play.
There has been some mention in the forums of a “difficulty slider” in the settings. Where players could ramp up overland and delve difficulty (on demand) with maybe a guaranteed purple reward.
At the end of the day, however, this is an MMO ... and not a solo RPG.
A lot of forum-goers forget that when they post their clutter threads on increasing overland/dungeon difficulty.
And to reiterate ... the vast majority of players want more difficult content without finishing the difficult content already in the game.
Michaelkeir wrote: »
PS4 NA here as well and the zone is very populated. Mostly with people asking to be power leveled or taken into SkyReach or people looking for pug trial runs. Mostly tons of people stand around in town showing off their trial skins and personalities and colorful mounts.
I have another thread up here about a zone for that exact same purpose and that sounds sweet as heck and bell
But why limit it to one new zone? Why not a toggle for the whole shebang? More fun, yes?
I concur and that's what I mean, standing around towns showing off skins or looking for carries or pug trials is not the same as being out in the world as a soloist doing the challenging content like the delves or the world bosses.
The game need a kind of " reason" for ppl go to new areas, its not fun at all to one shot mobs experiencing new content.
Dusk_Coven wrote: »The game need a kind of " reason" for ppl go to new areas, its not fun at all to one shot mobs experiencing new content.
And it looks like what they are trying is locking content behind dailies -- like chance of motif drop from daily, chance of runebox piece from daily, minimum number of quests to unlock a feature in the HQ. And then there's making you go there to pick up daily loot (is that tedious-lame or innovative?).
Might be too soon to tell since that last Elsweyr DLC was just released. Maybe in a year we'll see if it's deserted and people don't even care to pick up their loot. Or if it's still going strong and people keep passing through.
I feel like the solution would be simple. Dont make ovefland 'group' content, tune it to be challenging for solo play.
I donh know, ive just been wishing/hoping for content that was as challenging and as involved as craglorn was my first time through. It was soloable by then but still sufficiently difficult to actually demand attention.
As long as ir's optional I don't see an issue with iit. Though aside from a few vocal individuals, I doubt it would see much use or Craglorn wouldn't have failed to draw people in.
BisDasBlutGefriert wrote: »(off topic slightly)
I can't remember if murkmire was before, or after one tamriel. Was it announced as an adventure zone before release,before one tamriel. Then came out as a regular zone on release post one tamriel? I'm curious on reasoning behind switching murkmire to regular zone, like the OPs question of whatever happened to adventure zones.