"Purchased Lessons" is defined for this poll as points for that skill line were bought via crowns. Trading gold for crowns counts because somebody had to spend real money. Buying one or multiple lessons to satisfy the horse trait you wanted improved the most (Speed, Stamina, Capacity). Using in game gold per diem to finish off an odd number (get from 57-60) is acceptable for this category.
Free daily login lessons apply to game gold category, meaning the riding skill was not completed using any Crowns, but cost free in-game methods. No IRL currency was exchanged to improve your riding skill.
Fear is the Mindkiller
Do you buy Crown Riding Lessons? 72 votes
I PvP & PvE, and purchased lessons for 1 skill line or more
I PvE and purchased lessons for 1 skill line or more
I PvP and purchased lessons for 1 skill line or more
I PvE & PvP and used in game gold
I PvE and used in game gold
I PvP and used in game gold