PC/EU: Extensive Loading Screens

I know that loading screens take varying amount of times, but I am having 3-5 minute long zone changes right now on PC/EU.

Not sure if it is due to everyone logging in at once, or if something else is not working correctly.
  • Unseelie
    I am not saying that this is any reason at all, but one thing that I have noticed in the past few days is that the moment i added certain add-ons my loading times have increased by quite a bit. When I delete them it goes back to normal. I am trying to find the right mix of add-ons to limit it.
  • Aznarb
    I just don't understand how the hell they can *** up more than 50% of their update/maintenance...
    It's just beyond me.
    Never see that in any other mmorpg..

    Edit for Unseelie : I've less than 8 add-on...
    Edited by Aznarb on January 20, 2020 7:59PM
    [ PC EU ]

    [ Khuram-dar ]
    [ Khajiit ]
    [ Templar - Healer ]
    [Crazy Gatherer & Compulsive Thief]

  • Zypheran
    All I'm getting is an infinite load screen on log-in
    Edited by Zypheran on January 20, 2020 7:40PM
    All my housing builds are available on YouTube
    I am happy to share the EHT save files for most of my builds.
  • Sergykid
    after any and every maintenance, or a new patch, the loading screen will be longer, it's a common thing. Next time you open the game it won't be as long as the first opening after a maintenance
    -PC EU- / battlegrounds on my youtube
  • Katheriah
  • TragedyOA
    Account already logged in
  • snoozy
    Unseelie wrote: »
    I am not saying that this is any reason at all, but one thing that I have noticed in the past few days is that the moment i added certain add-ons my loading times have increased by quite a bit. When I delete them it goes back to normal. I am trying to find the right mix of add-ons to limit it.

    (X) Doubt this is it rn, most certainly just the entire eu playerbase logging on at the same time...

    but i have noticed the same with addons.
    PC EU
  • gatekeeper13
    Aznarb wrote: »
    I just don't understand how the hell they can *** up more than 50% of their update/maintenance...
    It's just beyond me.
    Never see that in any other mmorpg..

    Because the game was very badly coded from the start. Now, they are just trying to patch a broken game. Bad coding is what makes so many unexpected issues arise.
  • Hamish999
    Incoming ...

    Edited by Hamish999 on January 20, 2020 7:44PM
    Do'Zahra - Khajiit - StamDK - AD
    Narese Telvanni - Dunmer - Petsorc - EP
    Anastasie Chastain - Breton - Magplar - DC
    Gashnakh the Lusty - Orc - Stamsorc - AD
    Stands-In-Stoopid - Argonian - Warden Tank - AD
    Talia al-Morwha - Redguard - Stamden - AD
    Makes-Fier-Wrong - Argonian - Stamblade - AD
    Busty-Argonian-Maid - Argonian - Templar Healer - AD
    Alaru Telvanni - Dunmer - Stamplar - AD
    Ko'Raehsi - Khajiit - Magsorc - AD
    Torhild Rock-Chucker - Nord - StamDK - AD
    Drusilla Larouche - Breton - MagDK - AD
    Ko'Khanni - Khajiit - Magden - AD
    Ilithyia Ectorius - Imperial - DK Tank -AD
    Rosara Laumont - Breton - Warden Healer - AD
    Do'Darri - Khajiit - Stam Arcanist - AD

    Keyboard and mouse FTW!
  • joerginger
    First there was the claim that there was no internet connection, now loading a character takes several minutes. In addition, accessing the guild store at the bank is impossible. Accessingt the guild bank works, though
  • Pitka
    yup the same here, at least 5 min loading screens
  • Kolzki
    Not only changing zone. I've spent the last 5 minutes stuck in a random loading screen that popped up while doing crafting dailies.
  • Jessy1981
    Loadscreen awefull!
    Grouping awefull!
    Logging for many awefull!
    So please what did you break this time? And why?!?😭
  • Cirantille
    Same, still loading
  • JR_Returns
    Endless loading screens!!
    Massive guild trader lag. Been doing a search now for 10 mins with no results in sight.

    This doesn't bode well for the big update that's just around the corner.
    Edited by JR_Returns on January 20, 2020 7:48PM
  • snoozy
    guild traders are fun rn lmao :#
    PC EU
  • L_Nici
    Well, you can't create manual groups on EU now (Which was fixed on NA this maintenance), and you can't port to any location.
  • FakeFox
    Toss a coin to your loadscreen, oh ohooo... ;)
    EU/PC (GER) - Healermain since 2014 - 50305 Achievement Points - Youtube (PvE Healing Guides, Builds & Gameplay)
  • ZOS_Bill
    An issue over the weekend led to some players experiencing loading and login issues. These issues should now be resolved after the recent maintenance. We are closing this discussion since there are already multiple threads about this issue. You can use the thread below for continued discussion.

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