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Elder Scroll Movies!

  • Edziu
    Yes, we want movies! we see in how good quality they are making these shor movies to game...all we see they are great at it and so much much better than doing mmo game :v

    they coudl just screw game at which they dont rule, dont understand how to do and just go for making these high quality movies with good story xD
  • Jaimeh
    Yes, we want movies!
    Animated Breton hero film please!
  • TechnoDreamVision
    Yes, we want movies!
    maybe a TV series with an awesome catchy song
  • Kiralyn2000
    No, no movies!
    Really don't need another CG-expensive box office bomb, like 95% of the previous videogame movies. Just because you're really hot on TES lore, doesn't mean that it would actually make a good mass-market movie.
  • idk
    Other (because)
    A movie for the sake of a movie is a bad idea.

    First off, just look at WoW and their movie. It pretty much sucked in very way possible. Final Fantasy movies is a better example. Only one had widespread showing in cinemas with most doing directly to DvD/Blue Ray.

    The only major game franchise to have successful movies started as movies, Star Wars. While there have been some successful Star Wars games most have been flops.

    History is does not favor the chances of a worthy TES movie.
  • Nerouyn
    Other (because)
    How long is a piece of string?

    Was I impressed by Netflix's The Witcher? Yes.

    Did it motivate me to finally buy the games and start playing them? Yes.

    Would I consider playing a Witcher MMO if they made it? Sure.

    Elder Scrolls is a different matter. And inherently problematic.

    Would it be based on the more successful single-player games with which everyone would identify, or on the MMO in an attempt to lure people into playing it? With it's accursed classes, "stamina morphs", hideous Telvanni towers etc

    Would it even be good? That WOW movie wasn't great. Entertainment can go so wrong.
  • haelene
    No, no movies!
    amapola76 wrote: »
    haelene wrote: »
    I'm voting this way not because I think that the movies would be inherently bad or that I wouldn't enjoy them - but because gamers as a community have this culture that any non-video game adaptation of a video game is always a travesty. Not that it's entirely their fault (we've had some doozies - Resident Evil I'm looking at you), but even if a movie is decent, there's this undercurrent that you are supposed to hate it. So I find that there's always a cloud of grumpiness that surrounds any video game project and frankly, I think we're better off as a community without that. We have enough to be grumpy about.

    I voted "Other" for similar reasons. I do get your broader point, but I also think that now that Witcher has been a pretty rousing success, it might open up some possibilities for how a show based on a game can actually succeed. (Perhaps in part by taking the streaming series approach rather than making a movie.)

    That being said, yes, some people are always going to be negative no matter what, but I don't know if their negativity is a sufficient reason to deny other people something that could be entertaining.

    The Witcher is not based on the game, it's based on the books (which the games are also based off of), so that's a different scenario because the culture surrounding the original material is entirely different.

    I'm not denying anyone anything either! It's not like my opinion alone decides anything, and I certainly wouldn't go out of my way to protest a film. The OP just asked for an opinion and I gave mine is all.
  • Nerouyn
    Other (because)
    haelene wrote: »
    The Witcher is not based on the game, it's based on the books (which the games are also based off of), so that's a different scenario because the culture surrounding the original material is entirely different.

    Splitting hairs.

    Yes, the books came first. But the books weren't very well known outside of Poland. That was one of the key disputes between the author and the game developers. The IPs huge western audience - courtesy of the games - didn't know his name. Some may have been vaguely aware that it was based on books, but the property is largely associated with CDProjekt rather than.... whatever his name is.

    If not for the games I doubt this series would have been made. The previous attempt to televise was super low budget and is widely regarded as dreadful.

  • StormeReigns
    Other (because)
    Series. Elder Scrolls has way to much going on to be crammed into a movie or a collection.

    Series allows for more creative freedom and exposition without it being dragged on or to short.
  • TheImperfect
    Yes, we want movies!
    I would prefer a TV series but a movie or two would be great too.
  • siddique
    Yes, we want movies!
    I voted movies but I meant other. Series would be a better option. If done well, it would most definitely be an extremely entertaining show. All the decades of lore is already there, technology can bring about Daedric Princes in all of their glory on the screen. I would totally get hooked to it.
    Edited by siddique on January 19, 2020 2:43AM
    "Knee-jerk reactionist."
    Lost Depths, 2015-2022.
  • haelene
    No, no movies!
    Nerouyn wrote: »
    haelene wrote: »
    The Witcher is not based on the game, it's based on the books (which the games are also based off of), so that's a different scenario because the culture surrounding the original material is entirely different.

    Splitting hairs.

    Yes, the books came first. But the books weren't very well known outside of Poland. That was one of the key disputes between the author and the game developers. The IPs huge western audience - courtesy of the games - didn't know his name. Some may have been vaguely aware that it was based on books, but the property is largely associated with CDProjekt rather than.... whatever his name is.

    If not for the games I doubt this series would have been made. The previous attempt to televise was super low budget and is widely regarded as dreadful.

    Not really, considering my point was about the makeup of the core fanbase of the original works. Also, while the Witcher books were pretty well known throughout the book reading community even before CDPR got their hands on it, even outside of Poland. Not a household name, sure, but it's not like the books are a brand new thing that didn't already go through the adaptation process with a sturdy fanbase before they had a gaming one.

    My point is about fanbase culture so yeah, there's a huge difference between the two.

    (Also the fact that the average household didn't know Andrzej's name is moot. The average househould's name recognition with authors is a very very very small selection of what's out there. Doesn't mean those authors don't have very dedicated fanbases with culture's all their own.)
    Edited by haelene on January 19, 2020 3:25AM
  • ArcVelarian
    Yes, we want movies!
    It would be significantly cheaper to Animate it as opposed to CGI or Live Action.
    Murphy's Law of PvP : If it can be abused and or exploited, it will be abused and or exploited.
  • Langdon64
    No, no movies!
    No movies. I waited ten years for WoW to make one, and it sucked. So no. Once Hollywood gets involved it's no longer about the game. It's about the actors with the biggest box office draw, and bad music by whatever pop star is currently popular. So, no.
  • amapola76
    Other (because)
    haelene wrote: »
    The Witcher is not based on the game, it's based on the books (which the games are also based off of), so that's a different scenario because the culture surrounding the original material is entirely different..

    Yes, I am aware.

    That being said, as someone who has neither read the books nor played the game, but very much enjoyed the series, I don't think being based on the books rather than the game is the only, or even main, reason that this series was successful where other shows have failed.

    I would argue that most importantly, the writing and the acting were-- well, perhaps not Oscar-worthy, but still notably better than they usually are in movies based on games. Also, as other reviews have noted, the series didn't take itself too seriously; when it was cheesy, and it sometimes was, it had fun with its own cheesiness. I think they were also disciplined in their use of flashbacks, and in pacing the main storyline while also having "monster of the week" subsidiary stories, and ultimately pulling all those threads together in a satisfying way.

    Let's also admit that not a single person in the main cast was hard on the eyes.

    To bring it back to ESO, I think it would be a big gamble, but if the casting was good, and if they picked the right storyline-- i.e., probably something alluded to in lore but not directly representing anything in the single player games or ESO, and if they budgeted for actual decent writers, so the dialogue isn't painful and stilted, then a streaming series could actually be pretty entertaining. I don't necessarily see anyone taking that risk, but who knows?
    Edited by amapola76 on January 19, 2020 5:33AM
  • idk
    Other (because)
    Nerouyn wrote: »
    How long is a piece of string?

    Was I impressed by Netflix's The Witcher? Yes.

    Did it motivate me to finally buy the games and start playing them? Yes.

    Would I consider playing a Witcher MMO if they made it? Sure.

    Elder Scrolls is a different matter. And inherently problematic.

    Would it be based on the more successful single-player games with which everyone would identify, or on the MMO in an attempt to lure people into playing it? With it's accursed classes, "stamina morphs", hideous Telvanni towers etc

    Would it even be good? That WOW movie wasn't great. Entertainment can go so wrong.

    True, a show/movie based on TES would be more problematic. Witcher is based on books. The core of the story is already written when it comes from books.
  • Rahar
    No, no movies!
    imagine the CGI price tag if they actually stuck to the lore as written

    that's why they wouldn't
    NeRf MaGsOrC
  • Bradyfjord
    No, no movies!
    Even Lord of the Rings went through a difficult time with adaptations. Some of the animated ones were not great. I think some people understand how to adapt a property and most don't. That's why I am on the 'no' side of this, but open minded were something to be announced.
  • kinguardian
    Yes, we want movies!
    Me and my husband were literally talking about this the other day. They can make fantastic movies of the elder scrolls. As long they have really good actors and someone like Peter Jackson and his team to make it.
    Also they should be a decent length per movie at least between 2 and 3 hours.

    Gosh I would really love it :)
  • MerguezMan
    No, no movies!
    MajBludd wrote: »
    Only if it's as good as the WoW movie


    You mean a movie with no proper ending ? Like "it's not the end, but only the beginning" ?
    A movie rated 1.5 / 5 on average ?

    Do you realize how well accepted would be TES lore once sent to a movie ?

    The scenario would have to deal with slavery, xenophobia, religions, homosexuality, necromancy, war, emprire oppression...
    A single of those topics can ruin an in-production movie, but all together ? good luck.
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