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ZOS stop with these pointless changes

zos keeps changing skills or sets for seemingly no reason.
ill give a few examples.

onslaught in scale was buffed from good to broken op
they have changed off balance to have a huge cooldown on 5.3.0 pts
templar javelin ignoring resists like why??
and templar bubble going form meh to broken opopopop in scale
infact noone asked for most of the scale changes.

zos regualarly changes the game for the sake of change.
if its not broke dont fix it.

also, i feel that the dev team has no idea what they need to do.
its like theyre wildly grabbing at any change.
we all know dots need a buff. and zos didnt do ***.
and zos still has kept ult cast times.

imo this combat team is useless. they have no idea what theyre doing and i doubt they play the game at all outside of the occasional questing

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