Dealing damage with a Light Attack puts a Bone stack on your enemy for 5 seconds. You can only apply 1 stack every 1 second. At 5 stacks, an undodgeable skeletal hand attacks your enemy after 1 seconds, knocking them into the air and stunning them for 3 seconds, or dealing 14500 Magic Damage if they cannot be stunned. An enemy that has reached 5 stacks cannot gain Bone stacks for 3 seconds.
Just throwing this out there, but shouldn’t it still do damage even if it can stun a foe, because as far as I can see, unless your foe can’t be stunned in any way, it is pretty much not as good compared to other sets like Valkyn Skoria or Nerien’eth.
If it were to do Half damage on a stunnable target, then I would consider it, as well as removing the 1 second cooldown or at least tone it down to 0.5 seconds and slightly increase the cooldown to compensate, like so:
- Dealing damage to with a light attack puts a bone stack on your enemy for 5 seconds, you can only apply 1 stack every 0.5 seconds. At 5 stacks, an Undodgeable Skeletal “Fist” attacks your enemy after 1 second, dealing 7250 Magic damage to them, knocking them into the air and stunning them for 3 seconds, the Magic damage is doubled if they cannot be stunned. An enemy that has reached 5 stacks cannot gain bone stacks for 5 seconds.
This would be more noteworthy in a way.
If you see me anywhere. Know that I am sitting back with a bag of popcorn, watching as ESO burns the goodwill of its player base with practices that only disrespects the players time like it did to me and many others...
If a game does not respect your time, best thing to do is move on from it and find something else.