Elder Scroll Movies!

Would be nice if ZOS make or let others make movies, series, animated series etc based on the Elder scroll universe no?

Elder Scroll Movies! 159 votes

Yes, we want movies!
CasterialArgonianAssassinvailjohn_ESOdaryl.rasmusenb14_ESODysturbedthedoc1381b14_ESOtspecherb14_ESOxMovingTargetJD2013killingspreeb16_ESOTanis-StormbinderDarkhorse1975GravordHidesFromSuntplink3r1QUEZ420Recon4thCavEdziupieratsosKnightpanther 85 votes
No, no movies!
JdrayNemesis7884Master_Fluffdennissomb16_ESOanitajoneb17_ESOkari-pekka.hamalaineneb17_ESOMalthorneOmniDoleeuxEdaphonHuyenactoshandreasvWolfchild07GoregrinderWldKardeLucyferLightbringerParasaurolophusLarianaTai-Chi 60 votes
Other (because)
AcrolasMitrengaidkNerouynAkrasjelRebornV3xShadow_AkulaTyharMrGarlicWildRaptorXYsbrielStormeReignsjohnjetauamapola76 14 votes
  • Maxx7410
    Yes, we want movies!
    yeees movies is wining!
  • haelene
    No, no movies!
    I'm voting this way not because I think that the movies would be inherently bad or that I wouldn't enjoy them - but because gamers as a community have this culture that any non-video game adaptation of a video game is always a travesty. Not that it's entirely their fault (we've had some doozies - Resident Evil I'm looking at you), but even if a movie is decent, there's this undercurrent that you are supposed to hate it. So I find that there's always a cloud of grumpiness that surrounds any video game project and frankly, I think we're better off as a community without that. We have enough to be grumpy about.
  • Aznarb
    Yes, we want movies!
    the CGI are always awesome, they can make a movie if they've enough money for it (let be real, it cost a lot for a movie).
    Hope one day we got a great story in movie :)
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  • ThePhantomThorn
    Yes, we want movies!
    If they were good...
  • Maxx7410
    Yes, we want movies!
    Yes the CGI team is very good but if that is too expensive there are other forms.

    maybe start with a movie?
  • Megatto
    Yes, we want movies!
    Movies or TV show
    Remove loot boxes or riot
  • leeux
    No, no movies!
    No movies, I don't think the format would be appropriate for the kind of story TES lore can achieve, I'd prefer if it was a series or miniseries... you can go to more deep stuff like that.

    Else a movie would be like all the action oriented, heavily CGIed crap it's being produced lately.
    PC/NA - Proud old member of the Antique Ordinatus Populus

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    ~~ "Slash the silver chain that binds thee to life"
    ~~ Our cries will shrill, the air will moan and crash into the dawn. >>
    ~~ The sands of time were eroded by the river of constant change >>
  • bmnoble
    No, no movies!
    We would most likely get 1 movie that ends on a cliffhanger, that never gets a sequel.

    Would rather they spend the money on making a game.
  • amapola76
    Other (because)
    haelene wrote: »
    I'm voting this way not because I think that the movies would be inherently bad or that I wouldn't enjoy them - but because gamers as a community have this culture that any non-video game adaptation of a video game is always a travesty. Not that it's entirely their fault (we've had some doozies - Resident Evil I'm looking at you), but even if a movie is decent, there's this undercurrent that you are supposed to hate it. So I find that there's always a cloud of grumpiness that surrounds any video game project and frankly, I think we're better off as a community without that. We have enough to be grumpy about.

    I voted "Other" for similar reasons. I do get your broader point, but I also think that now that Witcher has been a pretty rousing success, it might open up some possibilities for how a show based on a game can actually succeed. (Perhaps in part by taking the streaming series approach rather than making a movie.)

    That being said, yes, some people are always going to be negative no matter what, but I don't know if their negativity is a sufficient reason to deny other people something that could be entertaining.
  • ThePhantomThorn
    Yes, we want movies!
    I think it would work better as a series like the witcher. But it would have to be made correctly.
    I think a show about some known lore would work.
  • max_only
    I’d prefer a series.

    The only video game movie I really liked was Silent Hill.

    Also, the nature of TES games means that whoever they pick as the protagonist will make someone mad/offended because the player character is very personal to each individual.

    The only story they could tell would be the story of the Tribunal because it has a proper narrative structure and stars recognizable characters.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
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    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • ArgonianAssassin
    Yes, we want movies!
    I wanna change my answer. I'd actually like to see an adult animated series that takes place during the time of the Battle of Red Mountain, climaxing with the Death of Indoril Nerevar & the disappearance of the Dwemer.
    "It is okay to fear the night, even the bravest warriors are filled with fright, at the sight of the might of Sithis' fang, let the blood be washed away by the rain, let the stains forever remain, another life taken in Sithis' name, another soul for the void. All hail our Dread Father and his consort, the Night Mother." -Stalks-His-Prey
  • kargen27
    For a very long time I wanted DragonLance Chronicles to come out in movies. Then the $^#% (!*&^ %^#! that got the rights to do the movies put out the most horrendous load of crap I've ever had the misfortune of viewing. Even worse than the movie Squirm and that was a movie about killer worms that looked like it was filmed in some guys backyard with his neighbors as the stars. Because of the DragonLance movie I no longer fear hell.
    As much as I would like to see Elder Scrolls movies I'm not sure I can take another kick to the groin that came with the DragonLance movie. So put me down as maybe.
    Edited by kargen27 on January 18, 2020 2:14AM
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • ThePhantomThorn
    Yes, we want movies!
    Acrolas wrote: »

    You know If Peter Jackson directed it would be legendary.

    Also time period wise they shouldn’t do a movie version of the games. It should be set around major events.
    One that someone already suggested is the war between the chimer and the dwemer.
    Some other good periods would be:
    The early Skyrim with the night of tears.
    The dragon war (I’d like that)
    Rise of the septim empire
    The Great War
    Alessian rebellion.

    All of the events in these time periods are vague. So making a tv series would be pretty easy.
  • ApostateHobo
    Yes, we want movies!
    An animated movie or series would be great. Every time I watch one of the trailers I always think a movie or show in that style would be interesting, and there's plenty of canon events they could make it about.
  • Saucy_Jack
    I already made some. <3
    ALL HAIL SNUGGLORR THE MAGNIFICENT, KING OF THE RNG AND NIRN'S ONE TRUE GOD! Also, become a Scrub-scriber! SJ Scrubs: Playing games badly to make you feel better about yourself.
  • Michae
    No, no movies!
    Nah, unless moviemakers start taking films based on games seriously we're not going to get anything good. And in case of TES there's much to muck up, even games have trouble keeping up with the lore.
    Edited by Michae on January 18, 2020 7:14AM
    "I bear the cruel weight of certainty. Total, absolute, relentless certainty. People rarely comprehend the luxury of doubt... the freedom that comes with indecision. I envy you."
    Sotha Sil

    @Michae PC/EU
  • Mitrenga
    Other (because)
    Do you mean, "Year long visual entertainment system"?

    Q1 - Teaser of a short film and the actual short film which is worse than the teaser.
    Q2 - 40% of the movie. You get to wait until the Q3 and Q4 to proceed to the end of the movie.
    Q3 - Teaser like part of the movie.
    Q4 - End of the movie. Hype hype hype <3
  • SydneyGrey
    I'd watch them if any were made, but sometimes it's hard to translate a great game into a movie or tv series. Sometimes it works great, and sometimes it doesn't. It just depends on how good the writers and directors are. Basically, I'd assume it was bad until I saw it and judged it for myself.
  • barney2525
    No, no movies!
    Movies ruin individual concepts.

    Marvel ruined Thor. They took the comic book legend/icon, who I had read for years - Killed Loki, Killed Odin and his wife, Killed Heimdall, Killed the Warriors Three, Destroyed Asgard, Destroyed Mjolnar so now Thor swings an ax. This is no longer the Thor of comic book legend.

    Individuals who make movies make them from their Own perspective. The last thing Elder Scrolls needs is for individuals to ruin the fantasy for many players by portraying iconic Elder Scrolls characters in their own specific viewpoints and attitudes. I think their would be a lot of negative response from long time players.


  • LucyferLightbringer
    No, no movies!
    Game based movies are done well so incredibly rarely....Not worth it i believe.
  • Ysbriel
    Other (because)
    Only if it has an R rating. Tamriel is a savage, bloody place where the verdict is death.
  • MrGarlic
    Other (because)
    It would cost $40 to see it.
    'Sharp Arrows'Mr.Garlic
    Hidden by darkness, a shadow in the night,A sped arrow dissecting the gloom,Finding it's target, such delight.
  • Iccotak
    No, no movies!
    why would I want a movie when a video game would do a better job telling the story?
  • xXMeowMeowXx
    Yes, we want movies!
    Why wouldn’t you want this is the real question
  • Maxx7410
    Yes, we want movies!
    Maybe before movies and series the can make books! i like that even more The Elder Scroll Compendium !!! a fantasy series of books like star wars has!
  • Bradyfjord
    No, no movies!
    99.9% of all video game movies are bad.

    The good video game movies depart from game lore to tell a story. Thus we probably won't even have an elder scrolls movie, rather we would get a fantasy-lite movie instead.
  • MajBludd
    Only if it's as good as the WoW movie
  • WildRaptorX
    Other (because)
    A series instead. Each series can take place in a different province!
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